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Check out our song 'Paradise' in the 2008 feature The Reincarnation Of Emily:

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Forged in the storied Wicker Park section of Chicago by vocalist Juliette Tworsey and guitarist Jules Shapiro, Fire Bug began cutting their musical teeth in and around local Chicago venues before making their way out to Los Angeles. Since arriving in Los Angeles, Fire Bug has become a part of the essential club scene sharing the stage with many artists including Tom Morello (RATM / Audio Slave), Donita Sparks (L7), to even unplugged sets with new folk artist Jesca Hoop and even performing with classic 60’s folk icon Donovan. The band has also received high praise from various publications such as Time Out NY and LA Weekly. Through their exposure to over 200,000 MySpace Music fans, they compare the Fire Bug sound to that of a new millennium version of 70’s rock, with each song being stamped with their own unique signature. Juliette’s voice is quirky yet distinct. Her vocals are a well-trained combination of high and low, slow and fast. Delicately gentle one moment and fiercely aggressive the next. Jules plays a guitar evocative of the Delta Blues with occasionally bizarre chord progressions and a touch of hard rock thrown in for good measure. Taken independently, there are songs in the band’s repertoire, which could be classified as indie, blues, and even psychedelic. In the final analysis, Fire Bug is out to establish a new game and people want to hear what all the noise is about. In so doing, the band recently showcased in NYC CMJ 2007. Also, Firebug will be showcasing this year at the 2008 NorthByNortheast, the largest music conference in North America. With the top 5 most viewed EPK at Sonicbids. Winner of the UK New Music Awards 2007 and voted best DIY songwriters of 2006. Fire Bug currently have their songs “Paradise” and “Girl” spun on Chicago’s Q101 and on Indie 103.1 in Los Angeles.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 7/2/2004
Band Website: (new site coming soon...)
Band Members: Juliette Tworsey - lyrics, all vocals, rhythm guitar, mandolin Jules Shapiro - lead guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, organ Adam Levy - bass Ty Dennis - drums
Influences: Led Zeppelin/Rolling Stones/Black Sabbath/Pink Floyd/The Doors/The Verve/Black Rebel Motorcycle Club/ Queens of The Stone Age/Willie Dixon/Howlin' Wolf/Johnny Lee Hooker/Muddy Waters/RL Burnside/Marianne Faithful/Portishead/Blondie/PJ Harvey
Sounds Like:


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we will post new reviews to present what others have to say :))

Check out the latest review:
"Catch The Firebug and Don't Let Go" APRIL 2008

"This is well worth the purchase. I miss music with this kind of depth and grit as it seems harder and harder to come by. Solid from start to finish and really pulls you in, pure badass. Their sound is unique but think the grandeur and big sounds of Jane's Addiction, the darkness and melody of one PJ Harvey and gritty blues all mixed with a splash of psychedelic Pink Floyd. If that doesn't sound good, that's your problem."
- iTunes Review 'Season For Change' APRIL 2008

"Firebug – UK REVIEW 'Season For Change' APRIL 2008

"I first heard Firebug on Halloween last year, as part of their ’Unbugged’ acoustic tour of the UK. As soon as I saw that the guitarist Jules Shapiro was wearing a mock horror wig for the occasion, I knew these guys were my sort of thing. Even acoustic, they blew me away. So, when the chance came to hear their new album, ’Season for Change’, I took it with open arms.Firebug have an epic, stadium-filling quality to their music that I can’t quite place. Rootsy blues and psychedelic rock mix brilliantly from the off, with the fantastic ’Paradise’. And it’s all up from there. ’Just Because’ swells with an army of notes, whilst the vocals of Juliette Tworsey soar to dizzy heights, bringing the audience with her every step of the way. All the while, the bass of Adam Levy and drums of Ty Dennis are stubbornly effective, subtle in their approach and the firm-handed strength of the album.Along the way, standout tracks are the sublime ’Smile’ and ’Carnivore Banquet’, before the final track, ’Been There Before’, hits you with its beauty. Then, the distorted guitar kicks in, exploding like Pearl Jam gone amok. This album sounds so big, I’m surprised it could fit in my CD player."


