We need to stop this from happening now!SHARKWATER: TRAILER
Add to My Profile | More VideosHello!Thank you for visiting Shark Conservation. Sharks are under more pressure than ever before. But there is still time to act. This is intended to educate you about shark over fishing and overall shark information. We as humans are quick to disregard life. In the photograph section you will see many photos of beautiful sharks.Unfortunately, these sharks need our help. Their habitat is being destroyed, sharks are being overfished, and some species are on the brink of extinction. The finning of sharks is a very brutal practice and a waste. Sharks are fished and brought aboard a fishing boat, where a fisherman cuts off all of their fins. The shark is then tossed back into the ocean, finless, uncapable to swim and to allow water to flow freely through it's gills. The shark ultimately dies a very slow death. Now imagine your a shark for a moment if you will: You're gliding through the water one day, then the next thing you know all your fins are cut off. Not a pretty picture.Everyone needs to practice ocean conservation. If you do not live by an ocean there are many things you can still do to help. The ocean is full of marvelous and beautiful creatures. Lets keep it that way! TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT US!!!