Green 'n' Easy Living: Simple Ideas for Helping the Planet AND Your Wallet
That's the book. It's available through download only at the site, www.greenneasyliving.com. I made it an eBook so no trees are harmed! And about me? What I am: an average everyday person who lives on this planet and is concerned about the environment. What I am NOT: I am not a Vegan, a vegetarian (Vegans and vegetarians are ALREADY doing their part and are greener than most everyone else!!!), or a crunchy tree-hugging sandal-wearing hippie... Though I very much like sandal-wearing hippie-types. And I do hug trees. It's fun! (I guess I am a tree-hugger!) I am partial to a good steak and the smell of leather. But I care about the environment. I will not lecture you or tell you how to live your life. But I will give you great and easy suggestions for little things you can do to help Save the Earth!
So, in summary, I am a meat-eating dairy-consuming leather-wearing Earth-conscious environmentalist who loves this planet and wants to help it. :)
Click here to purchase the e-book now