Mia Marie profile picture

Mia Marie

Mia Marie - Animal Rights Friend + Oh Yeah, I'm a SUPERSTARimg src=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums

About Me

My logo by Artist Paula Towne, Gouverneur NY..

Vote for me on Bix.com!

ATTENTION WATERTOWN AREA DOG PARK PEOPLE We are GOING TO BLITZ CITY COUNCIL on May 19th City Counsel Meeting @ 7pm (3rd floor of City Hall). Mayor Graham said they were kind of impressed with the turn out at teh last meeting....this time we need to scare them with our numbers......we won't take NO for an answer! The Mayor also said he does not know why they don't just appropriate the land for the Dog Park and just let us raise the money!It will only take about 1/2 hour and will help so much. Alpine Fence will build the fence as soon as we have the money for the materials (at Cost!!). We can have a Dog Park this Summer with your help. TELL EVERY DOG OWNER this show of force can really make a difference...Please Plan to attend!!! ALSO.................Planning Meeting earlier that night!!!1

DATE: Monday May 19th @ 5:30pm

LOCATION: 157 Dorsey st (street Next To mustard seed)P PURPOSE: Now that Alpine Fence has made this affordable, we can have a Dog Park this Summer........with your help!!! We need to enlist Volunteers, Vendors and Business sponsors to make this a Success. If you would like to see a Dog Park in the city PLEASE HELP!!! Love Mia Marie Bumblebee

Contact Info: SG Gates 782-2748, [email protected] www.myspace.com/miabumblebee

Please come and show your Support for this Wonderful Project.


Sorry Everyone! (Dad got yelled at for not updating this but until now there was not a lot to report)BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! Alpine Fence offered to provide manpower to aid volunteers to install the fencing as well as sell us materials at cost..........THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!! Now everyone needs to step up and donate and this could easily be up and running before the end of this summer. I think a lot of people have been waiting to donate because they were unsure if the project would ever happen. Now it will happen............ you have the Mia Marie Bumblebee guarantee!NEXT CITY COUNSEL MEETING MONDAY MAY 19th 7pm AS ALWAYS A big showing would be so nice. I'm just sending dad! Five City counsel meetings were enough for Me! I will go back when they want to congratulate me for bringing a Dog Park to Watertown...I Know....I Rock!!!!You can send Donations to the Watertown City Comptroller, 245 Washington st. Watertown NY 13601 (make Sure you "earmark" it for "Mia's Dog Park" so it goes to the right account) City Counsel Gave us until March to Raise enough money to show support for this project. If you want this send what you can, Whether its $1, $5, $20 or more it all adds up and each donation is like your "Vote" to prove we want this. Thanks Love Mia Marie The pictures above were taken by my friend Misti from the JCSPCA...Thanks!! They are of me marching in the Armed Forces day parade!Hello to all my friends! Sorry I have not been on here much... but life has gotten quite hectic. More Soon...I Promise..... Love Mia Marie
glitter-graphic.comThanks to all my friends for helping out with MIA MARIE'S SPCA CHARITY AUCTIONS We made almost $600 for the local SPCA. They had major electrical problems Sunday night so this money will help with these repairs. Unfortunately that does not help with the Sky rocketing operating costs which are due to the Increase in Fort Drum and the rising heating costs, After all we live in Watertown New York where we had the national low of 35 below zero last week.Also a BIG Thank You to my Good Friend LiZa who generously paid $100 for my "One of kind REAL Glitter Paw Print Mia Marie 8 x 10 picture signed - "To My #1 Fan, Love Mia Marie"(pictured below). When I become Famous, and I will, this lucky girl will have the first and best Mia Marie Bumblebee collectible. This month I have been on the JCSPCA Newsletter, The Watertown Daily times as well as The Watertown Channel 7 news Much more to Come!!!Love Mia MarieSo Far I have helped in the Race for California Secretary of State to get Debra Bowen elected to help out our Whistle Blower Friend Actor Stephen Heller find Justice and made money for the Shelter I came from on two seperate occasions. I am currently working on a new exciting project for Watertwon NY, So all my Watertown friends!!! TONIGHT 3/5/07 I went to the City Board Meeting and asked them to help me bring a Dog Park to the area!! News 10 now is doing a story on me as is the Watertown times, So keep an eye on the news.... more to come!!! Once the City Manager checks things out we will have a meeting to discuss what the Dog owners of Watertown want in their dog park! Exciting stuff!!!Love Mia MarieMyspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

