Duchess Von Teese profile picture

Duchess Von Teese

Pass The Duchess On The Left Hand Side!

About Me

From Hollywood Hottie, to Boston Beauty! I am a rescued American Bulldog / Pitbull mix originally from South LA Animal Shelter. Then some nice ladies came and rescued me and I went to the vet for an operation to save my life. I got better and one of the nice ladies let me live with her. She is now my mommy Theresa. We lived in Hollywood where all the action is! Mommy is an actress. Then we moved to Boston, and I am now getting spoiled by my nana and my aunts and uncles. Nana's dog Buddy doesn't like that I am here. So I sat on him. He will figure it out. He's cute, but someday I just might have to eat him. But mommy thinks I should just be nice. I will try.We drove across the whole country to get here! It was so much fun. I saw cows. They were big and said "moo". I don't speak cow so I just stared at them. I will need to take a class, so if I see them again we can have a chat.
MICHAEL VICK KILLED BY PITBULL!!!============================
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Check out my OTHER page!! RIGHT HERE!!
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My Interests

Dance, theater, independent film, travel, Los Angeles, dogs, cats, cruise ships, road trips, platform boots, museums, history, animals, mice, environment, NEAVS , BEST FRIENDS


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I'd like to meet:

Nice, fun, easy-going, creative, clean people who are open minded are the kind of people I like to be around. Animal lovers are a plus!!
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Adam Ant, Duran Duran, Sarah Brightman, Dido, Poe, Oojami, Warda, Dinletir, Omar Farouk Tekbilek, Hossam Ramsy, George Abdo, No Doubt, Dead Can Dance, Depeche Mode, Pepe & The Bottle Blondes, Amr Diab, Joss Stone, Robbie Robertson, Milla Jovovich (yeah! You heard me! Milla Jovovich! She's awesome!)


Titanic, LOTR, Wizard of Oz, American Beauty, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sleepy Hollow, The Mummy, Mars Attacks, the original War Of The Worlds, Chicago, Plan Nine From Outer Space, Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil. I'm also a big fan of silent films, especially anything by D.W. Griffith or with Lillian Gish.

My long lost twin!!! ha ha!!


24, Arrested Development, Malcolm In The Middle, CSI, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Desperate Housewives, Scrubs, Family Guy, Boston Legal, My Name Is Earl, Inside The Actors Studio, Deadwood (duh!)
Stifle it, meat head!!


Bridget Jones, Interview With A Vampire, anything by Neil Gaiman, and In Your Face by Chris DeRose of Last Chance for Animals.


PLEASE SUPPORT MY BEST BUD ELLE AND HER RESCUES!Ansuya, Jillina, Rachel Brice, Ty Pennington, my mom, my grandparents, and anyone who chooses good over evil.

Linda Blair


My Blog

I met SANTA!!!

Mommy took me and Buddy to meet Santa today!! He was sooooo nice! I like his red suit. I was a good girl though and didn't slobber on it too much. We had our picture taken. And then a nice lady there ...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 11:07:00 PST


I've been in Boston for 6 months now. The leaves are changing color and it's really pretty. Mommy works at a veterinary hospital, so I get to go to work with her sometimes. She is taking me on Hallowe...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 06:52:00 PST

Get your kicks on Route 66...

Been driving cross country since Monday with mommy and her friend Julie. It has been fun. We have seen a lot of Route 66. I ate a cow poop at Cadillac Ranch in Texas. It was yummy but mommy said she d...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:18:00 PST

Duchess is Heading East...

Well, Duchess and I are moving to Boston on April 1st. My stepfather is very sick with cancer, and I need to be with my family. So I'm packing it up and Duchess and I are taking a road trip back east....
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 06:51:00 PST


I'm sick. Me and Duchess need to curl up under the blankies and hide from all the germs!!
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 03:34:00 PST

Sad News

2 of my mice died this week. Jade & Rosie. Jade had been sick, so she was not unexpected, but Rosie was healthy, so I have no idea what happened to her. Jade died Wednesday night while I was holdi...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 11:38:00 PST


http://www.myrockinprofile.com I'm listed under Best Actor/Actress and Political Cause. Woof Woof!! I'm so cute!! You know you want to vote for me!!! xoxo...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 04:30:00 PST


I'm gonna be an auntie again!! My sister-in-law is preggers!!! YAY!! She's due in May, so that gives me an excuse to go home and visit again around that time. Woohoo!!! I'm excited!! Another baby to s...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 05:41:00 PST

Prayers for my Stepdad.

As a lot of you know my Stepdad has cancer.This is an email I got from my mom this morning...****************The CT scan showed that the tumors are growing again, so that means the cancer built an imm...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 05:31:00 PST

F*** it...

I can't handle this friggin' job anymore. Barbra keeps telling me it will make me stronger, but I feel like I'm just falling flat on my face. Everyday another mistake is pointed out to me. Everyday so...
Posted by Duchess Von Teese on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:45:00 PST