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Hail Hail Rock'n Roll !!!

About Me

I love music, being outdoors, physical challenges. I was born and grew up in Africa, but my parents are from Europe and Latvia. I have been a huge fan of Bob Dylan since I was 10 years old, although my music taste is extremely diverse. My 2 favorite expressions are "Step away from the edge" and "More important than the will to win, is the will to prepare to win".
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My Interests

Music, Reading, Movies, World Affairs, Politics, Squash[raquetball], Running Marathons, Hiking and Mountain Climbing.

I'd like to meet:

Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Bill Clinton
black sabbeth - paranoid
.. ..
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I publish a website called www.homedesignLA.com.
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A Luxury Lifestyle and Design Directory


Too many to mention. I love the movies. I suppose One Flew over the Coockoo's Nest, Saving Private Ryan, Get Shorty, Donnie Brasco, The Big Lebowski, The Edge, Fargo, A Simple Plan, The Pianist, Unforgiven, Sideways, Million Dollar Baby, Made and most Woody Allen movies would make my short list.


30 Rock, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Office, The Wire, Rescue Me, Reno 911, The Sheild, Curb your Enthusiasm, Sopranos, Deadwood, The Jon Stewart Show, The Colbert Report, Flight of the Concords


Generally biographies, mysteries and anything on the subject of mountain climbing. My 3 favorite books are; by Jon Krakauer - Into Thin Air and Into the Wild (which has just been made into a movie by Sean Penn, and The Lore of Running by Dr Tim Noakes.


Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Muhammad Ali, Bill Clinton, Rob de Castella and Reinholt Messner to name a few.
