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Well, where do I start. I am happily married to a wonderful man
and am the mother to three grown children: one daughter and two sons. My husband and I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina. He is retired but I am still working at a job that I truly enjoy. But I do look forward to my weekends and working in the yard, enjoying our retired racing greyhound and chihuahua who thinks she is a greyhound! I also enjoy spending time with family and friends. I must admit that I am overweight but am trying to make some lifestyle changes in that department! It is difficult, to say the least. I am finding it is more challenging as you get older to take off the excess weight but I am motivated and am giving it an honest shot! I am very active in our local American Cancer Society Relay For Life. For the past two years I have been involved with the survivors and it has been such an inspiration and truly wonderful experience for me. I cannot say enough about the bravery and spirit of cancer survivors!!
Well, "Back in the Day" there were no worries about approaching and actually spending time on the scale.....(this is a pic of me taken at age thirty...)
But now....there is alot more of me to love and find this to be true:
However, I am attemping to work myself into a comfortable place where I am completely serene (or close to it) with my current state of extra poundage and mature years! The mature years don't bother me in the least. Every year has been a blast and I wouldn't trade all those memories for a lower age number.... I guess we all have a mental picture of ourselves...and my current state is not it!! But, like I mentioned before ~ I hope to achieve a more healthy lifestyle and a look that is more svelte!!! It's gonna happen....oh, I will never look like the bikini pic of years gone by. That's okay. I'll be thrilled to pieces if I can get at least 50 pounds off.Honestly speaking I am hoping to lose more than that. Then...oh, then I'll feel skinny!!!!Another thing that I really love is the rain....soft steady rain that is good for our earth. There is something relaxing and cozy about a rainy day when you can just stay in, light a candle...and have that quiet time that we so need every now and then....
I know it doesn't seem like much....but a really good cup of coffee the first thing in the morning is something so special....