About me? Nice, intelligent, creative, kind, passionate, sweet, romantic, hardworking and fun to be with. People always told me to write a book because i lived in so many places, saw a lot and went thru a lot. Finally becoming a modern woman and global citizen of the 21st century after living in New York, Toronto, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Jakarta and Singapore, and experienced even special moments like earthquakes, Indonesian turnmoil, Internet bubble, and 911 in New York...I believe it is all these that made me a better person, and a better artist who can feel deep and appreciate everyday that I live.
Through passion and love, I hope something really good can come out of it.
(More about me is in my BIO - pls see blog)
From a special talented poem/song writer friend here - Tony Haynes...(thx to Tony!)
J ust imagine
E very word
N ow from this day on,
I n terms of something
F un that your spirit can play on,
F or my friend you never know
E ach word on the tip of my tongue,
R epeated every day is...
...Jeniffer Young
tony haynes
Hope you like my design and styling work below that I did. Do feel free to comment. Your words and friendship mean a lot to me.
A new experimental music video I am working on. Below are some photos taken in March 2007 in Hollywood LA by Peter Linney and Damir K during the shooting. Hope you like also my styling and creative artistic work on them. Your comments are always valuable to me and all the wonderful people that I work with. Together we make things happen.
Myspace Falling Objects
My goal is to work on others, but I turn out to be the handy person quite often for many experimental occassions. LOL. Heading towards some interesting development.