...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield profile picture

...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield

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About Me

05/22/08 w/ Manhattan Murder Mystery - Check out www.myspace.com/manhattanmurdermystery .
05/21/08 w/ Automatique - Check out www.myspace.com/automatiqueband .
05/20/08 w/ Amateurs - Check out www.myspace.com/amtrs .
05/19/08 w/ Jay Matsueda - Check out www.myspace.com/jaymatsueda .
05/15/08 w/ Hour of the Shipwreck - Check out www.myspace.com/houroftheshipwreck .
05/12/08 w/ The Osgoods - Check out www.myspace.com/theosgoods .
05/09/08 w/ Telematique - Check out www.myspace.com/telematiquemusic .
05/08/08 w/ The French Semester - Check out www.myspace.com/thefrenchsemester .
05/05/08 w/ Temple - Check out www.myspace.com/sharontemple .
05/04/08 w/ Daryl Blood - Check out www.myspace.com/darrylblood .
05/01/08 w/ Fire Bug - Check out www.myspace.com/firebug .
04/28/08 w/ Les Blanks - Check out www.myspace.com/lesblanks .
04/24/08 w/ Black Kites - Check out www.myspace.com/blackkitesmusic .
04/22/08 w/ Eject - Check out www.myspace.com/ejecttheband .
04/21/08 w/ Minibike - Check out www.myspace.com/minibikerider .
04/14/08 w/ Seasons - Check out www.myspace.com/sseasons .
04/10/08 w/ Shiloe - Check out www.myspace.com/shiloemusic .
04/08/08 w/ Chase Frank - Check out www.myspace.com/chasefrank .
04/06/08 w/ Joanie Mendenhall - Check out www.myspace.com/joaniemendenhall .
04/03/08 w/ The Broken Remotes - Check out www.myspace.com/thebrokenremotes and www.thebrokenremotes.com .
03/27/08 w/ Craft Club - Check out www.myspace.com/craftclubmusic .
03/24/08 w/ Sara Melson Check out www.myspace.com/saramelson .
03/23/08 w/ Lenly Check out www.myspace.com/lenlyband .
03/20/08 w/ Moedog Darling Check out www.myspace.com/moedogdarling .
03/17/08 w/ Rich Ferguson Check out www.myspace.com/richferguson .
03/16/08 w/ Una Check out www.myspace.com/unamusic .
03/10/08 w/ Foxtails Brigade Check out www.myspace.com/lauraweinbach .
03/06/08 w/ The Black Watch - Check out www.myspace.com/theblackwatch .
02/28/08 w/ Jason Heath and The Greedy Souls - Check out www.myspace.com/jasonheathandthegreedysouls .
02/21/08 w/ Casxio - Check out www.myspace.com/casxio .
02/18/08 w/ The Kris Special - Check out www.myspace.com/thekrisspecial .
02/14/08 w/ Hurka's Hero - Check out www.myspace.com/hurkashero .
02/11/08 w/ The Weather Underground - Check out www.myspace.com/theweatherunderground .
02/07/08 w/ Johanavich von Woken - Check out www.myspace.com/johanavichvonwoken .
02/04/08 w/ The Harpeth Trace Check out www.myspace.com/theharpethtrace .
02/03/08 w/ Frankel - Check out www.myspace.com/frankel .
01/31/08 w/ I Make This Sound - Check out www.myspace.com/imakethissound .
01/25/08 w/ The Idaho Falls - Check out www.myspace.com/theidahofalls .
01/22/08 w/ Monk Turner - Check out www.myspace.com/monkturner .
01/20/08 w/ Stacy Clark - Check out www.myspace.com/ilovestacyclark and stacyclark.net .
01/17/08 w/ Azalia Snail - Check out www.myspace.com/azaliasnail .
01/14/08 w/ The Hectors - Check out www.myspace.com/thehectors .
01/11/08 w/ Droid Behavior - Check out www.myspace.com/droidbehavior .
01/10/08 w/ Death to Anders - Check out www.myspace.com/deathtoanders .
01/06/08 w/ The Parson Redheads - Check out www.myspace.com/redheads .
01/03/08 w/ Robbie Reverberation - Check out www.myspace.com/robbiereverberation .
12/21/07 w/ Rademacher - Check out www.myspace.com/rademacher .
12/20/07 w/ The Henry Clay People - Check out www.myspace.com/thehenryclaypeople .
12/13/07 w/ The Happy Hollows - Check out www.myspace.com/thehappyhollows .
12/09/07 w/ Countless Thousands - Check out www.myspace.com/countlessthousands .
12/06/07 w/ Radars to the Sky - Check out www.myspace.com/radarstothesky .
11/29/07 w/ Hello Dragon - Check out www.myspace.com/hellodragonmusic .
11/22/07 w/ Holly Conlan - Check out www.myspace.com/hollyconlan .
11/20/07 w/ M.S. Garvey and the Hootenanny Allstars - Check out www.letterstotheprez.com .
11/15/07 w/ Chase Frank - Check out www.myspace.com/chasefrank .
11/08/07 w/ Correatown - Check out www.myspace.com/correatown . Plus a special visit from Arrico Rose to talk about the I HEART Project.
11/01/07 w/ Mather Louth - Check out www.myspace.com/matherlouth .
10/25/07 w/ The Sessions - Check out www.myspace.com/iheartthesessions .
10/18/07 w/ The Transmissions - Check out www.myspace.com/thetransmissions .
10/14/07 w/ Divisadero - Check out www.myspace.com/soundsofdivisadero .
10/11/07 w/ Lo-Fi Sugar - Check out www.myspace.com/lofisugar .
10/04/07 w/ Todd McLaughlin - Check out www.myspace.com/toddmclaughlin .
10/03/07 w/ Gabriel Mann - Check out www.myspace.com/gabrielmann and www.gabrielmann.com .
