democracy, anyone? profile picture

democracy, anyone?


About Me

Right now, I want to stop the toxic spraying around my home and would love to work with anyone in the area applying organic pest control.
UPDATE: We were able to stop the toxic spraying. I'm still amazed that by opening your mouth and letting the words flow, after engaging your brain, you can get something done--especially in your local community.
Another problem in Florida and several other states is the Junior ROTC program which takes youths of 11 years old and has them practicing military drills, handling firearms, etc.
With the current administration, I'm having problems focusing on just one issue since I STRONGLY oppose just about everything they have done.
Let's see: was able to focus on "a paper trail" after watching in horror from Chicago what went down in Florida in 2000. We do have some unrelenting activists (who need all the help they can get, so join in) working on voter's rights--like having your vote count. I oppose the imprisonment of people who are aka political prisoners. The erosion of civil liberties is a tad disconcerting and wiretapping is an invasion of privacy...sarcasm. I HATE people being tortured for any reason who are completely innocent and seriously folks is that a civilized way to treat a human being? I HATE the war on Iraq and the blundering idiot who put us there. This administration's "energy policy" and the continual assaults on the environment come out of the dark ages and is not helping with global warming, that's for sure.
Fundamentalist Christians taking over our country, not a good idea. Anyhow, Bush could become a full time job. Pick one issue. I can't, because they are all extremely important ones for this country I used to love.
End rant, well for now..;-)
I'm into macrobiotics, which has done some incredible things tor me, yoga (not nearly enough), studying alternative healing methods, hiking most of all, NATURE (left alone), growing things, knitting and love music. People who fight against all odds.

Myspace Backgrounds
Join's Race for the Rain Forest!

My Interests

Get this Action Banner for your own web page

I'd like to meet:

Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Dennis Kucinich, John Lennon, Che Guevara, Jimi Hendrix, Michael Parenti, Todd Rundgren




War, Inc. must see movie only in LA and NYC, atm
and now .... a message from johnny
.. Who Killed the Electric Car?,
Anything Michael Moore has done,
I Heart Huckabees
V For Vendetta


Boston Legal,
Jon Stewart,
Colbert Report
I'm boycotting MSNBC for shutting out Dennis Kucinich from the debates.
Boycotting ABC for their shameful Democratic Debate
I didn't watch TV for several years and could easily not watch it again, though I'd miss Free Speech TV. Actually, watching the corporate news is just plain torture, because of all the lies they put out there.


Covert War Against Rock by Alex Constantine
Christina Pirello's Cooking the Whole Foods Way
Hipchick's Guide to Macrobiotics by Jessica Porter


Dennis Kucinich, Organic Farmers, anyone who doesn't use toxic chemicals on their lawns, Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Hugo Chavez, Our fearless leader Patrick McCann from Veterans for Peace.

My Blog

Coco Tea - Barak Obahama ...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 03:15:00 PST

School Military Recruiting Could Violate International Protocol

WASHINGTON - Pressed by the demands of the "global war on terrorism", the United States is violating an international protocol that forbids the recruitment of children under the age of 18 for military...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:39:00 PST

Opting Out of the Military Database (youths as young as 16!)

Try Here:Opt Out FormsThis sight is recuperating, last I checked: Leave My Child Alone!The recruiters have been targeting our youths for enlistment in the military.From what I've heard they primarily ...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Mon, 12 May 2008 06:44:00 PST

Aimee Allison on military counter-recruiting ...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Mon, 12 May 2008 05:58:00 PST

Before You Enlist! The military is so desperate they are targeting 16 year old (perhaps younger).Mothers, please know that you can opt your children out of the Pentago...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Fri, 09 May 2008 05:56:00 PST

A Change Is Gonna Come (Sam Cooke) listen

Fonda started this thing by posting her favorite protest song, and it got me to thinking...Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna ComeUploaded by danieldp...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 07:58:00 PST

Green Hour (going dark every night) Andrew Bayuks idea> GREEN HOUR Going Dark Every Night On Saturday, March 29th, 2008 a whole lot of people around the world turned off their lights (and some the...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:15:00 PST

When Life Gives you Free Seeds...

If you are a Floridian or somewhere along the same equatorial line as moi,you have probably noticed the beautiful Royal Poinciana Trees have seededand are just waiting for someone to pick them up... I...
Posted by democracy, anyone? on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:27:00 PST