"Elementary ideas or archetypes of the unconscious?".
Ive been working on what I call e-combine art. A combination of my paintings, music, writing brought together not just as mix media, but in an attempt to bring to life a new work. It's a way for me to create connections between the various media combinations. The end product becomes a digital vehicle to further transport my original art works, while leaving them intact. Think of it as bringing hi-fi to low-fi. Many times, those connections are made subconsciously , other times its a bit like repackaging old art.
"Can you hear the colors fly at you from that Coltrane stuff? --- Oooh baby"
"For it is the artist who brings the images of a mythology to manifestation and without images there is no mythology. Moreover, it is the non judgmental way of seeing that is proper to the arts which allows things to stand forth and be seen simply as they are, as neither desirable nor to be feared, but as statements, each in its own mode, of the nature of being" -- Joseph Campbell