09/27/07 w/ Old War Shirt - Check out www.myspace.com/oldwarshirt .
09/20/07 w/ The Northern Two - Check out www.myspace.com/thenortherntwo .
09/19/07 w/ The Young Goodman Browns - Check out www.myspace.com/theyounggoodmanbrowns .
09/06/07 w/ The Hanks - Check out www.myspace.com/thehanks .
09/05/07 w/ Obsolete Heart - Check out www.myspace.com/obsoleteheart .
08/30/07 w/ Paul Avion - Check out www.myspace.com/paulavion .
08/29/07 w/ Laura Martin - Check out www.myspace.com/lauramartinmusic .
08/23/07 w/ Pete Hopkins - Check out www.myspace.com/petehopkins .
08/22/07 w/ Sam Sparro - Check out www.myspace.com/samsparro .
08/16/07 w/ Laura Weinbach - Check out www.myspace.com/lauraweinbach .
08/15/07 w/ John Gold - Check out www.johngoldmusic.com and www.myspace.com/johngold .
08/09/07 w/ Michael Mazochi -Check out www.myspace.com/michaelmazochi .
08/08/07 w/ Cute Phase - Check out www.cutephase.com and www.myspace.com/cutephase .
08/02/07 w/ George Sarah - Check out www.georgesarah.com and www.myspace.com/georgesarahmusic .
08/01/07 w/ Io Perry - Check out www.ioperry.com and www.myspace.com/ioperry .
07/26/07 w/ The Flower Machine - Check out www.myspace.com/theflowermachine .
07/25/07 w/ El Ten Eleven - Check out www.myspace.com/elteneleven .
07/19/07 w/ Daniel Persson - Check out www.myspace.com/danielpersson .
07/18/07 w/ The Health Club - Check out www.myspace.com/thehealthclub .
07/12/07 w/ Thailand - Check out www.myspace.com/welcometothailand .
07/11/07 w/ Arrica Rose and the ...s - Check out www.myspace.com/arricarose and www.arricarose.com .
07/05/07 w/ Eject - Check out www.myspace.com/ejecttheband .
07/04/07 w/ Christopher Anton - Check out www.myspace.com/christopheranton .
06/27/07 w/ Buddy - Check out www.myspace.com/buddy and www.iamyourbuddy.com .
06/27/07 w/ The Ghost Lullaby - Check out www.myspace.com/theghostlullaby .
05/17/07 w/ Hearts of Palm UK - Check out www.myspace.com/heartsofpalmuk .
05/16/07 w/ Shane Hunter - Check out www.myspace.com/mcshanehunter and www.shanehunter.net .
05/10/07 w/ Nightfur - Check out www.myspace.com/nightfur .
05/09/07 w/ Zera Vaughan - Check out www.zeravaughan.com and www.myspace.com/zeravaughan .
04/25/07 w/ The Karabal Nightlife - Check out www.myspace.com/thekarabalnightlife .
04/19/07 w/ Jenna Mate - Check out www.myspace.com/jennamatemusic .
04/18/07 w/ All Wrong and the Plans Change - Check out www.myspace.com/allwrongandtheplanschange .
04/15/07 w/ Cubiky - Check out www.myspace.com/cubiky and www.cubiky.com .
04/12/07 w/ Cosio - Check out www.myspace.com/cosiomusic and www.cosiomusic.com .
04/11/07 w/ Jonneine Zapata - Check out www.myspace.com/jonneinezapata .
04/05/07 w/ Aime - Check out www.myspace.com/aimespace. and www.aimespace.com .
03/29/07 w/ The Slow Demise - Check out www.myspace.com/theslowdemisemusic .
03/23/07 w/ Kelly de Martino - Check out www.myspace.com/kellydemartinobaby .
03/22/07 w/ Helen Stellar - Check out www.myspace.com/helenstellar and www.helenstellar.com .
03/21/07 w/ Darren Robbins - Check out www.myspace.com/darrenrobbins and www.darrenrobbins.com .
03/18/07 w/ Alana Sweetwater - Check out www.myspace.com/alanasweetwatermusic and www.alanasweetwater.com .
03/15/07 w/ Todd Beauchamp - Check out www.myspace.com/toddbeauchamp .
03/08/07 w/ Modus Vivendi Music - Check out www.myspace.com/modusvivendimusic .
03/07/07 w/ Mezklah - Check out www.myspace.com/mezklah .
03/06/07 w/ Carla Hassett - Check out www.myspace.com/carlahassett and www.carlamusic.com .
03/01/07 w/ Oliver Future - Check out www.myspace.com/oliverfuture .
02/22/07 w/ Porcelain - Check out www.myspace.com/ozporcelain .
02/15/07 w/ Amiena - Check out www.amiena.com and www.myspace.com/amiena .
02/14/07 w/ Dezhope - Check out www.myspace.com/dezhope .
02/08/07 w/ The Osgoods - Check out www.myspace.com/theosgoods and www.osgoods.net .
02/01/07 w/ John West - Check out www.myspace.com/johnpeterwest .
01/25/07 w/ Whitton - Check out www.myspace.com/whitton and www.myspace.com/whittonacoustic .
01/18/07 w/ Holiday & The Adventure Pop Collective - Check out www.myspace.com/holidayandtheadventurepopcollective .
01/14/07 w/ One Trick Pony - Check out www.myspace.com/onetrickpony .
01/11/07 w/ Healamonster & Tarsier - Check out www.myspace.com/healamonsterandtarsier .
01/07/07 w/ Ghost Town - Check out www.myspace.com/townghost .
01/04/07 w/ AM (special follow-up show) - Check out www.amsounds.com and www.myspace.com/amsounds .
01/04/07 w/ Countless Thousands - Check out www.myspace.com/countlessthousands .
12/28/06 w/ Barbeau - Check out www.myspace.com/barbeaumusic .
12/21/06 w/ Jeff Caudill - Check out www.jeffcaudill.com and www.myspace.com/jeffcaudill .
12/14/06 w/ Sabrosa Purr - Check out www.myspace.com/sabrosapurr .