February 2008 Double Door CD Release review

" The depth to the band's writing skills and fearless approach to originality gives a modern touch to the psychedelic and blues based influences of some of the best 70's rock music." " ..The sultry, smoky vocals of Juliette Tworsey nearly hypnotized the audience with not only the sound, but the stories and images conjured by the lyrics as well. Melodic and at times almost haunting. Juliette can deliver a song that can not only move your emotions, but make you give your own life's decisions some extra thought."

review by Cathy Palmer Chicago Rocks Feb 2008


"Firebug may be from LA but their original home is Wicker Park, Chicago. So maybe it's appropriate that they have their CD release party for "Season For Change" A full length album with 12 Tracks, at The Double Door, Chicago's hot spot for Underground Music." "As soon as they started you knew you were in for a real treat. Juliette Tworsey and Jules Shapiro have a great stage presence and work very well together. Their first song was one of my favorites: "Paradise". I thought this was a good choice as any Firebug fan would know it's been up on their myspace page for a while and is also on their "End of the World" EP. Before even taking the plastic off my new CD I fell in love with "Smile" and "Eyes Wide Open". I especially enjoyed seeing them perform "Breakdown" live with it's energetic hooks and riffs. It really showed off their talents as musicians. Their set reached an intense conclusion as Jules and the drummer, TyDennis jammed it out! I couldn't help but stand there with my mouth wide open in amazement. You can tell that this band has a passion for what they do. They all have a great chemistry, and each song was played perfectly as if they had played it together a million times. Also the other half of the rhythm section was Adam Levy doing a wonderful job- I just love Bass guitar. After the show was over we all walked across the street to The Debonair Club where Jules and Juliette were nice enough to sign their CD for me. I also discovered that as well as being talented, professional musicians they are nice, wonderful people. If you ever get a chance to see Firebug play live, do not pass it up! You will not be disappointed."

MUEN MAGAZINE Live Review by Lissy


" It is difficult for someone who has been rotting away on this planet for four decades to get excited about new music. It all sounds derivative and unimaginative. Any new landscape it promises to take you down, turns out to be the same old smoke filled barroom with a new coat of paint. It would be easy to blame the new bands themselves for this, but the truth in most cases is that those of us who believe music is the only true higher power available to rape or cleanse our souls depending on our needs at the moment...have simply become so jaded we refuse to give up our old gods for new.Enter Firebug. Ask yourself what would have happened if Kate Bush had hung out with the cool kids smoking dope and listening to Led Zeppelin records instead of taking piano lessons with the prim and proper art house geeks? She would have produced a song like "Been There Before" available for a free listen on: Firebug's Site. A beautifully haunting song tinged with a enough familiarity that it draws you into its core the minute you hear Juliette Tworsey's unique voice.But this band is far more than a hot chick with a kick ass voice. Firebug is a band. Their tightness ebbs and flows perfectly in a song like "Just Because". In this tune the band fully reveals not only their biggest musical influences in the opening few chords, but demonstrates it has the chops to go beyond the derivative and define the past with a fresh sound. It wouldn't be a stretch to expect Robert Plant's vocals on this track. Instead we are treated to Juliette's punkish bluesy voice.There are more free songs available to listen too. There is an EP to download, and their is a full length album planned for 2008. There are live shows and tours. But even more importantly there is a sense that music is truly alive and in good hands. Firebug is that familiar band in that smoky barroom, but instead of tossing a new coat of paint on it's dirty walls...they have chosen to burn the fucking things down while keeping the foundation structurally intact."

Review by RC Edrington


" With a sound reminiscent of classic 70's Rock Fire Bug already has the overseas and college radio feeling their heat, now they are ready to give the masses a much needed FUEL INJECTION! "


September 2007 Amped Magazine Review / Interview by Eric Russ

August 2007 Review SWEDEN Dagens Arbete

" With a powerful and personal voice, Juliette Tworsey weaves together dreamlike pop and psychedelia into a unique and modern sound. Firebug tinkers with melodies, space and guitar heaviness, precisely excecuted into amazing melodies and song pearls. Brilliant and timeless."

Review by Danne Palm August 2007

July 2007Le Télégramme FRANCE Firebug Review July 2007

"Ce quatuor américain a parfaitement assimilé ses influences pour acquérir une touche vraiment personnelle et originale. Mené par sa chanteuse et guitariste Juliette Tworsey, Firebug distille un rock brut aux ambiances blues et folk. Très 70’s, le combo s’évade et flirte même avec le psychédélique. s’écoute en boucle, notamment grâce à l’excellente utilisation du dobro sur la plupart des morceaux."

- Le Télégramme July 2007 review by Francois Alaouret

Cord Magazine Live Review @ The Cellar Vancouver B.C. NMW SHOWCASE

" Curious sort, this Firebug. When I stroll in, the band is involved mostly in an intricate clapping session. Fronted by a diminutive and feisty-looking gal, the band name seems appropriate. The band has a bluesy, no-shit bent to it that carries a certain appeal. ." .It's an original approach to the female-front band. thumbs up!"

performing 'Breakdown' Vancouver B.C. NewMusicWest May 2007

- June 2007 review by Andy Scheffler


'Wet and windy, but great fun!'

