Anyone interested in animal rescue, animal welfare, stopping animal abuse and cruelty, other organizations, shelters, animal lovers, or rescuers!!! **RIGHT NOW, WE ARE COLLECTING FUNDS FOR GENERAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES FOR ILLINOIS ANIMAL SHELTERS...BLANKETS, FOOD, CLEANING SUPPLIES, BUILDING SUPPLIES, TOYS, BEDDING, ETC...AND FOR A LIMITED TIME, ANY DONATION OVER $5.00 RECEIVES A FREE KONG KEYCHAIN!!! THEY ARE REALLY REALLY CUTE, AND I HAVE ONE ON MY KEYS...LIKE LITTLE MINI PEOPLE KONGS!!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR ANY HELP YOU CAN OFFER, AND IF WE HAVE SPECIFIC PETS WE WANT TO COLLECT FOR, WE WILL SEND OUT INFO IN A BULLETIN, SO LOOK OUT FOR THEM!!! ALSO, IF YOU WOULD LIKE ANY HELP REPOSTING BULLETINS OR COLLECTING MONEY FOR YOUR PET OR CAUSE, PLEASE LET US KNOW AND SEND US THE INFO SO WE CAN PASS IT AROUND!!!** ***Here is our donation button, which goes directly to our PayPal account (obviously!)...I'm ALWAYS working on this page, so complete details of all of our campaigns will be posted all the time, but if you would like to make a donation, feel free. Thank you emails, as well as frequent email updates on exactly where your donations go and the animals they help save WILL be provided, unless you "unsubscribe" by leaving a note in the optional note area when making a donation through PayPal!!!*** THANK YOU!!!Alright!!! As mentioned above, I'm still working on the page, but here's what our donations are going for right now. Operation Warm Wishes is a program designed to get warm blankets and beds to homeless pets in shelters. Winter is HERE, and they need blankets!!! For every $2 donation, we'll be able to purchase and donate one small blanket, and for every $5 donation, we'll be able to purchase and donate a large one! Any donation larger than $5, and anything else leftover after purchasing blankets, will go to the purchase of beds for cats and dogs in shelters. Orthopedic beds are desperately needed in some shelters for older, disabled, and injured pets! Please help if you can! We'll keep you updated every step of the way! Donations for Operation Warm Wishes will be accepted up until FEBRUARY 29, 2008...and any donations after that will go to our next project, which will be listed here very soon!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR FRIENDS WHO WANT TO HELP!!!******JUST A DOLLAR CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO THE HOMELESS PETS!!!***