IS APRIL SPOKEN HERE?I hope you can speak April?
Perhaps a word or two.
I long to hear the sound of it.
Please try, I beg of you.
Talk to me of trillium,
Of honeysuckled birds,
Or speak of brassy buttercups.
I crave some April words!
Tell me how the honeybee
Spins, drunk, from jonquil doors.
Describe those sparkly sun flakes
That dance on forest floors.
Can you find 'pine whispers'
In Nature's language book?
Or see a bluebird pictured
Or translate babbling brook?
If in April you're not fluent
Or you find March too passe,
Then lead me to a Poet
And we'll speak a little May.GARDENING IN EAST BRUNSWICK WHERETHE TIME AND TEMPERATUREAREListen, you can hear them...Laughing
Look, you can see them...Flowers
My garden is always
Laughing in Flowers...
If we look at the origin of the word "weedâ€, we find the Anglo-Saxon word, “weodâ€,
which means, “little herbâ€. Herbs are good plants with many beneficial uses.
Weeds, wisely used, serve as important companion plants.DRIED FLOWER CRAFTSPressing Flowers
Step 1. Place the flowers or foliage on the inside fold of the sheet of newspaper. Make sure there is no overlapping of leaves, petals, stems, etc... and fold the top half of the newspaper sheet down over the flowers.
Step 2. Place the newspaper in the middle of a dictionary or phonebook.
Step 3. Close the dictionary and place the other books or heavy objects on top.
The drying process takes about 3 days. Once the flowers are pressed and dry you can use them in arrangements, art work, as gifts, whatever you like.NATURE PHOTOGRAPHYCONSERVATIONBASEBALL
Good Luck to my boys of summer, the New York...
Mother NatureShe has the Spirit of the Sun,The Moods of the Moon,The Will of the Wind,The Strength of the Ocean...and All My Love and Respect.