12/07/06 w/ Skyscraper Frontier - Check out www.myspace.com/skyscraperfrontier and www.cominghomerecords.com .
11/30/06 w/ Balcony - Check out www.myspace.com/balcony .
11/20/06 w/ Tandemoro - Check out www.myspace.com/tandemoromusic and www.tandemoro.com .
11/16/06 w/ Romak & The Space Pirates - Check out www.myspace.com/romakandthespacepirates and ratsp.net .
11/09/06 w/ The Riders - Check out www.myspace.com/theriders and www.theridersmusic.com .
11/02/06 w/ Life With An Astronaut - Check out www.myspace.com/lifewithanastronaut .
10/26/06 w/ Lee Ferris - Check out www.myspace.com/leeferrismusic .
10/17/06 w/ Protostarr - Check out www.myspace.com/protostarr and www.protostarr.com .
10/16/06 w/ Katrina Parker - Check out www.myspace.com/katrinaparker and www.katrinaparker.com .
10/14/06 w/ Death to Anders - Check out www.myspace.com/deathtoanders .
10/13/06 w/ Wired All Wrong - Check out www.myspace.com/wiredallwrong .
09/28/06 w/ Buddy - Check out www.myspace.com/buddy .
09/21/06 w/ Pianorag - Check out www.myspace.com/pianorag .
09/14/06 w/ Guido Corleone - Check out www.myspace.com/guidocorleone .
09/07/06 w/ The Sweet Hurt - Check out www.thesweethurt.com and www.myspace.com/thesweethurt .
08/31/06 w/ The Middle Class - Check out www.myspace.com/themiddleclass2 .
08/28/06 w/ Gabriel Mann - Check out www.myspace.com/gabrielmann and www.gabrielmann.com .
08/21/06 w/ Ann Lynn - Check out www.myspace.com/annlynn .
08/17/06 w/ The Dust Bowl Cavaliers - Check out www.myspace.com/thedustbowlcavaliers .
08/03/06 w/ Uberzone - Check out www.myspace.com/uberzonedropthetone .
07/27/06 w/ Fall of Snow - Check out www.fallofsnow.com and www.myspace.com/fallofsnow .
07/20/06 w/ Eject - Check out www.myspace.com/ejecttheband .
07/18/06 w/ Sara Routh - Check out www.myspace.com/lasongbird and www.sararouth.com .
07/13/06 w/ Darci Cash - Check out www.myspace.com/darcicash and www.darcicash.com .
06/29/06 w/ Simontronic - Check out www.myspace.com/simontronic .
06/22/06 w/ WonderGround - Check out www.myspace.com/wonderground and www.wondergroundsound .
06/15/06 w/ Sexual Factory - Check out www.myspace.com/sexualfactory .
06/08/06 w/ Information Society - Check out www.myspace.com/informationsociety .
06/06/06 w/ AM - Check out www.myspace.com/amsounds and www.amsounds.com .
06/01/06 w/ Brutus Gets the Girl - Check out www.myspace.com/brutusgetsthegirl and www.brutusgetsthegirl.com .
05/25/06 w/ Pedestrian Click on segment 2 to hear Joel Shearer and Joe Karnes of Pedestrian. Check out www.myspace.com/pedestrianmusic .
05/18/06 w/ The Randies - Check out www.myspace.com/therandies .
05/11/06 w/ DJ Nu-Mark of Jurassic 5 - Check out www.myspace.com/djnumark .
05/06/06 w/ The Sexies - Check out www.thesexies.com and www.myspace.com/sexies .
05/04/06 w/ Darryl Blood - Check out www.myspace.com/darrylblood .
04/27/06 w/ Satellite Class - Check out www.satelliteclass.com and www.myspace.com/satelliteclass .
04/20/06 w/ Rayon - Check out www.myspace.com/rayon .
04/06/06 w/ Klum - Check out www.myspace.com/klum .
03/30/06 w/ Ozomatli - Check out www.ozomatli.com and www.myspace.com/ozomatli .
03/23/06 w/ Jont - Check out www.jontmusic.net and www.myspace.com/onelongsong .
03/16/06 w/ The Slow Signal Fade - Check out www.theslowsignalfade.com and www.myspace.com/theslowsignalfade .
03/09/06 w/ Stratageme - Check out mon-stratageme.net and www.myspace.com/stratageme .
03/02/06 w/ Slings - Check out www.slingsband.com and www.myspace.com/slings .
02/23/06 w/ Gretchen Lieberum - Check out www.gretchenmusic.com and www.myspace.com/gretchenlieberum .
02/16/06 w/ Sonus Quartet - Check out www.sonusquartet.com and www.myspace.com/sonusquartet .
02/09/06 w/ XUK - Check out www.xukmusic.com and www.myspace.com/xuk .
02/02/06 w/ Solare - Check out www.myspace.com/solare .
01/26/06 w/ Divisible - Check out www.myspace.com/divisible .
01/12/06 w/ Fire Bug - Check out www.myspace.com/firebug .
01/05/06 w/ Telegenetic - Check out www.myspace.com/telegenetic .
12/29/05 w/ Letting Up Despite Great Faults - Check out www.lettingup.com and www.myspace.com/lettingup .
12/22/05 w/ Novi Split - Check out www.novisplit.com and www.myspace.com/novisplit .
12/15/05 w/ Test Shot Starfish (choose segment two) - Check out www.testshotstarfish.com .
12/08/05 w/ Cubiky (choose segment two) - Check out www.cubiky.com .
11/17/05 w/ C. Ashleigh Caldwell - Check out her website, www.hellofromhollywood.com
11/10/05 w/ Dawn Shipley & The Sharpshooters - Check out www.dawnshipley.com
10/27/05 w/ Eyesight Project Interview and new music from Jesse Rogg and Julian Brody of Eyesight Project .
10/20/05 w/ Silver
10/13/05 w/ Michael R. Harris
10/06/05 w/ Justin Catalino
09/22/05 w/ George Sarah
09/15/05 w/ Sam Sparro
09/08/05 w/ Truly Lover Trio
08/25/05 w/ Fish Circus
08/18/05 w/ Automatique

