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Prairie Dog Mob

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


“ The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality. ” - Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860

Moonrise in Lassen

"Religion: It's given people hope in a world torn apart by religion." ~Jon Stewart

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My Interests

Advancing the interests of The Greater Good. Laughter. Compassion. Finding balance. Animal rights rescue rehab sheltering. Environmental and Social Justice. Reversing population growth. Restoring and protecting indigenous cultures. Green politics. Independent media. Sailing hiking camping skiing. Learning.

I'd like to meet:

My missing men, on the next level. Old friends. Mentors in achieving balance. New friends. Hilarious brilliant kind people. Those with mind and heart open enough to consider the real consequences of lifestyle, no matter how entrenched. Vandana Shiva. Rod Coronado. Winona LaDuke. Jon Stewart. Dr. Paul Farmer. Michael Parenti. Carol Burnett. Dennis Kucinich. John McCrea. Jimmy Carter. Bill Moyers. Harry Shearer. Ralph Nader. Christopher Guest. See also: Heroes



CAKE. Jane's Addiction. Paul Simon. Django Reinhardt. Parliament-Funkadelic. Jonathan Richman. Massive Attack. David Byrne. Public Enemy. Emmylou Harris. Michelle Shocked. Roberta Flack. Whiskeytown. Portishead. Neko Case. The Doors. Pretenders. Herb Alpert. Adam and the Ants. Lucinda Williams. Neil Young. Neil Diamond. Billy Bragg. Tom Waits. Grant Lee Buffalo. Old Crow Medicine Show. The Clash. Marvin Gaye. Disposable Heroes of HipHoprisy Spearhead Michael Franti. Cowboy Junkies. kd Lang. Stevie Wonder. CCR. Ben Harper. War. Benny Goodman. The Pogues. John Coltrane. Manu Chao. Soul Coughing. Consolidated. Sarah Vaughan. Glenn Miller Band. A Tribe Called Quest. Pete Townsend. Leonard Cohen. Andras Jones. The Kinks. Maxwell. James Brown. Nick Cave. Beatles. Greg Brown. Boards of Canada. DMB. John Trudell. Soul II Soul. Sade. Bill Withers. Boris and the Saltlicks. Willie Nelson. Lucinda Williams. Jelly Roll Blues Band. Jimmy Buffet. Let's Go Bowling.


All Christopher Guest comedies. Spinal Tap. Life of Brian. Microcosmos. Il Postino. Wallace and Gromit. Frida. Amelie. Gorillas in the Mist. Citizen Ruth. The Girl in the Cafe. Thunderheart. The Life Aquatic. Motorcycle Diaries. Like Water for Chocolate. Steal This Movie. Winged Migration. Vincent and Theo. Earthlings. High-Fidelity. Cry Freedom. Harold and Maude. A Slipping-Down Life. The Rabbit-Proof Fence. Being John Malkovitch. I Shot Andy Warhol. Groundhog Day. Hedwig and the Ingry Inch. Life is Beautiful. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The Weather Underground, Incident at Oglala, Roger and Me, An Unreasonable Man, Some Kind of Monster.... documentaries in general


The Daily Show, NOW, NOVA, Arrested Development


everything by Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, Walt Whitman
Isabel Allende, Winona LaDuke, Peter Singer, David Sedaris, Edward Abbey, Al Franken, Alice Walker, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, Jeremy Rifkin, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Zora Neale Hurston, Tom Robbins, Charles Bukowski, Marilyn French, Carlos Castaneda, Molly Ivans, Hunter S. Thompson

John Perkins' "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos' "Our Word is our Weapon",
Marilyn French's "The Women's Room", Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States", Peter Matthiessen's "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse", James Welch's "Fools Crow", Manly P. Hall's "Secret Teachings of All Ages"...this list is almost endless...


Every last rescued animal I've ever known. All those who work fearlessly to end suffering and increase compassion, especially my friends and comrades - Susie C, Colleen P-G, Tyler W, Kim S, Holly M, Samantha R, Gene B, Nicole M and Jonathan R, Lori L, Banka S, Nettle S, Nancy P, Elise S, Natalie B, Randy L and many more. Mahatma Gandhi. Rod Coronado. Henry David Thoreau. The Zapatistas.
Sue Coe. Dianne Fossey. Vandana Shiva. Cesar Chavez. Judi Bari. Helen Caldicott. Eleanor Roosevelt. Georgia O'Keeffe. Medea Benjamin. Mark Twain. Steve Biko. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Margaret Mead. John Muir. Louis Leakey. Noam Chomsky. Jacques Cousteau. My Mom and Dad!

My Blog

Sean Penn Hell Yeah!

This is awesome:
Posted by Prairie Dog Mob on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:01:00 PST