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Paul Adams

About Me

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Adams was a student of Ethnomusicology and he became interested in building musical instruments for such people as Daryl Hall, members of Stevie Wonders band and others. But, "making music was really my first love". It was during this period that he began composing commercials for major companies throughout the world. Next came his critically acclaimed debut album Various Waves. It's marriage of Jazz, New Age, World Music, and other Ethnic traditions, struck the positive chord. It was placed in the TOP FIVE of new releases by Musical Starstreams, the largest commercially syndicated instrumental radio show in America. Adams has released 12 more critically aclaimed albums throughout his career but here we will focus on the music best for meditation and peace.

His Soundscape album THE PROPERTY OF WATER was created with a sense of Ambience and Healing. It's vehicle is meant to be a meditative journey, AND was chosen best album of the year award from WIND ANDWIRE Magazine in 1998. Adams album THIS CHRISTMAS followed. "I wanted to keep the mood steady throughout, so I focused primarily on acoustic instruments such as Guitar, Mandolin, Dobro, and Dulcimer. The Peoria Journal star rated it 5 STARS, and offered that "his interpretations of traditional Christmas fare are Simple,Peaceful, serene and evocative!" His love of the voice of The Native American Flute resulted in FLUTE MEDITATIONS For DREAMING CLOUDS . This meditative and serene album utilizes traditional Native Flute with middle eastern sensibilities. This album has been downloaded 50,000 times, and was nominated as Native American album of the year! New Age Reporter Magazine says Flute Meditations... "offers a wondrous musical offering of Native American/World music that simultaneously becalms and invigorates the spirit! If you want music for quiet times than this is definitely the album for you." Paul Continues to perform as well as write for various periodicals. He has also worked in the Mental Health field for 24 years and lectures on topics of the artistic condition, and using music for stress management. He has recently started a business called "Lakefront Musical Technologies" to teach therapists and clinicians how to use music for specific pathologies and medical needs


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iTunes ... PURCHASE ... CD BABY .. AMAZON The ambient relaxation & meditation mp3 download music site.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Paul Adams

Paul's Poetry/Writing

MYSPACE Paul's site

MYSPACE The Neurons

MYSPACE Christmas Music

Influences: Brian Eno, Peter Gabrial, Djivan Gasparyan, Deuter, Carlos Nekai, Riley Lee, Incredible String Band, Didier Malherbe, Douglas Spotted Eagle, Vangelis, Terry Riley, Pat Metheny, Kit Watkins, Bill Miller, Aaron Copeland, Mark Isham, Steve Roach, and many many more


Sounds Like:

With FLUTE MEDITATIONS FOR DREAMING CLOUDS I include scales other than the usual Pentatonic Major (Typical for Native American Flute.). I love middle eastern music, so I include other scales that to be a bit more "exotic". I also like blending other flutes in the mix, rather than keeping it a solo flute throughout. People seem to enjoy this album for message, peace, and tranquility. I hope this can be a good tool for those needing SLOWNESS in their life. With THE PROPERTY OF WATER I utilized the sounds of nature w/ synthesis and acoustic instruments. I also wanted the water to work within the slow structure of the rather implicit melodic approach (Rather than just layering it under the bed of music). I find this album also very good for massage The ambient relaxation & meditation mp3 download music site.
Record Label: LAKEFRONT
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

God, Dogs, and Poems

   Anniebelle and Kippy As the idea of you reached fruition, genetic makeup tumbled through space from infinitylike dice, with volitional intention.This idea landed here with black & whi...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 16:46:00 GMT

Creative Limitation. A Guitarists Injury. When is less really More?

..> The Power of creative Limitation. A Guitarists hand Injury.   ..>   ..> ..>   HOME Main Page   HOME Music Page   HOME Poetry Page   HOME Instruments Page ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 21:34:00 GMT

Artlicle of New Age/Instrumental Music

Some musicians I know are not comfortable with the term "New Age Music". I mean, what is really new about it? Can we be that presumptuous to believe we somehow have a magical music that does somethin...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:46:00 GMT


Failure is a Monster in the lore of human kind. It's the grand "ogre" that can bring about frustration and eat at the soul. Another thing failure is: AN OPEN GATE, and a new horizon. There is no such...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 17:56:00 GMT

Music and Meditation

Here is a link I have to an article I wrote called MUSIC AND MEDITATION m
Posted by on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 21:53:00 GMT