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Bitron - Never Pay For Fuel

Finally, A real income opportunity dealing with the number one issue in the USA. Gas Prices and Emis

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Are you totally fed-up with pulling into gas stations and seeing prices up again?
What can you do? Buy a smaller car...something better on gas? Take the bus or ride a bike? Maybe drive slower or join a car pool? Well...learn right now, how to dramatically reduce your fuel costs as you use and promote our products. Totally eliminate your monthly fuel bill with our free fuel card program!!!
Click here to see the news Video
Now if you are tired of opportunities that everyone has already heard of? Tired of the magic, one drink cures all, programs... Tired of the pills and potions that don’t really deliver the goods...
Aren’t you really looking for something different, something new and exciting? The market is huge! Your timing couldn’t be better!
Do yourself a favor, get a cup of coffee, tea or cold drink, cut off the t.v. and get a comfortable chair. Visit this website and really see for yourself how you to can capitalize on what may be one of the greatest opportunities to hit America in decades! This is really no joke. If you think it is, take 15 minutes of your time and see for yourself. The products work and you can measure the results!
Please do check out the website for much more information on the company. Also watch the Bitron news video on the site.Once you've previewed the two sites above, write down all your questions and once you're done hit us back and we can answer all your questions for you.
Again, this is a major-huge Income opportunity and I look forward to discussing it with you and your family. You're going to be happy you took the time out to do so.
Members/Distributors For information on member services, please email: [email protected]
24 Hour Recorded Call:
Dial: 1-641-715-3900 - Pin 22047
BiTron Marketing (N.A.) Ltd. acquired the rights to a unique line of proven, environmental products in the summer of 2002, with previous sales of $100 million. An experienced management team was formed, comprised of individuals with successful backgrounds in operations, technology, marketing, sales, and training. Corporate offices were established in Vancouver, British Columbia, along with warehousing and shipping facilities in Canada and the U.S. to support business operations throughout North America.
Joining the Zurvita team is a great entry into residential electricity and Gas currently servicing 5 states (Texas, New York, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan)as well as services around the US and Canada in Technology and Discounted Medical benefits. But most of all Care Saver is your personal discount program at your favorite online stores, restaurants or movie theatres. Your Zurvita Personal Attendant is just a phone call away – someone who is always ready to help with information, directions, answer questions, plan an activity or a trip. All for just $20. Please visit our website at

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Bi-Tron news Video Link

1. How often should an engine be treated with Bi-Tron Engine Treatment?
Bi-Tron Engine Treatment can be used at every oil change.

2. How much should I put in a larger engine? Bi-Tron works best at a 15% ratio. However, 10% is probably sufficient for most applications. E.g. For every 1 Litre of oil add 100mL.

3. How much fuel conditioner should I put in a large tank? The instructions call for 1-2 oz for every 10 gallons (30-60 mL for every 40L) E.g. a 100 gallon tank would need 10 – 20 oz. More is better, and for the initial treatment use a minimum of 3-4 oz per 10 gallons.

4. Can I use Bi-Tron in 2 cycle applications? Yes, treat two-stroke oil at 10% with Bi-Tron Engine Formulation. Treat the fuel at 1-2oz (30- 60mL) of Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner for every 10 gallons (40L) of gasoline. There is no application that needs Bi-Tron more!

5. Do I need Bi-Tron in my new vehicle? Yes, absolutely. If you want to help stop it from getting old. 90% of engine wear and damage occurs at start up, when your oil is in the sump, whether your car is new or older. Bi-Tron can help provide protection at start up and may prevent some of that damage.

6. Will Bi-Tron void my manufacturer's warranty? No, absolutely not. Your new vehicle warranty actually covers the quality of material and workmanship that went into assembling your vehicle. Protecting the moving metal parts in your vehicle with a protective lubricating layer cannot void that warranty.

7. Can Bi-Tron Engine Treatment be used with synthetic oils? Yes, Bi-Tron Engine Treatment is compatible with synthetic oils.

8. Can Bi-Tron Engine Treatment be used in Diesel Engines? Yes, In fact diesel engines can benefit even more than gasoline engines. There is usually more Hydrocarbon build up and Bi-Tron will actually help neutralise some of the acidic by-products of combustion.

9. Can Bi-Tron Engine Treatment be used in Marine engines? Yes, this application where alternately moisture and excess heat can be such issues can benefit greatly.

10. Will Bi-Tron Engine Treatment fix pre-existing problems? No, Bi-Tron Engine Treatment is designed to protect against friction and heat. Bi-Tron Engine Treatment cannot be used to repair parts that are at the failing point or any pre-existing problems.

11. After Bi-Tron Engine Treatment is installed do I still need to change my oil according to the manufacturer's specifications? Yes, Bi-Tron is not a replacement for regular scheduled maintenance. Bi-Tron may extend the working life of your oil but manufacturer's may void warranties unless regular service schedules are maintained.

12. How can the Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner help my vehicle? New fuel systems build up deposits rapidly, often within several thousand miles. Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner is designed to treat the entire fuel system. This unique formula will clean fuel injectors, cylinder heads, piston tops and intake ports.

