is a community for knowledgeable bike mechanics who buy, sell, and recondition used bicycles. We are a collection of Virtual Bike Shops. Many of our sellers use Re-Cycle to augment their CraigsList postings with a professional look that is befitting their expertise. Most of our postings are bicycles that need a new rider and nothing else.
Because of our collection of talent, is a place where bike buyers can go to find answers to even the most basic questions. There are a sea of used bikes out there. Wading through hundreds of options without a good idea of what bike is best for a particular rider can be a daunting task. Re-Cycle helps differentiate the bike experts from the people cleaning out their garages.
New and returning riders often need an explanation of the basics before they even begin their search for a new bike. The Re-Cycle community is the beginning for those riders. That is where we can have the biggest impact on cycling and on the planet.
Where riding a bike from any other shop helps mother earth breath just a little easier, simply buying a bike from will reduce your carbon foot print. Every bike we Re-Cycle saves the planet 175 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions. This is because it takes energy to produce a new bicycle. When someone purchases a used item, manufacturers are saved from producing a new one.
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