" URBAN Lawns music festival was held in spectacular style in Axminster. In spite of driving wind and rain, the weather didn’t dampen the spirits of those who attended. The atmosphere was electric, with festival goers commenting on the great quality of the bands."" Attendance has picked up all day and there is a large crowd in front of the main stage in time for Firebug’s headline set, which is awesome. Firebug have come all the way from Los Angeles to headline. Lead singer, Juliette Tworsey, said: “We’ve really enjoyed it so far and the people here are really cool. Although the sun hasn’t smiled on us, we’ve had a great time!”

- by Matthew Low Midweek Herald DEVON UK



" Ah tonight’s headliners have forgotten something in their hotel they need on stage and just remembered to get it as they are supposed to be on stage. Queue waiting a bit for them to start their set. But the wait is well worth it. There’s something very sexy about singer Juliette Tworsey’s American accent and shocking red ponytails. She’s fairly captivating before the addition of vibrant edgy guitar, powered up drums and sliding basslines. An excellent headliner they draw out a decent sized crowd, who rock out to this awesome Los Angeles flavoured rock."


" Los Angeles’ headliners from last night return! More delightfully wrought American soundscapes attract a crowd who suddenly double in size! The drumming is intense, and the vocals soar in ‘Smile’. Lead singer Juliette says the cold weather is making tuning difficult or it could be the cosmic mushrooms she sampled! ‘Last Laugh’ and ‘Packing Shoes’ close another blistering rock out from Firebug, superb! "

- Reviews by Scott Williams

May 19th 2007
Carrying the Torch of the Greats: New Rock from Indie Favorite Fire Bug

“Their music is so unique, while still remaining loyal to some of the greats in rock and roll, that I’m completely mesmerized.” “Equal parts folk, hard rock, pop, grunge and blues, all blended into a dark, smoky and seductive sound that has just a bit of a hypnotic pulse, drenched in a mystic feel that recalls 70s era classic rock.” “The centerpiece of all these Firebug songs is certainly the vocals of Juliette Tworsey. Her vocal style seems to fit so perfectly with this music that it pushes these songs much further than they might go with a less talented singer.” “They sound unique while paying homage to their influences by immersing this music in a sort of smoky darkness that is earthy, gritty (maybe even slightly gothic) and far more seductive sounding tonally. They create a completely unique feel in their own right, that I find quite compelling to listen to.”

Rock Is Life End Of The World EP Review May 2007

“The band’s influences and sound is deeply rooted in the 70’s hard rock sound with that era’s psychedelic flourishes and some blues thrown into the mix as well.” “The song “Paradise”which is simply phenomenal. I would buy this (EP) on the strength of that track alone.” “Vocalist Juliette Tworsey has a phenomenal voice.”

~Delusions Of Adequacy March 2007

" Fire Bug is an easy target for greatness in 2007 - if this release is any indication - and I can see this band being able to walk the fine line between indie darlings and radio-ready rockers. Either way, the End of the World EP will whet your appetite for some stunningly modernized 70s style rock and leave you panting for more, more, more!"- Review by Jennifer Patton

- THE STARLIGHT March 2007

"Here's a tune by the absolute fabulous psychedelic L.A band Fire Bug and their fantastic 'Breakdown' taken from their forthcoming album released in 2007. Juliette Tworsey, the voice behind the band, is a fantastic singer and she is definitely in the highest divisions of great voices."

~ Independent Supervisor Managing Unsigned Talent STARLIGHT REVIEW


"The music of Fire Bug is like that of no other we've heard in a long time! The mix between the vocals of Juliette Tworsey and the guitar work of Jules Shapiro is spectacular. A fresh new sound with perhaps only a slight ghostly sound of Zeppelin in the mix. Tworsey's vocal deliverance can only be compared to a small few... one being that of artist, PJ Harvey.When you're speaking of Fire Bug, passion is at the forefront, and Tworsey's voice is unique and powerful enough to turn the ears of even the most tried skeptic. Jules Shapiro's guitar approach is truly pristine! Executing loads of emotional ammo and intensity, which only fan the flames to even greater heights. The vocal deliverance of Juliette is quite simply, magical."

FEB 2007

FIRE BUG "UNBUGGED" review FEB. 2007

"That's right, Firebug in it's acoustic version - or Firebug "Unbugged". In their stripped down acoustic incarnation, they still maintain that psychedelic feel with Jules Shapiro tearing up the slide guitar and Juliette Tworsey blending in Janis Joplin and Grace Slick in her own version of powerful vocals that go right to the core."

