Snow Shower on Hurricane Creek? Check it outEnvironmental protection, Music, Outdoor activities such as , canoeing, camping, hiking, swimming, etc.
People with like interests in environmental protection.People who love the outdoors and understand the term "responsible use" of our natural wonders.Attorneys who would like to get involved in precedent setting Clean Water Act cases.Attorneys who would donate time as pro bono attorneys in cases in Hurricane Creek basin.Donors and people looking to find "Green" tax write-off organizationsVolunteer who would help further our work.Anyone who loves Hurricane CreekPlease consider making a donation to the Alabama Wildlife Center.
Creekkeeper Accepts Award!Creekkeeper receives award.
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Robert Kennedy Jr. Black Warrior River PSA
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Why Kill a Tree to Grow a Flower?
RFK Jr - Alabama Dept Of Environmental Management
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Larry Gibson, Mariam Plovick, Will Collett, Judy Bonds, Bill McCabe, Jen Osha, Bev Braverman, Vivian Stockman, Damon Morgan, and the many thousands of people caught up in King Coal's insidious lie "Clean Coal Technology". There is no such thing as "Clean Coal"! That is an oxymoron created by the Bush administration to dupe the American Public into using more fossil fuel.These are the people who taught me to fight for what I believe in and the people who believe in me.All members of the Citizens Coal Council, All Waterkeepers everywhere, Crazy Horse