HEY, It's Me,AS A

Hi, I'm Mia!!! (Pronounced “Me-A”) My full name is Mia Marie Bumblebee Wolf-Gates. Guess I should explain my rather long name. Well, I actually started out being named, well don't ask, it's an eskimo thing, by my first owner, well technically my second owner, as I was an SPCA puppy twice. When Mom and Dad FINALLY adopted me from the SPCA I was still young enough to rename. They said a pretty girl, needs a pretty name so a was born namedThe(aka Maria) was added shortly after. Now, the Bumblebee is a nickname, that just stuck. When I was fresh out of the SPCA, I was just a little Yellow fur puff ball, as you will see as I post more pictures. So I had the basic shape of a bumblebee and my tail was still short and stubby, so it looked like I had a little stinger. I have always been very fast so I wouldAround like ....Well a Little Bumblebee!!! The Wolf is my Mom's Last Name, while the Gates is my Dad's . Mystery Solved!! I am a Husky / Border collie mix. I got the best of both breeds and i am EVER so Smart! I love people oh and Bunnies too! Would you like to be my Friend???? I am a struggling Super Model, It's hard being Beautiful!!! I did appear on my first cover / Model story for the Jefferson County SPCA newsletter, Winter issue, You know that's the Best one. I have been on the local news and papers just waiting for the right person see me to S-P-R-I-N-G Board me into the Superstar spotlight!! My Goal has altered since the last election, as I have now become quite a busy little Puppy Dog! I made money for the SPCA and hope to bring a Dog park to our City. My Super Model / Acting Career may have taken the back seat, but I still see Fame on my Horizon! as I said before, Oh Yeah, I'm a SUPERSTAR!!!!!!Please Support pet rescue charities! I just added an ASPCA links and will add more soon! Thanks from ALL the Kitties and Puppies Love Mia Marie!I know, I know I should be an artist.... everyone tells me that! Though I started this My Space to become a Super Model / Actress that has taken a back seat to my fight for Animal rights! Read my latest blog on Animal rights, then Spread the Word of “Mia Marie –Animal Rights Friend” ( you can tell them I’m Adorable too, I won’t mind). With all the animal lovers in this country there is no limit on the good we can do together!

My Interests

MIA BLITZ 2008 is it! I will be 6 in February so time is a factor. I'm working in DOG YEARS HERE!!!!! I am working my Dog Park project and will hopefully have a news story posted about me. I will then ask all my friends to send the story to Ellen, Oprah, Regis + Kelly and anyone else that might help me finally become the SUPERSTAR I know i am!!! Love Mia Marie NEW NEWS.....Still doing visits to two local nursing home to brighten some spirits. It really makes me feel good too so no matter how famous I become i will always make time for visits! How great would it be if I made a movie......and the residents watched it....then...ta-da I walk in!! how exciting!!!!! Well a girl can dream!! All my Love Mia Marie Yes, I am Mia Marie Bumblebee Wolf-Gates and Yes, this Seriously is a My Space for a dog, But what a dog!!! I JUST know I have it is in me to be a Superstar!! I am very sweet and promise to never get a big head from any success. I also promise that if all my new friends help me achieve this dream, I will always help support Rescue Animal Charities as I started out in the SPCA myself. (I have the prison Tat to prove it!). We would of course be open to any Modeling / Commercial gigs, but my dream is a full-length movie called “The Adventures of Mia” as well as a series of companion children’s books. Can you EVEN picture a Mia Marie stuffed animal, how cute would that be!!! Well a Girl can Dream, can’t she? We are really working on adding some VERY cute Video soon, but I am just a dog and my Dad, well lets just say he’s no Wizard on the Computer. Please be Patient, and tell all your friends about me! Thank you Soooooooooooo much Love Mia Marie..........................Well I mentioned Bunnies. Playing ball is fun. I love to go on long walks, but if its on the beach well I gots to be Swimming as that is my Favorite thing to do. I am big on treats and presents but what girl isn't.
Glitter Graphics Love This Cool Puppy Bling Bling!!!

I'd like to meet:

All the Bunnies!!!!
Glitter Graphics But that's just for fun!! On a serious side I am looking to Meet Talent Agents, Modeling Agents Photographers, Studio Executives Really anyone who can help me become the Superstar that i know i can be!! I would Love to meet California Secretary of State Debra Bowen... She owes me a treat or two. Well back to fun I R-E-A-L-L-Y want to go to the REAL Zoo. From outside the gate we can see the goats and pigs and chickens, but its the llamas that love me A lot. A llama once kissed me, ,but that’s another story. Dad always takes me to the Puppy Zoo, so that’s cool! Ohhhhhh.......... you don’t know about the Puppy Zoo???????? They keep it at Petco. We go there a lot. They have Fishes and turtles and Snakes, and rats and Mice, that go round.....+ round....... + round REALLY Fast!+ Ferrets (love the ferrets)+ SPCA kitties and Ohhhhhhhhh Yes, They have Bunnies!!!! They ALWAYS give you treats there Too, so !!!!I have two Human sisters Named Nikki and Heather. I grew up with my doggie sister and brother, Sunshine and Sandy To my brother Sanders P. Sanders (Sandy) RIP Miss You!You can be a Hero Too!!! Join me in the fight for Animal Rights!! Together we can make things “Great for ‘08”. Thanks to everyone for being my New Friends and spreading the word of Mia Marie – Animal Rights Friend - Future Super Model / Actress and all around Adorable Puppy Dog!!!



Hi My Friends, Still here fightin the good fight. Big News from out of California, our friend and Diebold Whistleblower Actor Steven Heller has settled his case and will not have to go to jail. A big thanks to everyone who voted and made this possible. Will do a blog with more details soon, just thought everyone would like to know. Thanks Soooooooooo Much! Love Mia MariePlease Visit the Humane Society at the link below for all the latest info on animals in need:

And Visit my good friends at the ASPCA HERE:Or the good people at The World Wildlife fund: .. AS for music, Anything just not to loud, I have sensitive hearing being a dog and all.


My FAVORITE movie is yet to be made but will be called THE ADVENTURES OF Big studios I’m looking at you!!!!!!!


don't watch TV, Well I lied a little, the other day there were kitties meowing on a show that kept me quite entertained!!!I have been on the local news several times Newzjunky channel 7 and news 10 now.


While I am EVER so Smart, haven't got a clue on that reading stuff!


My Hero is my Dad. He's Number 1 on my Friends list for a reason, He's my bestest friend! Of course My Mom, but she had to move back to Virginia, Heather, Nikki Grandma and Grandpa,

My Blog

Latest Watertown City Counsel Dog Park News

  Statements read to Watertown City Counsel by My Dad- SG   Mia Marie's Dog Park Update for City Counsel Meeting August 20, 2007 Mia + I are here to update you on her Dog Park Project Last...
Posted by Mia Marie on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:52:00 PST

Mia’sDog Park Donations

I have undertaken a major project for a little Puppy! I am trying to raise over $700,000 to build a WONDERFUL Dog Park for the City of Watertown. I am trying to get the story out to a National market ...
Posted by Mia Marie on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 09:33:00 PST

Dog Park Meeting set for August 16th 7pm

Below is the Information read by Dad for me to the City Counsel on August 6th Fund rasing begins August 16th @ 7pm @ the Best Western Carriage House Hope to see everyone there!!! Love Mia Marie Mia M...
Posted by Mia Marie on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 09:05:00 PST

Mia's Dog Park Petition Update/ Suggestions

I think the word is finally getting out that I am trying to get a Dog Park in Watertown NY...well I guess Dad is helping a little too. We have been hitting it hard. I have seen so many of my friends a...
Posted by Mia Marie on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 03:05:00 PST

WATERTOWN Dog Park Instructions

Hi Everyone, We kicked off the Watertown Dog Park Petition drive at the Watertown Farmers Market Today and in less then 2 hours had about 100 people sign. My Goal is to have Soooooooooooo many signatu...
Posted by Mia Marie on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 07:19:00 PST

My Irish Festival Appearance

  I Just appeared In my finest Irish Attire at the North Country Goes Green Irish Festival this past weekend in Watertown New York. I feel like such a lucky dog as they don't normally allow dogs ...
Posted by Mia Marie on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:39:00 PST

Watertown NY Dog Park

  On March 5, 2007 I went with my Dad to the Watertown NY City Counsel meeting. We got prior approval from the Mayor as they don't normally allow Puppies at these meetings. The purpose for us att...
Posted by Mia Marie on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 04:42:00 PST

Dear OZZY Please record my Dad's Song!

Well My Dad, "SG" wrote the song (printed below) "No one Left to Weep", in 1993, about War, pollution and the general direction this world is heading.  On 9/11/2004 he added a verse about t...
Posted by Mia Marie on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 09:00:00 PST


As all my friends know, I am an SPCA puppy. I Was adopted by my Dad from the SPCA of Jefferson County Watertown NY. Now they need our help.....BIG TIME!!! Anyone who has been following the war, has he...
Posted by Mia Marie on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:46:00 PST

Mia Blitz 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY FRIENDS! I hope everyone is blessed with a great 2007. I am a bit behind as we have had WAY too many computer problems! We are going to be asking everyone to help me with my p...
Posted by Mia Marie on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:04:00 PST