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Anthony Marr

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Anthony Marr, founderBio in Marr holds a science degree from the UBC and has worked as a field geophysicist and an environmental technologist. In 1995, he became a full time wildlife preservationist, which has brought him to India three times, earning him the title of the "Champion of the Bengal Tiger" in the Champions of the Wild TV series aired in 20 countries. As an anti-hunting activist, he has conducted high profile campaigns in Canada for the bears and seals, and been to Japan twice for the whales and dolphins. He is the founder of Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) and is currently organizing his fifth Compassion for Animals Road Expedition (CARE-5), covering over 30 states. He is also the author of Omni-Science. (See and read the blog titled "Bloody Superstition and New Cosmology".)

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My Interests

My interests are diverse, one of which being nature photography. The following is one case study, distilled from expeditions to India's Bandhavgarh, Kanha and Ranthambhore tiger reserves over a 3-year period. More photo-coverage of his work in India in "Pics" and All photos below by Anthony Marr.................................

I'd like to meet:

Fellow cosmic travellers who are on this planet at this its critical juncture for the purpose of participating in saving it - and have fun doing so (take a hint from the laughing baby below)! And I would like to meet that 4-year-old drummer boy (see "Favorite Videos" under "Videos") to see if I could recuit him to set the pace for our movement (meaning - we are too darn slow!), and I would like to meet the 6-year-old Rubik whiz kid to see if he could help solve some of the huge problems we face. And of course I would love to meet you if you are going to the AR Conference in LA July


Anything but Rap, Hip Hop, Country & Western, and, well, Chinese opera (when I was a kid I listened to lots of it, since my mom was a fan). Now that I got this out of the way, let's get serious. Following are pics from 2004 and 2005 taken during my two overt/covert trips to Japan, the former in cooperation with Sea Shepherd, and the latter with Victoria BC activist Bruce Foerster. (All photos by Anthony Marr.)2004, Futo harbor, into which dolphins are driven for slaughter.2004, Futo, Fishermen's Co-op, erstwhile one of the most evil buildings in the world, and maybe again.2004, Futo - What good is a shrine without compassion?2004, Futo, with heroic rebel fisherman Ishii Izumi, who single-handedly halted dolphin killing at Futo for several years.2004, Futo - dolphin-drive boats left high and dry.Izumi displaced dolphin killing with whale watching; he took me out in his own now clean but once bloody boat, and we found two sperms whales within minutes.2004, Katsuura (near Taiji), dolphin-shaped tour boat (not for whale-watching, but could and should be).2004, Shingu, Katsuura, Taiji - whale meat for sale everywhere.2004, Taiji - dolphin meat (black, and supersaturated with toxins - mercury, dioxins, PCB - even more so than whale meat) for sale, disguised as whale meat.2004, entrance road to Taiji with monument to the extirpated (humpback).2004, Taiji harbor from Anthony Marr's early-morning observation post, where he could monitor both boat traaffic in and out of the harbor, and dolphin movements out at sea.2004, Taiji Harbor on left, holding/killing cove on extereme right, into which dolphins are driven, some captured for captivity by Dolphin Base, and the rest killed by fishermen.2004, Taiji whale museum, explosive-headed harpoon, so much momentum it need not be sharp to enter the soft body of a whale.2004-Taiji whale museum - diorama of whaling's glory days - 19th Century.2004, Taiji Msueum - diorama of whaling's glory days - 20th Century.2004, Taiji - whale meat for sale in the whale museum.2004, Taiji - two of the 13 dolphin-drive boats, note their twin sounding rods.2004, Taiji - holding bay into which dolphins are driven for slaughter.2004, Taiji - holding bay; killing bay off to right.2004, Taiji, holding bay in the moonlight, setting of Anthony Marr's covert operation. Within days Anthony was interrogated for 1 hour 45 minutes at the Blue Harbor hotel (where Rick O'Barry and Hardy Jones usually stay) by two plain clothe agents, which included sharp questions on organizational affiliation and direct action.2006, Vancouver, Anthony Marr challenges Dr. John Nightingale, president of the Vancouver Aquarium, during its 50th Anniversary parade, for purchasing two new dolphins for captivity from Japan.2005 Nov, at the whaling port of Shimonoseki with Bruce Foerster.2005, Shimonoseki, toxins-laden whale meat for sale in supermarket, unconscionably labeled as "Health Food".2005, Shimonoseki, whale cuisin on restaurant menu.2005, Shimonoseki, first sighting of Antarctic whaling fleet, which eventually led to a 3-hour interrogation of Anthony Marr by authorities. For the rest of the adventure, see anti-whaling section of All in all, Anthony was interrogated four times in his two trips to Japan.


Let's forget Hollywood and Bollywood for a moment and look at this instead. It is brutal, it is intense, it is sickening, it is horrifying, and it is real:


"A picture is worth a thousand words," and a video is worth a thousand pictures. This video is a good representation of the Canadian seal hunt:

My Blog

Bloody Superstition and New Cosmology

Bloody Superstition and New Cosmology   1997-04-24 The Georgia Straight magazine, Vancouver, BC, Canada by Shawn Blore Pessimist give the world's tigers 5 years. Realists, 10. They're the kind...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Fri, 11 May 2007 06:58:00 PST

Biggest Anti-Hunter-vs-Sport-Hunter showdown in history

  The biggest Anti-Hunter-vs-Sport-Hunter showdown in history     This can be seen as the sequel to my blog titled "Bloody Superstition and New Cosmology".   An Angus Reed poll ...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 12:37:00 PST

How to confront 100 hunters at once and escape unscathed

I received feedback on my blog titled "Don't be fooled by a name and end up helping the enemy!", requesting juicy detail on confronting 100 hunters at a time. The following should do it...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:36:00 PST

[Sue States over Deaths by Deer, Author Says] - Columbus OH

Subject: The Columbus Dispatch: Sue states over deaths by deer, author saysDate: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:38:50 -0500   Sue States over Deaths by Deer, Author Says Preservationist says planned ...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:46:00 PST

[Bowhunters Take Aim at Trexler Preserve] - Allentown PA

From the Allentown Morning Call Bowhunters take aim at Trexler Preserve Protesters meet the sportsmen as park opens North Range By Kirk Beldon Jackson | Of The Morning Call September 30, 2007 As a ...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:37:00 PST

Scientist Backs Birth Control for Deer - News Times, CT

News Times, Danbury CT by Susan Tuz September 29, 2007 Scientist Backs Birth Control for Deer   Wildlife preservationist Anthony Marr thinks fertility control can solve the problem deer overpopu...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:29:00 PST

Nationwide campaign against Audubon

Nationwide campaign against Audubon Simultaneous local events Nov. 3, Saturday   Follow activists:   While demonstrating yesterday (I never use "protest" which implies an inferior position ...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 09:26:00 PST

A Long Term Goal to Remove a Root Cause of Political Evil

A Long Term Goal to Remove a Root Cause of Political Evil     When George W. Bush was Texas governor, TX was the worst polluting states in the union by far, plus being one of the most hunte...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 09:27:00 PST

Human Fatality in DVA is Murder One

Human Fatality in DVA is Murder One     "Over 1.5 million deer/vehicle crashes occur per year in the U.S., causing over $1.1 billion in vehicle damage, more than 29,000 human injuries and 15...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 04:34:00 PST

Can Birth Control Curb Urban Deer Population?"

Can birth control curb urban deer population? (Published Monday, August 13, 2007 11:32:58 AM CST) ..> ..> Janesville Gazette By Gina [email protected] should push local g...
Posted by Anthony Marr on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:05:00 PST