My Interests


Member Since: 2/10/2006
Band Website: isgoodmusic.com

"Jon and the ...IS GOOD show were of tremendous benefit to me as an emerging artist. As someone new on the scene, so to speak, publicity opportunities are cherished ones, and Jon already has a captive audience of dedicated listeners who fall squarely within my demographic. It's also nice, frankly, to simply get more practice being 'on the spot' in interview settings, and Jon is incredible at making you feel at home. The whole premise of his show seems to be to let the artist set the context in which they will be presented to the audience. Being on air with Jon felt as natural as sitting around my liviing room chatting with an old friend."
~ Jay Matsueda

"I did an interview and live performance today on ISGOOD with Jon Hershfield. It was one of the most relaxed and flowing interviews I've ever done. Jon is a true music fan; those are hard to come by these days. His love for the music is not based on buzz or hype or on the flavor of the month, or on what anyone else told him to like. Jon works on a different level, from the gut and the heart. Isn't that where we as artists are aiming to land?"
~ Sara Melson

"It really is good! Jon is a talented interviewer and a lot of fun to talk to. No stock questions here... it's a real conversation guided by Jon's great instincts and insight. What a gift to be on a program that is so pro-music and artist-friendly."
~ Joanie Mendenhall

“To say we ‘enjoyed’ playing on Jon’s show, would be quite an understatement. Not only is he professional, gracious and eloquent...He’s really fuckin cool as well. At one point he was stretching over me during the song to get a better mic angle on the fiddle for the mix. Watching him groove and tap his foot to the music made me feel like he was part of the band...we couldn’t have felt more comfortable and welcomed. Jon’s enthusiam for music, and the sense of community from whence it came, is contagious and inspiring. We’re lucky to have ‘em here in the city of angels.”
~ Jason Heath and The Greedy Souls

"The way we see it, Jon Hershfield is an angel who housed two musical wanderers. He took us in without reservation and let us know we were home. When he interviewed us, he asked us about our journey, the peaks and the valleys. We answered honestly to him because he made us feel we had nothing to hide. He laughed when we said "We have no idea where we are going, but we are running as fast as we possibly can to get there!". And he offered us compassion when we said "we sometimes grow weary". He was fit to offer us such comfort for he himself had been (and is still currently) on the road we travel. At the conclusion of the interview, he showed us to the door and then did the most magical thing: he set us on a new path, a golden path, a path we didn't even know existed. And this new path had gloriously ornamental signs posted every few feet which read (in Jon's own handwriting) 'You are on the Right Path. If you should grow weary, just keep running. This is good.' And this message, it sustains us."
~ Lo-Fi Sugar

"I was already more than a little biased in my opinion of ...Is Good while on my way to Koreatown. I had listened to the program and other Kill Radio broadcasts quite a bit by the time I wrote Jon, 'suggesting' I come .. an ego-denting several weeks, I got a reply from Jon and was instantly excited and honored and pleased in a way that I am usually not anymore. Nervous, too. As an MC, I listen to what would seem an unusual amount of indie rock, and there have been some bad motherfuckers on Hershfield's program. What I wasn't prepared for was the mix of brilliant, involved questioning (Hershfield is familiar with everything he presents; if you're being interviewed, he's heard your record) and Jon's own nature, which is to put you immediately at ease. I was so comfortable, I almost forgot about the pressure of the show's tradition. Listening to my segment now, I'm a little embarassed at my fulsome praise of Hershfield's line of questioning, but it really is that sick, I really am that amazed. I can tell you right now, if I sit through a thousand interviews, I won't get anyone asking about sequencing the record, which I actually agonized over and Hershfield was perceptive enough to ask about it. This, all wrapped up in an ancient building downtown, in a studio above some merchants, in a place where, all silliness aside, it really does feel as if something important is going on. No bullshit, there is the sense that huge shifts can and have been epicentered at that building. Indeed, it's not hard to let your imagination slide a little bit and flash on goatee'd cats in berets jogging up the stairs with rolls of plans under their arms. It's a great, idealistic and realistic bunch up there, Hershfield chief among them, and I will always love everything about Kill Radio in general and Is Good in particular."
~ Shane Hunter

"Sitting down for an hour with Jon Hershfeld is a true pleasure. Not only does Jon know - and care - so much about music, but he also understands and respects the musician. For lesser-known bands, a full hour of on-air conversation interspersed with performance is hardly the norm. '...Is Good' is just good radio. We had a delightful hour with Jon. He may work out of a cramped little studio, but his warm, expansive approach and sincere personality make for a comfortable, utterly enjoyable experience. An internet John Peel in the making."
~ Marc Linquist of Thailand

"As I climbed the steps of a brick building on Beverly I did not know what to expect. My bandmates and I were all a bit hesitant but it didn't take long at all for Jon Hershfield to put us at ease. His style, as an interviewer, is conversational and casual while still maintaining a high degree of professionalism. Halfway through the interview I felt as though I was talking to an old friend, albeit an old friend who was challenging me to think about my music in exciting new ways. I can honestly say that my appearance on '...IS GOOD' ranks as one of the most fulfilling experiences in my musical career thus far."
~ Jesse Davis of The Karabal Nightlife

"MUSIC WITHOUT PRETENSE" is a tagline on his web page and I think it's important enough to repeat here. When you're a band struggling to find an audience, you take almost every opportunity you can to play your songs for people. And sometimes that means you find yourself in uncomfortable places. But, this was clearly a place created by Jon and the rest of the fine people of the Kill Radio Collective that is meant to support music, to encourage bands and to help artists find that audience they're separated from by geography, time and circumstance. The studio reminded me of just about all the rehearsal rooms I've been in where people truly passionate about music are making it happen, any way they can. You've got maybe one too few microphones to go around and the mixing board has seen better days, but there were no shortcomings in the interview itself. Jon knows music, LOVES music and makes it easy for a band to communicate things they're not necessarily used to talking about. It "IS GOOD"!!!
~ Will Love of Sabrosa Purr

"The experience of being interviewed by Jon Hershfield is one of self discovery. The kind of questions you didn't know you had answers to. As I walk to my car and away from the old brick building that is home to the question-maker's project "...IS GOOD with Jon Hershfield", I realize this is the first time my band has ever felt truly expressed. The combination of playing the music, and the investigative persistence of Jon, birthed the most thourough version of us anyone has heard yet."
~ Bobby Musgrove of Cosio

"In a country inundated with marginal, corporate-crap radio; IS GOOD represents what life could be like if art and culture came before money. Jon is a fantastic interviewer whose love of music is exceedingly evident. Essential listening!"~ Uberzone

"10:00 am on a dirty thursday, somewhere mid wilshire, up some scummy stairs into a long open hallway to a random door....at first i thought i had agreed to waste my morning until Jon Hershfield entered the room with the confidence and humility of a veteran DJ/Journalist.....he led the interview with ease and made it very comfortable for us to play as well as speak....intelligence, a sense of humor and forward thinking are all apart of his show and i look forward to great things from him."~ Joel Shearer of Pedestrian

"...what Joel Shearer from Pedestrian said (because that was damn eloquent)... it should be added that Jon gives his interviews from an honest place. No pretention, just a genuine interest in music, the process of making it and the realities of promoting it. A well rounded show."~ AM

"Being on IS GOOD was a great experience. Jon Hershfield is a laid back and knowledgeable interviewer. Also, his crack security team handily fended off the hundreds of crazed, shrieking fans who were surrounding the studio trying to tear our clothes off." ~ Paul Robb of Information Society

