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Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Dennis Kucinich, John Lennon,
Che Guevara, Jimi Hendrix, Michael Parenti, Todd Rundgren
War, Inc. must see movie only in LA and NYC, atm
and now .... a message from johnny
Who Killed the Electric Car?,
Anything Michael Moore has
I Heart Huckabees
V For Vendetta
Boston Legal,
Jon Stewart,
Colbert Report
I'm boycotting MSNBC for shutting out
Dennis Kucinich from the debates.
Boycotting ABC for their shameful Democratic Debate
I didn't watch TV for several years and
could easily not watch it again, though
I'd miss Free Speech TV. Actually, watching
the corporate news is just plain torture,
because of all the lies they put out there.
Covert War Against Rock by Alex Constantine
Christina Pirello's Cooking the Whole Foods Way
Hipchick's Guide to Macrobiotics by Jessica Porter
Dennis Kucinich, Organic Farmers, anyone who doesn't use toxic chemicals on their lawns, Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Hugo Chavez, Our fearless leader Patrick McCann from Veterans for Peace.