Caravan/Prague profile picture



About Me

"An absolutely fascinating road trip populated by real and endlessly interesting people. First rate."
– Wade Major, DigiGods"A valuable first-hand account... Fascinating"
– John Nesbitt, Old School Reviews"An affecting, effective piece of documentary filmmaking... Wonderful"
– Rod Amis, CinemActivist.comA bicycle caravan -- with the theme, "Money or Life" -- travels 500 miles across Europe to join protests in Prague against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. The goal is to create a mobile utopian community which will be a living counter-example to the values of these powerful financial institutions. The landscape is beautiful, and bicycles possess their own poetry. But it's not always easy functioning without money. The authorities have their own ideas about policing the intersection of utopia and everyday life. And then there's the matter of shutting down the IMF/World Bank meeting...
Caravan/Prague, a feature-length documentary film, is a first-hand account of this journey and the historic 2000 Prague protests. Filmmaker Zack Winestine rode the entire trip with the caravan, filming from his bicycle as events unfolded. He recounts his hopes, fears, and questions, conveying the experience of participating in a community trying to bring about change that is both visionary and concrete.
The film has just been released to DVD by Cinema Libre Studio. For more info, please visit . And please friend Caravan/Prague on Facebook ! GRAB THE CODE FOR THIS VIDEO BY CLICKING THE MENU BUTTON

My Interests

Stopping corporate globalization; riding my bike; closing down the World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World Bank; bikes and alternative transportation; fair trade; making visually expressive films cheaply; making protest fun!


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My Blog

Caravan/Prague - Screening in New York City April 16th

"Caravan/Prague," a feature-length documentary about a bicycle caravan traveling across Europe to join protests in Prague against the IMF and World Bank, will be screening next Wednesday as part of th...
Posted by Caravan/Prague on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:34:00 PST

Another good review of Caravan/Prague!

John Nesbitt at Old School Reviews has posted an excellent review of Caravan/Prague:CARAVAN/PRAGUEUnless we're heading off to war, opportunities to participate in history occur rarely, but occasionall...
Posted by Caravan/Prague on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 05:17:00 PST

DKNYs Radical Plan (Car-Free NYC by 2018)!

Can DKNY be serious about demanding a car-free New York City by 2018?!Check out the video from Fashion Week 2008! Posted by Caravan/Prague on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:27:00 PST

Great Review of Caravan/Prague in Video Librarian

I just found out about a great review of Caravan/Prague in the ubercool Video Librarian magazine! (Okay, well maybe it isn't ubercool, but it IS an excellent source for high-quality film reviews.)Cara...
Posted by Caravan/Prague on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:55:00 PST

More screenings - in Boston and Toronto!

I've just got word about two newly-scheduled screenings of Caravan/Prague:in Boston, on October 18, at the Boston Bike Film Fest and Lucy Parsons Center (date is tentative), and in Toronto, on October...
Posted by Caravan/Prague on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:29:00 PST

Caravan/Prague will be screening in Vienna on 6 Oct. at Bicycle Film Festival!

Caravan/Prague will be screening at the Bicycle Film Festival in Vienna on October 6. Ticket and schedule info at And watch for an upcoming screening...
Posted by Caravan/Prague on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:02:00 PST