"Is Good with Jon Hershfield was a professionaly relaxing fun interview. Jon's keen spitfire questions and in-depth knowledge of community and global music was quite refreshing from the other interviewers whom only dish out the usual pretentious sloth..... Jon Hershfield Is Good."
~ Greg Hernandez of Mezklah

"IS GOOD was one of the most comfortable and feel good interviews we've done. We hope to be back there soon with more news, and for all bands and people out there to listen to IS GOOD cause it is VERY good."
~ Cubiky

"As independent musicians, we are always in search of new ways to get our music heard and educate people about our band. For obvious reasons, radio can be a great tool. Often times, however, unsigned artists struggle to receive the attention we deserve. That is why a show like Kill Radio's "Is Good with Jon Hershfield" is a breath of fresh air. Unburdened by the constraints of main-stream radio, Jon is motivated by his genuine love of music and his desire to share what "Is Good". Appearing on the show was a delight for us. With little preparation, Hershfield effortlessly transitioned the focus of the program from recorded music to live songs, and finally, to Q & A. As a band, we were very impressed by Jon's professionalism and enthusiasm for our music (and music in general). Jon Hershfield is a rare talent in the world of independent music and we definitely look forward to working with him again."~ The Osgoods

"Jon Hershfield's interview was like the intelligent conversations that I have with real music friends/fans (not the common cynical bullshitters that saturate indie-rock radio trying to one up you with their baseball-card-collector-type logic toward music) and it was inspiring that someone was working so hard and having so much fun bringing the music that they believed in to people's ears." ~ Brandon McCulloch of Silver

"Jon not only asked insightful, educated questions, but actually listened to our reponses and molded his interview based on these as he went along. Aside from his palpable passion for music, he's an experienced, respectful host who knows how to make his guests feel relaxed enough to give the best possible interviews and performances. It was a privilege to be a part of '... Is Good'"~ Eject

"Jon Hershfield gives online radio a great name. The interview ended up being more of an engaging conversation where I was able to walk away feeling more in tune with my own music and the messages behind it. And that is a blessing!"
~ John West

"Being interviewed by Jon was an honor and a pleasure. I had so much fun that I forgot I was on air! Truly a great experience."
Moedog Darling

"Jon Hershfield runs a hell of a program with "..IS GOOD", as his conversational, on-the-fly interviews are filled with all the right questions; He mixes the live dynamic of performance and backstory that gives the show a one-on-one feel of a couple of friends sittin' around talking music. Good music. I felt at home when I sat in the studio from the Metro bus drivebys to watching a true DJ at work. Hershfield Handles. Thanks Jon."~ Guido Corleone

"Jon has impressed us everytime we've worked with him... be it as a promoter, interviewer, DJ... he's got it ALL down cold! And that talent makes US look good in the end too! ;-))"
~ Jesse Rogg of Modus Vivendi Music

"Being on a killradio.org show with Jon is great. This eclectic show, which features anything from bluegrass to 80’s synth pop, from jazz to experimental electronica and anything in between, has an attitude where genres don’t matter, but quality does. Jon really knows his music, which is something that all musicians appreciate, allowing them to open up and enjoy what becomes more of a theoretical conversation than an interview. More interviews should be like this…"
~ Juilian Brody of Modus Vivendi Music

"My favorite part of being on Is Good Music was when we just finished the interview and were playing the last track off our album to wrap up the show. The song ended, Jon Hershfield, Bill, Hamilton and I were still talking (off-air) and I just said "Hey, after this one, there's a secret song" half joking because it's a crazy vocoder version of a song we already playd live on the show, and DJ Jon just let it play out, not fast forwarding to the song or anything; just let the space between the song and the secret song play and just said on-air "This is not dead-air, we're waiting for the secret song." and then we carried on talking off-air while we waited for the song to start. There's no other radio show that would have done that. It was just a bit of the music-oriented, uncontrived atmosphere that made our experience there really lasting."~ Mike Griffin of Tandemoro

"Being on IS GOOD gave us the chance to talk about music and politics, which I think is a rare but necessary combination in the art world. Since being on Jon's show, I've been hooked as a listener. The first reason is because of his choices as a DJ -- he finds songs I've never heard but need to hear. The second reason is his interviewing style -- relaxed yet pointed, always bringing out the true nature of his guests. IS GOOD is, well...great."~ Shola of Divisible

"Radio interviews sometimes have a tendency to be stale & contrived - same old questions lead to same old answers. But you can tell Jon really truly cares about the music and by default the interviews he chooses to do. He knows how to ask the right kind of questions - the kind of questions that allow you as the artist to feel like the dialogue is representative of you and what you're out here trying to do. And of course it was just darn fun to hang out with him for a bit."
~ Arrica Rose

"What ISGOOD is doing for the music community is and will continue to have a remarkable impact on the lives of both independent artists and true music fans. We are extremely grateful that Mr. Hershfield has made us a part of it all."
~ The Slow Demise
"Jon has exceptional taste in music. It is eclectic, but only because he seeks out music that is simply good. He made us feel extremely welcome and is one of the most enjoyable radio dj's we have ever worked with. His professionalism is topped with a strong passion for good music and an intelligent approach to the radio dj craft." ~ M. Lee of letting up despite great faults

"Jon at '...is good' was by far one of the best interviewers we have talked to. It felt like an actual conversation. I felt like anyone listening would feel well informed and entertained. It had a campfire, sit around and talk of times past whilst sipping hot cocoa vibe and we all like that vibe."~ Ben Welch of Darci Cash

"Jon Hershfield made us all feel comfortable and asked GOOD questions as opposed to the unthought out, lame stuff other people usually ask. We have done a lot of radio interviews all over the country and, I can tell you Jon has great taste in music (he had us on didn't he), is smart, witty, and IS GOOD!"~ Ron Ulicny of The Slow Signal Fade

"As both a listener and a former guest, I have to say that Jon's genuine, sincere approach towards ...IS GOOD, is so completely refreshing and dignified in the context of the in-your-face radio environment - its whats kept me tuning in on repeat occasions. Unlike many specialty radio shows, Jon has developed something that is not about egos or trends. Instead, its a showcase built for people who like a little art in their music and in their lives."~ Christine Bruton of Solare

"Being on ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield was one of the best times we've had. He makes it feel like youre just hanging out with a friend, talking about music, life, politics and anything else on our minds. He effortlessly throws in questions without it seeming to be an interview. By far, the best radio show/interviewer we have ever had the pleasure to meet and now consider a friend."~ Silvano of Brutus Gets The Girl

