My Prince Charming!
♥ Ant People... check throughout my blog for lots of Ant videos! ♥
Adam Ant
Ant Music for Sex People
I like scarey movies, ghost stories and anything that has me hiding under a blanket and jumping at every noise. I also enjoy comedies and love stories (aww so typically girly). I plan on getting every one of Adam Ant's movies on DVD, or at least VHS!!!
I don't really watch too much TV anymore... ever since I got this computer (gee wonder why). But I do watch Smallville with my son since it is his favorite.
My favorite author is
♥ my brother ♥
His novel is
U.S. Avengers
Click here to order your copy!
I enjoy books by Stephen King and V.C. Andrews.
My Mother and My Father my Guardian Angels
adopt your own virtual pet!