American Hunt Saboteurs Association profile picture

American Hunt Saboteurs Association

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.Visit us online at WWW.HUNTSAB.ORG The American Hunt Saboteurs Association seeks to provide knowledge and generate ideas regarding all aspects of the fight to protect animals and their habitat. Here you will find information about disrupting hunting activities, eliminating death as a recreational activity, saving 'game animals,' and eradicating the perversion known as 'sport' hunting. AHSA is a No-Profit entity and does not seek donations. We do not want your money: we want your participation. If you wish to help, study, get in shape, get equipped, and get involved.

My Interests

Hunt Sab, Veganism, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, direct action, deep ecology, Earth First, The AHSA Collective has begun a major project to become the definitive resource for Anti-hunting tactics of all types and Habitat Protection strategies.

I'd like to meet:

Fellow hunt sabs, fellow Vegans and/or vegetarians, Animal Rights supporters, Animal Liberation activists, clubbed seal hunters, former hunters who have given up death as a hobby.Got a little bit of extra cash laying around, Organizations in our top friends actively fight to end bloodsports and will put the cash to good use.


An information and prisoner support group focused on the governments war an activism
Click to join greenscare A discussion forum for the above list.
Click to join discussGreenScare


If Tom was a Vegan, everyone was pro-animal, Myspace wasn't owned by Rupert Murdoch (AKA Fox News) and the space didn't suck, you'd have


Free speech TV, Link TV.


"Ecodefence: a field guide to monkeywrenching" The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abby Hayduke Lives! by Edward AbbyGetting Even, Spite Malice & revenge, ect. By George Hayduke


Barry Horne, Hunt Sabs, A.L.F. activists, The nameless individuals who put their lives and freedom on the line to save animals from torture and death. Our heroes have F.B.I. Files

My Blog

Liberal activists vs. the Empire

This article is not intended to advocate violence; nor does it advocate pure non-violence.  We just found it amusing and pertinent.  To change Darth Vader's Heart, We must first change ...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:58:00 PST

warrantless searches of the mail. The bill of rights, now in 2 ply

Bush: Mail Subject To Warrantless Searches Jan. 4, 2006 (CBS/AP) President George W. Bush has created more controversy over his domestic intelligence gathering policies with a previously unnoti...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST

AETA and why I see glorious things for the future of Oceania

With the Passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and it's inevitable signing into law, engaging in actions utilized by generations of activists in social justice movements, for the sake of ani...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:24:00 PST

Remember, Remember

never forget november 5th
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 09:44:00 PST

Bye, Bye miss american pie

I would like to share with you a small excerpt of a book I discovered at a used book store this week. "If it is the goal of terrorists to provoke excessive retaliation and police-state activities, the...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:05:00 PST

war and Distractions

Why is there an "animal enterprise terrorism act"? Can it be that the war on 'Terror" is starting to become a re-election nightmare?  Military Fatalities: Iraq Period US UK Other* Total Avg Da...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 07:59:00 PST

In case I disappear (repost)

In Case I Disappear By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Perspective Friday 29 September 2006 I have been told a thousand times at least, in the years I have spent reporting on the astonishing and...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 01:42:00 PST

ACTION ALERT! Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

Note from WAR: We have heard from good sources, that the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, is being "fast-tracked" with the help of the white house and at the urging of the lobbying groups that represe...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:11:00 PST

raving endorsements

Picked these up on 2 of the lists we lurk on, FYI the name and address listed on the bottom of the michigan forum will only lead you to our old web host, and he moved a few years ago :) http://ww...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:37:00 PST

We are truely a organization now, Our first death threat.

After 4 years we have truely become a legit organization. We have recieved numerious hate mails but  Below is a copy of our first death threat recieved at Hunt Sab central. We have resp...
Posted by American Hunt Saboteurs Association on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 09:46:00 PST