"Jon Hershfield made me feel right at home on his show. His knowledge of music coupled with his relaxed demeanor made for a fun, insightful interview. His questions were specifically geared toward my individual music, while giving his listeners an insider's peek into the world of an artist. I felt that he understood the rewards as well as the struggles of being a musician. It was wonderful to unpack the behind the scenes footage of my life in music, and it was a privilege to do so with such an intelligent person. Plainly put, I had a blast!"
~ Jenna Mate

"We had a great experience on "... Is Good" w/ Jon Hershfield. Jon's a skilled interviewer and made us feel right at home. It was a real pleasure to be on such a high-quality show..."~ The Dust Bowl Cavaliers

"Jon's insights about my music combined with the music he surrounded it with made for a memorable maiden voyage. He has a talent for knowing "what goes with what," which (as a musician) I'll say many of us do not. His understanding of music in general spans the spectrum of expression, where many of us become victims of genre. This is what makes his show such a joy to his listeners, and performers. As performers, we know we're in good hands, as listeners, we know we're in for a good ride." ~ Sean Skinner of Automatique

"Jon's ability to adapt to any human being on the planet, makes him mega dope, like Voltron. Chat'n with him is like chat'n with the Dali Lama."~ Simontronic

"'...IS GOOD' with Jon Hershfield felt right at home. It was an intimate atmosphere and an inspiring time to play. Jon seemed very interested in what was going on, and seems to have good taste in real, meaningful music."~ Matt Pool of Ann Lynn

"We loved the environment of honest interest that Jon had in what we had to say or do."~ Stratageme

"We definitely had a blast on Jon Hershfield's show ..IS GOOD! We were a bit nervous at first to perform live on the air, but after we began hanging out with Jon we felt right at home and it was a lot of fun!"~ Juliette Tworsey of Fire Bug

"I had a fantastic time on Jon Hershfield's IS GOOD show at the Kill Radio studio. I suspected I would, but Jon exceeded my expectations as an interviewer/host. He had this great vibe to him and held a professional demeanor at the same time. He was very interested in Satellite Class and the material itself staying true to what seemed his craft. By the end of the hour it seemed we had been friends for a long time!"~ Mark Giorgione of Satellite Class

"Jon is such a natural at what he does. He's a great improviser, listener, and, above all, a nice person to be around. It was a pleasure to be on his show."~ Wendy Wang of The Sweet Hurt

"Being on '...IS GOOD' was one of my favorite experiences of '06. Jon's questions were intelligent, interesting, and in no way the run of the mill. He's a wonderful host with a natural warmth and ability which put us all right at ease, making for some unexpected conversation and silly spontaneity. A fun time to say the least...this show's a rare gem, and I'm happy to have been a guest!"~ Katrina Parker

"Great taste in music and a keen sense of style - Jon Hershfield is a gentleman and a scholar."~ pianorag

"I'm struggling to say something that hasn't been said yet, so i won't mention Jon's warmth, lack of pretense, and his sincere love of and fascination with music, nor will i mention the great time i had in his company. So i will say: the day started with the best handshake i've ever gotten out of a music professional."~ Countless Thousands
"Interviews can be intimidating at times, but it was nothing but a positive experience at IS GOOD! Jon presented intelligent questions, has an expansive musical knowledge, and is supporting good music in a comfy environment, what more could you ask for? Jon Hershfield and IS GOOD is like green tea: warm, inviting and loaded with stuff that's good for you!"~ Healamonster & Tarsier
"'...IS GOOD' w/ Jon Hershfield is really GOOD. I was thoroughly impressed with Jon's honest approach in finding top musicians to be featured on his relaxed show. Giving people something real and raw! You can tell he wants quality and class. The questions Jon asked me showed that he had much integrity and passion. After the show, he also showed that he had his act together... The moment I got home he had my link already up and sent me the files I asked for. Very professional. I think at this rate, the audience's going to see this and latch on tight. Overall, I can't wait to come back!!"
~ Whitton
"Spending an hour with Jon on '...Is Good' is like kicking back at a great party with an intimate group of super interesting, hip people discussing music, art, and creativity. The only thing missing were the cocktails!"
~ Carla Hassett
"Being on '...Is Good' with Jon is one of the only things I've done in LA worth the parking ticket. Jon gave me the best interview I've ever gotten. It was insightful and natural and about my favorite subject: me."
~ Todd Beauchamp
"Our first official interview ever and Jon Hershfield made us feel as comfortable as seasoned veterans. And we don't hold it against him at all that he's an actor. May God rest his soul."
~ Death to Anders
"IS GOOD is the bomb!!!! Bringing real music and life to the masses!" ~ Wil-dog of Ozomatli

"Jon Hershfield makes Terry Gross look stupid, and frumpy."
~ Noah Lit of Oliver Future

"'IS GOOD with Jon Hershfield' is a thoughtful presentation of both music and live artist interviews that steps beyond the banality of commercial radio to showcase a selection of carefully selected artists displaying a variety of different musical genres that not only proves Jon Hershfield has a wide and impeccable taste in music but also a genuine desire to present a unique variety of musical talent to the listening public. I found interviewing on '...IS GOOD' a thorough exploration of music, both personal and in general, and the perfect vehicle to promote my current music projects."
~ Fran Dominguez of Aime

"Jon really got what was happening in the room during the live performances. He seems to just get artists in general which means he probably gets a lot of things since everyone, regardless of their occupation, have many of the same thoughts and feelings."
~ Jonneine Zapata

"We had a BLAST playing on ...Is Good. To tell you the truth, we were all a bit nervous about it, but as soon as we got there, everything just felt relaxed and it ended up being an extremely positive experience. Plus, we've heard back from some fans (on the other side of the globe) who were able to listen and everyone has said only the best of things about our performance/interview. Man, this internet thing... it's way cool."
~ Hearts of Palm UK

"Jon has a natural gift for bringing out elements in artists that listeners actually want to hear. In a friendly and professional environment, without effects, engineers, or other distractions we were able to present our material in its rawest form to the world. We enjoyed our time on '...Is Good' w/ Jon Hershfield and continue to support this great show!"
~ Nightfur

"Being on '...Is Good' I felt as relaxed and comfortable as at my favorite bar. Even though he didn't have any beer to offer, I must say that Jon is a rare talent with a unique and sincere approach."
~ Daniel Persson

