Support Lauren profile picture

Support Lauren

Support Lauren

About Me

Who Is Lauren Gazzola?

Lauren is a SHAC 7 defendant who was recently found guilty in Federal Court of multiple federal felonies for advocating the closure of the notorious animal-testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences. She is currently serving 4 years and 4 months in federal prison. This myspace profile is being maintained on behalf of Lauren by her support committee. For more info on Lauren visit

One of the hardest things about being in prison is being cut off from friends and family. Take a moment to write Lauren a letter and ease a bit of the loneliness of prison life. Even if it's only a short note or a postcard, whenever Lauren crosses your mind, be sure to drop her a line and let her know. Even these small messages help to remind prisoners of the large number of supporters they have on the outside, and the great efforts for the animals so many others continue to take across the globe.


Today Lauren's Support Committee received a call from Lauren. She is doing well and is in good spirits, however the letter also informed us that the address that has been being circulated for Lauren is incorrect. Please write her at the following address:

Lauren Gazzola
FCI Danbury
Federal Correctional Institution
Route #37
Danbury, CT 06811

Despite the address mistake, Lauren has begun to receive letters. However, she could always use more so please take a moment to write her.

Also, if you would like Lauren's prison blog sent directly to your inbox, you can subscribe to [email protected]
As soon as Lauren enters the main facility her permanent address will be made available. Please check for the most up to date information on this situation.

Email Lauren: [email protected] or on MySpace (If you would like a reply to your email, be sure to include a snail mail address in the body of your email; Lauren will not have email access in prison.)

Who are the SHAC 7?

The SHAC 7 are animal rights activists indicted under the controversial Federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. The Act punishes anyone who "physically disrupts" an animal enterprise. The charges stem from these activists' alleged participation in an international campaign to close the notorious product testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Specifically, these activists are alleged to have operated a website that reported on and expressed ideological support for protest activity against Huntingdon and its business affiliates. For this they are charged with "terrorism" and faced an aggregate of 23 years in Federal Prison.

The SHAC 7 case is the latest in an onslaught of attacks against domestic dissedents under the guise of fighting terrorism. Animal rights is a "fringe" issue and the government is banking on the broader social justice movement to turn a blind eye to those focusing on the “less important” issue of animals and expressing “extremist” views. But make no mistake - these activists are the canaries in the mine. This case is intended to pave the way for further silencing of activists involved in all issues. It is imperative that the broader social justice movement stand behind these activists in our communal defense of free speech, press, and association. Support the SHAC 7 and support your right to free expression!

How Can I Help?

Donate. Although the initial trial is over, the fight is far from over. Not only are six individuals facing significant prison time, but the government winning this case is a major blow to activists everywhere. If the government can convict these activists on the Animal Enterprise Protection Act charge, it clears the way for this unconstitutional law to be abused repeatedly by the government. Despite being found guilty, all defendants are currently working on an appeal. To donate, send a check or money order payable to “SHAC 7 Support Fund" to:

SHAC 7 Support Fund
740A 14th St. #237
San Francisco, CA 94114

You can also donate online by using this button


Fundraise. Activists all over the world are organizing benefits for the SHAC 7 Appeal. Some ideas to raise funds are movie nights, shows, bake sales, auctions, vegan dinners, etc. Fundraisers are also a great way to get the word out about the SHAC 7.

Repost the first bulletin located in the blog and ask people to make Lauren their myspace friend!

Where Can I Get More Information?


Much of the text for this portion of Lauren's myspace profile was borrowed from

My Interests

Dance, Art and the law (sad, but true).

I'd like to meet:

People committed to carrying on the fight against HLS and for animal rights while I am in prison.


Rainer Maria, Fiona Apple, Into Another, Tool, G n' R, James Taylor, anything off the Time Life 70's singers and songwriters collection, Norah Jones, Ashes, old Boy Sets Fire, Underdog, King Betsy, The Patrick Wolff Trio, Sinatra, Simon and Garfunkel, Carly Simon and anything I can dance to.


The Ice Storm, Watching Reality Bites with J & Anne Marie, SHAC Campaign Video's of course (Strike Back especially) and Dead Poets Society.


Bosom Buddies, West Wing, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Arrested Development, Star Trek TNG (Jean Luc is a hottie), The Daily Show (Jon Stewart, also a hottie), So You Think You Can Dance?, 90210 (the Brenda Years) and Heroes.


Now that Lauren has started graduate school, she needs school books! Follow the link below to check out Lauren's brand new book list and help her get through school so she can be a lawyer and help all of you!

Lauren's Book ListHow to send Lauren a book:
You may send paperbacks directly through the mail. Hardcovers must be sent from the distributor (,, etc.) or directly from the store when you purchase a book.


The ALF (just think, you could be my hero tonight) and Reed Lee.

My Blog

Lauren’s Birthday Is May 1st! Write Her!

Lauren's Birthday is a little over a week away. So now is the time to get the cards, letters and well wishes rolling in! Obviously, prison is a bad place to have to spend a birthday and I know Lauren ...
Posted by Support Lauren on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:47:00 PST

Birthdays Coming Up! Get Writing!

Lauren's Co-defendants Jake & Josh both have birthdays coming up. Write Them!Jake's Birthday is February 3rd. Please write to him, and feel free to send some photobooth pictures in celebration.JACOB ...
Posted by Support Lauren on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:27:00 PST


Thursday, 11/15/07"In daylight? In sunsets? In midnights? In cups of coffee? In inches? In miles? In laughter? In strife?...525,600 minutes..."Rent-heads will recognize the above lyrics as wondering, ...
Posted by Support Lauren on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 03:43:00 PST

New Blog:

I can't believe it was ten years ago this month that I first stood in a picket line, the first protest I'd ever attended. We stood in front of NYU's Bobst Library protesting the University's continued...
Posted by Support Lauren on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:36:00 PST

A Message From Lauren: Good news for her, not such good news for everyone who writes her

"Hello Everyone. I'm writing to apologize in advance for what will surely be an even poorer rate of response to your letters that I've already had up to this point. You see, right before I came to pri...
Posted by Support Lauren on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:59:00 PST

The Rod Blog

Editors Note: Due to some issues with lost letters between Lauren and her support committee this latest blog is long overdue. We apologize for the lateness in publishing this blog and are working the ...
Posted by Support Lauren on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 02:43:00 PST

New Blog: "On The Case Against The SHAC 7"

There is a strong temptation that my writing from prison should invariably rally free activists to "keep fighting," "don't back down," and "be fearless." At the same time however, while I certainly fe...
Posted by Support Lauren on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 01:55:00 PST

Bad Times For The SHAC 7. Write Them!!!

The SHAC 7 are having a bad go of it over the past few days and need to hear from you!Lauren Gazzola and Andrew Stepanian have been barred from using the phone for 6 months. This drastically reduces t...
Posted by Support Lauren on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 09:13:00 PST

Lauren's latest entry: Fearlessness

Below is Lauren's Latest blog from 02/15/07"Fearlessness in those without power is maddening to those who have it.""I want to talk a bit about fearlessness. While leafing through an old journal recent...
Posted by Support Lauren on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:21:00 PST

Lauren's Article in JANE Magazine

Lauren was invited to write an article on the SHAC 7 case for JANE Magazine's February 2007 issue. Pick up a copy today!Lauren notes that the article printed in the magazine was edited heavily by the ...
Posted by Support Lauren on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 03:37:00 PST