I love our waterways, and am obsessed with keeping our beautiful St. Johns River clean and healthy. I am trashy (I like to pick trash up). I am a watershed volunteer, I mark storm drains with signs that say "ONLY RAIN DOWN THE STORM DRAIN". I attempt to educate people about their connection with land and the river and creeks around us. I talk to polluters and ask them to stop.I wish my city of Jacksonville, Florida and State of Florida would stop allowing reckless applications of pesticides in our city parks, schools, sidewalks.... you get the drift (literally-chemical drift). You guys are killing us- or at least causing miscarriages, asthma attacks, and endocrine problems (I could go on, but I will spare you)! What are you doing to our river and planet? What about children and animals?PLEASE STOP USING OUR TAX DOLLARS TO POISON THE CITIZENS OF JACKSONVILLE and state of Florida! There are environmentally safer ways to take care of Jacksonville and state.I am in the process of getting a petition together, so if you have any ideas of what you would like to express...please let me know!In August of 2004, I was involved in a horrible chemical incident that changed my life, killed my cats, poisoned my neighbors, pets, and me. It happened on Herschel Street in Jacksonville, Florida. It was done by a Florida Department of Agriculture contractor by the name of Intertech, Inc.More on this later.... my friends can read about it on my blog "WHAT'S YOUR POISON".
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