PONO profile picture


PONO LOVES YOU www.SaveBeautifulCows.com

About Me

PONO is a friendly, loving, and funny hawaiian holstein steer who was rescued from slaughter on July 8th 2006. He is happy to be alive and now lives with a herd of holstein friends above the ocean cliffs of Hawaii. Please consider adding PONO to your tops friends. Stay tuned for more from PONO. Thank you MOOs-moohalos. PONO LOVES YOU - LOVE PONO www.SaveBeautifulCows.com..
Personalized Glitter Graphics

My Interests

What's Wrong With Dairy and Eggs?
The "Free-Range" Myth
The Protein Myth
What's Wrong with Leather, Wool & Down?
Ecological Effects of Animal Agriculture
Health Concerns about Dairy Products
Protecting Your Bones
Vegan Holiday Recipes
Punk rock "Stop Animal Cruelty" leaflet
Why Vegan?
What's Fishy About Seafood?
COK Vegetarian Starter Kit
MFA Vegetarian Starter Kit
PETA Vegetarian Starter Kit
Dairy-Free & Delicious Recipes
Quick & Easy Vegan Recipes
Christianity and Vegetarianism
What Would Jesus Eat?
Guide to Becoming an Activist
Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating [the entire book!]..

I'd like to meet:

Mad Cow




Milk Gone Wild

My Blog

5000 signatures needed for petition against bull cruelty rituals in Mexico

We need 5000 signatures.Please sign and repost this!!!The bull walks and runs for hours in the streets while people throw darts at him. When he is too tired and weak from loss of blood to continue to ...
Posted by PONO on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 12:36:00 PST