Oh April profile picture

Oh April

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Californians: Take action!

You have the opportunity to make a tremendous difference in the lives of farm animals and get a measure on the November '08 ballot that would outlaw the use of cruel cages on farm animals like egg-laying hens, veal calves, and breeding pigs. Learn more here: www.humanecalifornia.org
About Me:
I hear I'm pretty wonderful, but that could be just a rumor.
I'm a native New Yorker trying to adjust to life in Berkeley, CA. What brings me here? Like everyone else, I do love me some hippies but there's another reason. My husband attended Haas, UC Berkeley to get his MBA and I tagged along for the ride along with our super mutt-tastic dog Frankie. Don't worry, he uses his powers for good...although he does possess the power to kiss you to death.
My better half since graduated and now works in San Fran so we are giving the Bay Area a shot. Life is pretty darn good to us here but that doesn't mean I don't miss the hell out of NYC. Naturally, Berkeley life is worlds apart from life in the bustling Big Apple, but I am trying my best to remain open-minded and enjoy my new home on the West Coast. So, if you're a veghead, an animal lover, music lover, if you heart NY, etc...feel free to be my friend. If you want me to join your cult, then don't bug me (unless Nikes are included).

My Interests

I'm a proud vegan and admitted tea-aholic (mostly green and mate) interested in oodles of things but here's the short list: sustainable living, health and fitness, nutrition, music, film, art, creative endeavors, languages, knowledge, art, animal rights/welfare, human rights, being silly, and the pursuit of happiness.

I'd like to meet:

Others from my planet.


In my mind, I am a rock star...
but I should probably learn to play an instrument before I carry on with that delusion. Someday...


Love them. Please don't ask me to pick favorites.


My remote has a mind of its own. It insists on making me watch corny reality shows. Damn you Project Runway! (and America's Next Top Model, and Top Chef, What Not To Wear...) I also watch some "un-real" shows when I can: Damages, 30 Rock, The Office, Heroes, Life, The Daily Show & The Colbert Report, SVU, Rescue Me, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Scrubs, The Soup, Best Week Ever, Robot Chicken, Girlfriends, The Game, Boston Legal, Myth Busters, Naruto, South Park, Avatar, etc...a girl's got to have animation in her life.


Too many great books to list. Some favorite authors that I can think of are Martin McDonagh, Khaled Hosseini, John Irving, Anne Rice, Ayn Rand, and Matt Ridley.


People who:
follow their dreams;
care to make a difference in the world;
are honest with themselves and others;
and find humor in life.
Last but not least, my husband -
he's the bestest.

My Blog

Easy Tips to Junk Your Junk Mail!

Junk your junk mail! Did you know that more than 62,000,000,000 pieces of junk mail are produced yearly? Or that the average adult receives about 41 pounds of junk mail each year? Or that you will p...
Posted by Oh April on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:44:00 PST