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The Maryville Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group! ..
What The Bleep Do We Know?
Ron Paul Addresses Congress on the Dissent of War 05/22/07 The blue text on the chart and the events indicated by dots on the line are hyperlinked - just click them.
Note: WWII refers to US participation, 8 Dec 41 - 15 Aug 45.
Number of Weapons of Mass Destruction discovered = NONE
Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a Conspiracy Theorist !
Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don't try to leave, we are already watching.
More Quizzes at
Your Birthdate: September 7
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.
And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.
Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.
You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!
Your strength: Your self sufficiency
Your weakness: You despise authority
Your power color: Maroon
Your power symbol: Hammer
Your power month: July
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Feet cold andwet.
Glass being held atincorrect angle.
Rotate glass sothat open end points towardceiling.
Feet warm andwet.
Improper bladdercontrol.
Stand next tonearest dog, complain about housetraining.
Beer unusuallypale andtasteless................
Get someone tobuy you anotherbeer.
Opposite wallcovered with fluorescentlights.
You have fallenover backward.
Have yourselfleashed to bar.
Mouth containscigarette butts.
You have fallenforward.
Beer tasteless,front of your shirt iswet.
Mouth not open, orglass applied to wrong part offace.
Retire to restroom,practice in mirror.
You are lookingthrough bottom of emptyglass.
Get someone tobuy you anotherbeer.
You are beingcarried out.
Find out if you arebeing taken to anotherbar.
Room seemsunusually dark.
Bar hasclosed.
Confirm homeaddress withbartender.
Taxi suddenlytakes on colorful aspect andtextures.
Beer consumptionhas exceeded personallimitations.
Everyone looks upto you and smiles.
You are dancingon the table.
Fall on somebodycushy-looking.
Beer iscrystal-clear.
It's water.Somebody is trying to sober youup.
Hands hurt, nosehurts, mind unusuallyclear.
You have been ina fight.
Apologize toeveryone you see, just in case it wasthem.
Don't recognizeanyone, don't recognize the room you'rein.
You've wanderedinto the wrongparty.
See if they havefree beer.
Your singingsounds distorted.
The beer is tooweak.
Have more beeruntil your voiceimproves.
Don't rememberthe words to thesong.
Beer is justright.
Play air guitar.
Your Life Path Number is 11
Your purpose in life is to inspire others
Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return.
You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying.
You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.
In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.
You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself.
You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them.
You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything. What Is Your Life Path Number?
Just for grins....named after the wolf I had "back in the day" when I was up north.
adopt your own virtual pet!
9/11 Research Outline
World Trade Centers
Fire Engineering Calls investigation a half-baked farce
Illegal Steel Removal
No steel building in history has collapsedfrom fire
Hijackers didn't cause collapse
Hijackers alive!?!?
Building 7 furthest away from maintowers, yet closer buildings remained uncollapsed
Collapse of tower 7 wascontrolled
WTC 7 Investigation
Flight 93
Flight 93 was shot down
Flight 93 eyewitness on HowardStern
Flight 93 shot down
Flight 93 or another plane?
Eyewitness accounts of Flight 93
Flight 93 "shot down"
War Games
9/11 Timeline with wargames
War Games
Cheney in Control
Historical Reference
Declassified Operation Northwoodsputs 9/11 into context
Operation Bojinkas
Hitler's Reichstag Fire puts 9/11 into context
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Memo
Be aware, there are two theories about the Pentagon
The 'missle' theory, and the 757--"Official" theory.
In actuality, neither has enough evidence to fully support it.
We can never know until they release the video footage
Pentagon Analysis
Supposed 'plane' video = Is this a757?
Possibly a plane
Pentagon Lawn
Inconsistency of eyewitnessaccounts
Size of hole
FBI confiscated possibleproof of plane
Seismic data, videos
Bad pilot makes amazing flightpath into pentagon
Rumsfield misspoke and says amissle damaged the Pentagon
Use the following two websites to search for 911 victims in the Death Index, and find that most are notthere.....
Social Security Death Index
September 11th Victims List
Widows Lead 911 TruthMovement
Sibel Edmunds
9/11 Citizens / CitizensCoup