"I had a great time doing '...IS GOOD' with Jon Hershfield on killradio.org. Intelligent and forthcoming, Jon made the experience very relaxed and enjoyable."
~ Laura Weinbach

"Jon is the kind of guy you can sense genuinely cares about the music...he cracks his own jokes and doesn't mind indulging in off-topic banter...like a friend rather than a one time deal...the pleasure was all mine...I'd do the show again anytime."
~ Michael Mazochi

"Jon Hershfield runs a great cutting edge program with his show "...Is Good". A top-notch interviewer with in-depth knowledge about what is happening in contemporary music."
~ Christopher Anton

"On top of having one of L.A.'s most most hip and literate audiences, KillRadio's Jon Hershfield was professional, detail-oriented and great to work with. We enthusiastically endorse "Is Good" as one of the best things currently going in independent radio."
~ Paul Avion and Par Avion Band

"in a time of grays, Jon is a cadmium orange or maybe a navy blue. a human among machines, who uses a machine to spread the word of humanity..."
~ Obsolete Heart

"There are two inscrutable facts in the universe: 1) Spending an hour with Jon in the cozy confines of killradio is about as effortless as Lindsay Lohan getting to the bottom of a bottle of Grey Goose (DON'T steal that joke-- it's copyrighted!). 2) After the interview is over, your first thought will undoubtably be 'Wow! Lets do that again!'"
~ Jacob Elliot, The Young Goodman Browns

"Jon Hershfield proves that you don't need fancy top of the line equipment, a posh office space, or a powerful broadcast signal to create quality programming. His interview style consists of a sincere admiration for the artist and honest and humbling questions that you don't find on the watered down radio stations that seem to dominate the music scene. He's a sort of music psychiatrist that makes you delve deep inside yourself to discover the meaning behind the music being presented. I feel like we gave really great answers that would have never been realized had it not been for Jon's comfortable and laid back approach to his finely crafted program."
~ The Sessions

"Jon rules. I always wind up talking about things I never thought we'd be talking about, as opposed to the usual "what are your influences" vibe. Quite a guy, and always a great interview."
~ Gabriel Mann

"Hello Dragon had a fantastic time on Is Good! The world needs more people like Jon who care about music and make it a priority in their lives. It's people like Jon and shows like Is Good that make it all worthwhile. It was a pleasure. Support local music!"
~ Hello Dragon

"Listening back to my interview with Jon was eerie. I heard myself answering his questions divulging weird things I only think to myself. Stuff about the strange and delicate process of making music. His natural ability to disarm was like a mental jacuzzi dip. I guess that whole 'without pretense' thing is true. Basically Jon makes people get naked on the radio...through words...and he makes musicians talk dirty to him. He also has a sense of humor, and thank god for that!"
~ Chase Frank

"Jon Hershfield is a talented motherfucker. He's a DJ, actor, promoter, organizer, musician, interviewer...and I'm sure many other capacities he fills are with great skill. In his capacity as an interviewer, I believe he has a keen sense of the human condition. He effortlessly identifies and relates to the musicians he interviews with a refreshingly disarming, understanding and accessible demeanor. In my experiences with Jon, I've found his understanding and accessibility has left me feeling as though he sees a far greater picture of music's infinite dynamics. He takes the time to ask thoughtful and engaging questions about the musician's work, finds newfound light in music where the musician/composer may not have noticed before...and leaves one feeling like a winner. WHY? HOW? Because our talented Jon Hershfield is a winner and you are in Jon Hershfield's "Winners' Circle" on his show."
~ Robbie Reverb

"My mother thought Jon was a great interviewer. She felt he asked provocative questions that made for a great radio show. And did I mention she said these kind words even though she was sick with the flu and had a fever? Jon Hershfield is that good. In fact, he IS GOOD!"
~ Monk Turner

"Being on IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield is like hanging out with an old friend who you've known for a long time,it seemed like the hour went by in a minute,and the mics disappeared it's just that comfortable, if your fortunate enough to have the chance to interview with Jon you better take it, trust me, you won't regret it."
~ Johanavich Von Woken

"We can only emphatically agree with all of the other artist endorsements; Jon is indeed one of the good ones - engaging, knowlegable, soothing and generous. But what people seem to NOT be mentioning, much to our surprise, is how good-looking Jon is. Stunning, really. Sure, this was distracting at first, but due to his aforementioned engaging, soothing style, we soon got over it and had a great time in his studio."
~ The Hectors

"Jon is FIERCE! Corporate radio dj's and interviewers need to take heed...they need to take direction from this man. His intuitive questions and genuine interest in (and knowledge of) music are second to none that I’ve heard. I consider myself lucky to have been on the show. To quote the always eloquent Ms. New York from Flavor of Love: THAT SHIT'S PROPER!!"
~ Hurka's Hero

"My past experience with interviews has usually been one of the following: a) The interviewer asks silly, tired questions, which usually elicit silly, tired answers; or b) The interviewer hasn't prepared, has no idea I'm up to, and the two of us end up staring at each other in uncomfortable silence. This wasn't the case with Jon, however. He was extremely bright, charming, funny, and asked all the right questions. Questions that elicited heartfelt, deeply thought responses. Because of that, the hour sped by. In fact, had I stayed longer, I'm sure the day would've sped by just as fast. What else can I say? I'm a Kill Radio fan for life. More than that, I'm a Jon fan for life."
~ Rich Ferguson

"Jon is totally comfortable as an interviewer, and seems genuinely interested in the dirty details of being in a band. It really felt more like a conversation with a friend... a friend who likes to talk to you through a microphone."
~ Les Blanks

