Objectives of Earth First!:As Phoenix Earth First!, we defend the lands of the Tonto National Forest which surrounds much of Phoenix to the north and east. We have dedicated ourselves to ensuring that this huge region of the highly biodiverse Sonoran Desert is protected and thrives unhindered by human beings. Certain obstacles have been posed for the Tonto, making wildlife dwindle and the climate change. The time is now to take action in order to pressure the forest service to end the practices that threaten the Tonto, and to ensure that all lands, and especially our focus region, remain wild and free!As members of Arizona Earth First!, we work to protect our state's native species from the greedy clutches of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. We refuse to just sit back and watch them further push our native creatures into endangerment. They have a history of wiping out native wildlife and we will certainly not put anything past them today. When it comes to protecting our native co-inhabitants from the likes of AZ G & F, there will be no compromise!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Any person committed to working with us.
My Blog
Phoenix EF! meetings
We hold meetings bi-weekly every other Wednesday at 7 PM @ the Willow House, located on the SE corner of 3rd ave. @ McDowell. If you wanna know which Wednesday the next meeting lands on, feel fr... Posted by on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 20:38:00 GMT