"UNBUGGED" review San Francisco Station JAN 2007

" The acoustic version of the LA psychedelic rock band, Firebug. Firebug "Unbugged", as they call themselves when in acoustic mode, deliver equally powerful vocals and brilliant songwriting by singer-songwriter Juliette Tworsey. Hits of their mid-west origin can be heard in the Chicago blues influenced slide guitar of Jules Shapiro."

Sublime Exile Recordings Featured Artist

" Furthermore we are broadcasting, on myspace, the absolute fabulous psychadelic L.A band Fire Bug with their tune 'Breakdown' taken from their forthcoming album released in 2007. Juliette Tworsey, the voice behind the band, is a fantastic singer and she is definitely in the highest divisions of great voices. We absolutely love these tunes and you should all go listen to more great tunes by the band at"

Virtual Radio Show

" Juliette Tworsey is as distinct a singer as her surname. This is another example of Indie genius. This group have moulded a particular style which separates them from the majority of the bands out there. Check out their myspace where they've put up an impressive page that is as entertaining as their music. If this band doesn't fly there's no justice, or taste anymore."

- Penny Black Music Magazine UK

" End of the World' is their new EP. The title track is at over 7 minutes, and starts with some gentle guitar playing and a delicate vocal from Juliette that brings to mind PJ Harvey and the Throwing Muses. The music is minimal to begin with, but gets louder as 'End of the World' progresses with the guitars becoming stronger and the bass and drums giving the track an added lift. It eventually becomes a rock number, but one of very serious attitude. Masterfully played, it is a definite head bopper. 'Paradise' also recalls PJ Harvey and the Muses. It is louder and more full on and has the added bonus of some sad string arrangements, which bring it down a peg and give it a different texture. The ending is as elegant as any classic rock track, with some strong hymn-like harmonies. A damn fine band and one worth checking out."

- Insomnia Radio

"Let's talk about Fire Bug! They're out of L.A. and just incredible. They kinda fuse everything I love about psychedelic rock from the 60's and 70's and managed to make it sound so new! Sounds just like a perfect blend of psychedelic art rock mixed with modern pop rock. Love the voice, love the lyrics, love the music, love it all! "

- Donkey Punch Radio Chicago

" Fire Bug is going to be huge. I guarantee it. Thier new four-song EP End Of The World showcases the bands musical talent and diversity. The title tack "End Of The World", shows off Juliette's incredible vocal range, and lyrics are some of the best I've heard in a while. "Paradise", is getting airplay on Chicago's Q101 as well as Donkey Punch Radio, of course. If you are in the LA area, go see this band, buy their EP and tell them Jemo sent you. You might get a discount, or better yet, a nice hug."

- 44 Caliber Magazine UK

FIREBUG // End Of The World EP
"It takes a special kind of band to create overwhelming atmospheres that suck the air out of the room and leave you enraptured in the sound drifting from your stereo, and Fire Bug are that kind of band. Maybe its the effortless groove, maybe its the powerful yet strangely soothing vocals or maybe its the way they plead for escapism through their smart lyrics... whatever it is, it works. At heart they're an indie band, albeit drenched in psychedelic 60's suss, and they're thrillingly unafraid of experimenting."

- Daily Dose

"Sometimes our posts here on the Daily Dose are carefully prepared and well researched. Except for nights like this, when clicking a random link on a forum lands you here, a myspace page for LA Based Fire Bug, a group that sounds like the best of old psychadelic rock revived with clever hooks and a fresh new soundWhat was I saying? Ok. Heres the deal: Theyre amazing, and instead of posting one track here, how about we point you to the entire disc, free, complete with album art."

anonymous FIRE BUG fan review from scarebear

"Fire Bug, an artist I love, offers their latest EP free to download. They're one of the few artists that manage to sound old and new, uptown, downtown and small town, all at the same time."-

L.A. Weekly Review

" After sincere efforts to enjoy Jenny Lewis solo record, Im all the more impressed by women who never play the coy/precious card, but plain old kick ass and shoot prisoners: Witness L.A.s Firebug (tonight, 3/16, Spaceland). This is a klassic roots-rock band with a truly special singer named Juliette Tworsey, who sings bold and tough but a little broken, smart but not wise. Minor chords and lotsa stiff-upper-lip heartbreak and slide guitars. WARNING: CONTAINS NO EMO SELF-PITY. (Looks like they also play Hangar 1018 on 3/24.) "

AngryApe UK Review

End of the World 2005 EP
Buddha Belt Records

" America's sweethearts Fire Bug are possibly the prettiest things to have come out of MySpace, ever. The band is made up of vocalist and rhythm guitarist Juliette Tworsey, guitarist Jules Shapiro, bassist Ian Solomon and drummer Ty Dennis.Picture the scene; Juliette and Jules formed Fire Bug in a park. Juliette has the cheekbones of a younger Kate Moss, and a quirky dress sense to match. They are psych rock with an acoustic guitar. The acoustic is allowed its full impact, yet this is served with a sad contrast to Juliette's vocals. There is a grace and charm to their songs paralleled by their good looks and positive outlook.They've hit the American club scene to promising results playing such musical meccas as CBGB's and The Roxy, with little reason to look back."