""Kate and I came down to the Kill Radio studio to do an 'interview.' What we got was a whole lot more like a friend, but the kind who actually is interested in what you have to say and actually wants to hear your latest tune and thinks it's really good and makes you feel like you might actually be kind of good at this music thing. The kind of friend that's hard to find. It reminded me a lot of sitting in one of my buddy's rooms in high school when we were just learning to play, admiring the fact that Don could actually pull off a full barrel chord. It was that kind of free and fun and supportive. And yet the questions Jon asked weren't wide-eyed so much as thoughtful and appreciative and well-thought out. He shows a real appreciation for not just songs but songwriting as a craft. It's not surprising to me that he has done some writing - he seems to understand the mysteries and luck and vagaries involved in creating any 'art.' Anyhow, I could go on, but suffice it to say that we had a wonderful time on "... Is Good" and would come back in a heartbeat, even if just to hang out, drink a beer, and share a song or two."
~ Andrew, Radars to the Sky
Influences: Manhattan Murder Mystery, Amateurs, Jay Matsueda, Hour of the Shipwreck, Telematique, The French Semester, Temple, Les Blanks, Black Kites, Minibike, Seasons, Shiloe, Joanie Mendenhall, The Broken Remotes, Craft Club, Sara Melson, Lenly, Moedog Darling, Rich Ferguson, Una, Foxtails Brigade, The Black Watch, Jason Heath and The Greedy Souls, Casxio, The Kris Special, Hurka's Hero, The Weather Underground, Johanavich von Woken, The Harpeth Trace, Frankel, I Make This Sound, The Idaho Falls, Monk Turner, Stacy Clark, Azalia Snail, The Hectors, Droid Behavior, The Parson Redheads, Robbie Reverberation, Rademacher, The Henry Clay People, The Happy Hollows, Radars to the Sky, Hello Dragon, Holly Conlan, M.S. Garvey and The Hootenanny All-stars, Chase Frank, Correatown, Mather Louth, The Sessions, The Transmissions, Divisadero, Lo-Fi Sugar, Todd McLaughlin, The Northern Two, The Young Goodman Browns, The Hanks, Obsolete Heart, Paul Avion and Par Avion Band, Laura Martin, Pete Hopkins, Laura Weinbach, John Gold, Michael Mazochi, Cute Phase, Io Perry, The Flower Machine, El Ten Eleven, Daniel Persson, The Health Club, Thailand, Arrica Rose and the ...'s, Christopher Anton, The Ghost Lullaby, Hearts of Palm UK, Shane Hunter, Nightfur, Zera Vaughan, The Karabal Nightlife, Jenna Mate, All Wrong and the Plans Change, Cosio, Jonneine Zapata, Aime, The Slow Demise, Kelly de Martino, Helen Stellar, Darren Robbins, Alana Sweetwater, Todd Beauchamp, Carla Hassett, Oliver Future, Porcelain, Amiena, The Osgoods, John West, Whitton, Holiday & The Adventure Pop Collective, One Trick Pony, Healamonster & Tarsier, Ghost Town, Countless Thousands, Barbeau, Jeff Caudill, Sabrosa Purr, Skyscraper Frontier, Balcony, Tandemoro, Romak & The Space Pirates, The Riders, Life With An Astronaut, Lee Ferris, ProtostarR, Wired All Wrong, Katrina Parker, Death to Anders, Buddy, Pianorag, Guido Corleone, The Sweet Hurt, The Middle Class, Gabriel Mann, Ann Lynn, The Dust Bowl Cavaliers, Uberzone, Fall of Snow, Eject, Sara Routh, Darci Cash, Simontronic, Wonderground, Sexual Factory, Information Society, AM, Brutus Gets the Girl, Pedestrian, The Randies, DJ Numark, The Sexies, Darryl Blood, Satellite Class, Rayon, Klum, Ozomatli, Jont, The Slow Signal Fade, Stratageme, Slings, Gretchen Lieberum, Sonus Quartet, XUK, Solare, Divisible, Fire Bug, Telegenetic, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Novi Split, Test Shot Starfish, Cubiky, C. Ashleigh Caldwell, Dawn Shipley & The Sharpshooters, Mezklah, Eyesight Project, Silver, Michael Harris Band, Justin Catalino, George Sarah, Sam Sparro, Truly Lover Trio, Fish Circus, Automatique
Record Label: www.isgoodmusic.com
Type of Label: None

My Blog

2nite ISGOOD PRESENTS @ Spaceland, Les Blanks, Correatown, Monolators, Amateurs, $5 list!

Message myspace.com/thisisgood or email [email protected] to get on the $5 list.
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:15:00 PST

Charlie O’s show May 15 CANCELLED

File under: Things That Suck Vol. 17Charlie O's has been temporarily shut down by the fire department and that means we've had to cancel our ISGOODMUSIC.COM PRESENTS show there May 15. Our next show ...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Sun, 11 May 2008 06:50:00 PST

2nite May 3 Crane’s The Dust Bowl Cavaliers, Stacy Clark, The Kris Special, Joanie Mendenhall

This is the kickoff of May's ISGOODMUSIC.COM PRESENTS shows. Tonight, May 3 @ Crane's Tavern (1611 N. El Centro, Hollyhood 90028) features Joanie Mendenhall, Stacy Clark, The Dust Bowl Cavaliers, and...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Sat, 03 May 2008 11:07:00 PST


Finishing off an incredible week for ISGOODMUSIC.COM we have one more show this Wed April 9 at the eclectic Echo Curio. 1519 Sunset Blvd. @ Echo Park. www.echocurio.com.ISGOOD guests Chase Frank and...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 04:56:00 PST

more ISGOODMUSIC Presents tonight @ Cranes April 5 FREE

First, thanks to all the ISGOODERS who made it out to Spaceland Thursday. Michael Mazochi and The Widows, Nightfur, Craft Club, and Fish Circus all gave fantastic performances, proving once again tha...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:45:00 PST

Spaceland tonight, get on the $5 list!

Thurs April 3 @ Spaceland! Send me a message or email me at [email protected] to get on the ISGOOD $5 list! Bands playing: Michael Mazochi and The Widows, Nightfur, Craft Club, and Fish Circus! This s...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:38:00 PST


Biggest week ever for ISGOODMUSIC.COM! Not only are we finally in beta testing (see previous blog or go to www.isgoodmusic.com now and check it out!) but we have three incredible ISGOODMUSIC.COM PRES...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST

ISGOODMUSIC.COM now in beta testing! Check it out!

ISGOODMUSIC.COM, the website that takes all the best bands of the SoCal area who have been guests of "...IS GOOD" and networks them together, is finally in beta testing! ISGOOD bands, hit me up for y...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 10:59:00 PST

"...IS GOOD" full-page article in LA Weekly

http://www.laweekly.com/music/music/endangered-radio/16748/ Endangered Radio . . . Is Good is really good, but are its days numbered? By PAUL ROGERS Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - 6:00 pm Jon Hershfield ...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:51:00 PST

....IS GOOD featured on 6 Strings & A Hard Place podcast

Musician/producer Michael Harris hosts a podcast called 6 Strings & A Hard Place.  It focuses on getting to know the movers and shakers in the indie music scene.  To hear his interview w...
Posted by ...IS GOOD w/ Jon Hershfield on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 05:46:00 PST