13. Will the Bi-Tron Conditioner harm the oxygen sensors in the vehicle? No, the Bi-Tron Fuel System Formula is compatible with all oxygen sensors and catalytic converters.

14. Can Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner be used in marine applications? Yes, the Bi-Tron Fuel System Formula can be used in marine applications. It will actually help prevent moisture accumulations.

15. Can Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioners be used in diesel engines? Yes. They are specifically engineered for that purpose. They improve the burn structure of the fuel allowing it to burn more completely releasing more energy and fewer hydrocarbon emissions. They also provide lubrication and protection to the fuel pump and upper end of the motor.

16. Can I use Bi-Tron Power Train in a Manual transmission? Yes. At 6% mixed with your gear oil. It often results in much smoother shifting.

17. Will Bi-Tron Powertrain stop my automatic transmission from slipping? No, Bi-Tron Power Train Formula is designed to help prevent seal leaks, enhance fluid performance and protect against oxidation of the fluid. Bi-Tron PowerTrain Formula will not correct any pre-existing mechanical problems.

18. Can Bi-Tron damage the seals in my engine? No, far from it. Bi-Tron can actually rejuvenate your engine's seals to an extent. It will not, however, repair damaged seals. It is not a detergent but does have detergent like properties. It may remove build up that has been deposited around seals allowing them to reseat. There is no way Bi-Tron can cause a seal to fail.

19. How often should I add Bi-Tron Powertrain? Add more each time you change the transmission or gear or lubricating fluid in your application. Use at about 6%.

20. Can Bi-Tron Powertrain Formula be used in any differential? Yes, Bi-Tron Powertrain Formula can be used in vehicles that have posi-traction or limited slip applications.

21. Can the Bi-Tron Powertrain Formula be used in the lower end unit for marine applications? Yes, this product can be used in outboard/inboard applications or where hypoid gear oil is used. (Always check the owner's manual for applications).

22. Does Bi-Tron work in hydraulic applications? Absolutely. Heat is the enemy in most hydraulic systems and Bi-Tron's Powertrain product actually goes to the hot spots. Use at 6% to the hydraulic fluid.

23. Do you have a grease product? Not presently. You can however mix a small amount of the Bi-Tron Powertrain product in with your grease or pretreat the metal surface with either Bi-Tron Penetrating lubricant or our Powertrain product.

24. Can I use this product in aircraft? The product will work as effectively in an aircraft engine as in any internal combustion engine. However, we have not at this time sought any of the FAA certification as it is prohibitively costly.

25. Why isn't it in the shops? There are so many products on the supermarket shelves that this product would simply become another item, and you would never learn about what it can actually do for the environment and your family.

26. I haven't seen any ads for this on television or in the newspaper? Do you know how much most companies spend in advertising? We want to keep our product affordable. We are not interested in competing with multinational, mega million dollar budgets. All we want to do is show people on a one to one basis, i.e. in relating to you and your vehicle personally, what our product is capable of.

27. What's in it? Revealing intricate details of this formula would be unwise from a business competition viewpoint. Are you aware of what is in the oil products you presently use for your vehicles? We can assure you that Bi-Tron uses only the highest quality, tested and proven technology and ingredients. Suffice to say there is no part of our product that can cause any harm. They contain no solids, no PTFE, no lead, zinc, molybdenum or copper. No solids of any kind. Nothing to clog up, plug or damage anything. It is non acidic, non caustic, well balanced, thoroughly researched, time tested and proven, with over a decade of satisfied users worldwide.

28. How does it work? It works really, really well. If you haven't tried it yet you should!

29. What if I don't like it and want my money back? Bi-Tron provides a 100% money back guarantee for retail customers. If you are genuinely unhappy with the results and you have followed the instructions properly the Distributor from whom you purchased the product will return your purchase price. We will always maintain a money back guarantee because this product works.

30. What happens if I return products to Bi-Tron as a Distributor? If an order is returned or refused without reason, as per Bi-Tron Polices and Procedures, the Distributorship may be terminated by the Company. The Distributor may not re-apply to be a Distributor for a period of six (6) months.

Conference Call Info:
Mondays, Tuesdays Thursdays
(7pm PST, 9pm CST, 10pm EST)
(6pm PST, 8pm CST, 9pm EST)
Dial: 1-212-461-5800 Pin 8988#
Wednesdays - Spanish Call
(9pm CST, 7pm PST, 10pm EST)
Dial: 1-712-432-3973 Pin: 989060#
Thursdays - Corporate Call
(5:30pm PST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST)
Dial: 1-212-461-5800 Pin 8999#
Saturdays - Corporate Training
(9:00am PST, 11:00am CST, 12:00 EST)
Dial: 1-212-461-5800 Pin 8999#
24 Hour Recorded Call:
Dial: 1-641-715-3900 - Pin 22047#
Bi-Tron Marketing (N.A.) Ltd.
#100 - 12031 Horseshoe Way
Richmond, B.C.
Canada V7A 4V4
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (PST)
Phone: 1 (877) 8 BI-TRON(248766)
Fax: 1(866)824-8878