- Angry Ape UK review

Now On Tour review

" This is a really great EP from Fire Bug. The LA band has a slight 70s feel that sounds like Zeppelin or early Heart, although theyre not stuck in the past. Their style is really hard to describe in that it has a slight retro feel but not really. You have to hear them to see what I mean. The band is made up of vocalist and rhythm guitarist Juliette Tworsey, guitarist Jules Shapiro, bassist Ian Solomon and drummer Ty Dennis.

There are four cuts on here with one being a radio edit of a previous song. The first song, End of the World starts off cautiously with just guitar and Juliettes almost fragile voice, before giving way to the rest of the band. The sound has almost a hazy psychedelic feel to it, sort of like Melanie or a subdued Janis Joplin meets Soundgarden.

The second cut, Paradise is even better, again starting off with a subtle intro before cranking away. The band has a great sense of dynamics however, trading off the quieter passages with the more raucous parts. Forever Wont Wait is very Zeppelin-esque with really nice guitar and a good vocal filter. The last cut is the End of the World edit.

Fire Bug is a band that is capable of really great things. I cant wait for the full album."


check out our interview w IS GOOD MUSIC DJ Jon Hershfield!

need flyers / posters / banners? check out:Bitchin Rock Art
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Record Label: UNSIGNED
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Get Into The Van w Jezz Harkin

Hey there! We are the featured artist this week on Jezz Harkin's BreakthruRadio Show 'Get Into The Van' out of NYC!   click on the link to listen to BREAKTHRURADIO FEATURED ARTIST FIREB...
Posted by Firebug on Wed, 21 May 2008 01:50:00 PST

May 2008 featured artist HereThere Magazine

Check out FIREBUG featured artist  HereThere Magazine  MAY 2008 :...
Posted by Firebug on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:06:00 PST

NewMusicWest Showcase THUR MAY 15th @ Pat’s Pub TONIGHT

Hey everyone!        We are in Vancouver B.C. for NewMusicWest! Our showcase is TONIGHT @ Pat's Pub 9pm  403 E. Hasting Street   SEE YOU TONIGHT! &nbs...
Posted by Firebug on Thu, 15 May 2008 02:58:00 PST

Check out this event: NewMusicWest Industry Showcase May 14th + 15th

Hosted By: NewMusicWest When: Thursday May 15, 2008 at 9:00 PMWhere: Pat's Pub403 E. Hastings St.Vancouver, British Columbia|56 CanadaDescription:NewMusicWest Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Firebug on Sun, 11 May 2008 06:57:00 PST

Check out this event: NewMusicWest Industry Showcase May 14th + 15th

Hosted By: NewMusicWest When: Wednesday May 14, 2008 at 10:00 PMWhere: The Cellar1006 Granville St.Vancouver, British Columbia|56 CanadaDescription:NewMusicWest Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Firebug on Sun, 11 May 2008 06:53:00 PST


hey everyone!  FIREBUG LIVE IN L.A. INTERVIEW  tomorrow  with DJ Jon Hershfield on the ISGOOD MUSIC RADIO NETWORK!  The amazing DJ Jon Hershfield will be playing some brand new tra...
Posted by Firebug on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:16:00 PST


Posted by Firebug on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:57:00 PST

Season For Change NEW UK REVIEW!

FireBug - UK REVIEW 'Season For Change' APRIL 2008"I first heard Firebug on Halloween last year, as part of their 'Unbugged' acoustic tour of the UK. As soon as I saw that the guitarist Jules Shapiro ...
Posted by Firebug on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:14:00 PST

NEW SONG POSTED! 'Eyes Wide Open'

Please give a listen to our latest offering ’Eyes Wide Open’ , featured on the new full length release ’Season For Change’. Sweet yet intense and very much psychedelic! Prepar...
Posted by Firebug on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:59:00 PST


Our latest full length CD ’Season For Change’ is now available! Purchase your own copy of  Season For Change’Coming soon on ITunes! Available now for download at and Rhaps...
Posted by Firebug on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:00:00 PST