Earl Morrogh profile picture

Earl Morrogh

Let the green times roll!

About Me

Judye McCalman (my spouse) and I reside in rural North Florida. For over 30 years, we have lived close to the land in an energy-efficient home we designed and built with our own hands and have enjoyed a bounty of whole food grown in our organic garden. Early in our lives, we were both inspired to live the "good life" by the writings of Scott and Helen Nearing, Robert Rodale, and others who value voluntary simplicity and conscious living. I am also an author: visit emorrogh.com.

My Interests

Family and friends, writing, photography, movies, kayaking, simple living, ecofiction, cooking, healthful living, a great cup of coffee.

I'd like to meet:

I've been hesitant to write anything in this section of my MySpace profile. There are so many people I admire and respect that I would like to meet or, because they have passed away, have met. However, in the course of doing research for my novel,"Meanwhile, Back on Planet Earth," which began over three years ago, I came across a story about Al Gore's effort to place a satellite at a point in space from where the Earth is always seen in full sunlight. It's called a "whole Earth" view and it was Gore's vision to broadcast back to Earth, 24/7, a high-quality television signal of this view that would then be distributed over the Internet.

The name of the proposed satellite was Triana . In March 1998, Gore challenged NASA to build this spacecraft. He believed that seeing the entire Earth against the blackness of space would inspire environmental consciousness and encourage new educational and scientific efforts. Although the satellite was built, it was never launched; a casualty of partisan politics. His detractors thought Triana was just a publicity stunt timed to coincide with his 2000 presidential bid.

We all know what happened in the 2000 election. Yet, he picked himself up, dusted himself off, and focused on what was obviously close to his heart. How can you not admire him for that? So I must admit, I would enjoy sitting out on a porch somewhere while having a chat and drinking a beer with Al Gore.


The power of imagining:

Paddle the Apalachicola:


CURRENT MOON moon info


I highly recommend reading, "Ecoliteracy: The Challenge for Education in the Next Century." It's an 11-page article and it's free.
You may also want to take a look at these books on climate crisis and global warming.
Here's a sampling of books that I have particulary enjoyed reading: "Prodigal Summer," Barbara Kingsolver; "The Evolution of Jane," Cathleen Schine; "Desert Solitaire," Edward Abbey; "River Teeth," David James Duncan; "Memoirs of A Geisha," Arthur Golden; "Care of the Soul," Thomas Moore; "Ecopsychology," Roszak, Boules, and Kavner; "The Year of Magical Thinking," Joan Didion; "Perfume," Patrick Suskind; "Time Bends," Arthur Miller; "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress," Dai Sijie; "Ethics for the New Millennium," Dalai Lama; "Life is A Miracle," Wendell Berry; "When Things Fall Apart," Pema Chodron; "The Spell of the Sensuous," David Abram; "Living by Fiction," Annie Dillard; "Writing Life," Annie Dillard; "The End of Nature," Bill McKibben; "My Name Is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization," Chellis Glendinning.
Click here to purchase, "Meanwhile, Back on Planet Earth."


My Blog

"Meanwhile" book review, by Laurie Shirley

"Meanwhile..." with its dire message that humanity with all its wonderful advances is progressively destroying our homethe Earthis NOT some preachy, doom-and-gloom look at the circumstances but rath...
Posted by Earl Morrogh on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 07:03:00 PST

What Is Ecofiction?

  For some of us, the scientific evidence supporting a pending global climate catastrophe is overwhelmingly convincing. For many others, this tsunami of alarming facts and figures, and a grim po...
Posted by Earl Morrogh on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 01:12:00 PST