ESA Institute profile picture

ESA Institute

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

All creatures - great and small
The Environmental Subcultural Art instute is the unique hub combining conservation, subculture and arts into a variety of projects and events.
This page is currently dedicated mainly to one such project in particular - the "Green Habitat Gardens project" which in general concerns biodynamic gardening (the only such biodynamic garden project so far known as existing in Bulgaria - See blog), and active protection of a small remaining section of Sofian forest, from being destroyed by the "progression" of local neighbouring companies.
Another main project undertaken by ESA is the rescueing, rehoming and rehabilitating a wide number of stray, sick and injured animals which would certainly have died otherwise, this to a small degree is combined with the Green Habitat project, as volunteers can help with the care and maintainance of the animals if they wish to do so.
At the moment working predominantly with WWOOF , however always looking for more ties to other environmental organisiations. If you are involved in any projects concerning the environment, subculture and art - or any combination of the above, would be interested in a combined project with ESA, please feel free to contact us , we are always open to new ideas, and would love to hear your suggestions.
Volunteering - what we can offer you
ESA institute relies heavily on volunteers for its projects - offering the oportunity to stay a minimun of one whole month here in Sofia with accomodation and basic food stuffs provided on the condition of 5 hours light work, or 4 hours heavy work, 5 days a week helping to maintain the building, orchard gardens and forest and care or the animals.
The volunteers at work and play
An alternative to this however, offered by the ESA Institute (as a donation possibility and alternative to volunteering) is the longstay (minimun one month stay)hostel with kitchen facilities, for only 300лв per month (approx. €153, £121 or $237 ) - which covers the cost of animal food for about a month...
Please note that the ESA Institute is run by strict vegetarians, and therefore we do not allow meat* within the Institute. Smoking** is also not permitted.
*Food for non-vegetarians are cheaply and easily obtained in nearby restaurants.
**smokers are allowed to smoke in the orchards/gardens, but not within the buildings. We also request that smokers consider other volunteers or visitors who may be in the vicinity.

Donations - What you can offer us.
All and any donations are gratefully welcomed as caring for 9 dogs, 5 cats and a menagerie of other animals that daily come and go becomes expensive when considering feeding and vet bills.
It's raining cats and dogs!!!
Animal Adoption - Loving furry friends just waiting for new families to which to belong.
All our animals are up for adoption. They have full pet passports, are fully vacinated and are housetrained with high standards of hygiene. If interested please contact us and we can provide you with a full list of photos and personality traits. Payment for transport overseas for animals can be negotiated, but for all our perspective adoptees photo's of the environment which the animals will be subjected to is expected before making any firm deals.
Interested? - Ask a question - we wont bite....
If any of the above has interested you and/or you have any questions then please feel free to contact us and ask.
The ESA institute would like to state it accepts no responciblity for the mental health of the volunteers it employs.......
The ESA Institute's -"Green Habitat Gardens"project review from WWOOF-Bulgaria :
място/Location: Sofia Volunteer review: земеделя/Farming *** акомодаця/Accommodation ****
A great urban tree project that is a beautiful haven for local wildlife.
A valuable project helping to protect an urban green belt area in the ex industrial zone of Sofia. It is also a haven for injured dogs, that need veterinary help and a good home. They also help to find the younger dogs that come to their project permanent homes.
Surrounded by beautiful gardens with a large variety of trees and plants which some are protected species and this area also provides a resting point for migrating birds in autumn and spring.
The ESA Institute is also interested in helping and linking with other wwoof farms in their area and helping to supply young saplings next spring. ..
The work at present is in the tree garden but they would like to have help from volunteers who have experience and patience with working with dogs all year round. The accommodation is fantastic, comfortable, warm and clean and a great hot shower. They also have a laundry room and they offer great Bulgarian and international company.
There is a FANTASTIC art studio space in the building and they offer this space to artists who are interested in recycling art and open space art. There is a good wireless internet connection. They offer accommodation for 10 volunteers who can offer not less than a month of time at the project, 4 hours a day if work is hard and 5 hours if work is easy, 5 days work and two days off and working days are flexible. This urban green project is worth while and a great project to visit and help. They are not government funded and they are not for profit. Fantastic *****

My Interests

AR, Protecting our environment, Expanding the cultural horizons, Exchange of thoughts and ideas.

I'd like to meet:

Any perspective volunteers, long stay hostelers, AR activists or just like minded green/veggie people >;-D

*The ESA Institute would like to note that all pictures used of the animals, building, surrounding areas and flora/fauna where taken on the grounds of the ESA Institute by the organisers/volunteers and have full permission for the use on this site. Including the background image on this page, taken from..... The Microcosmos files


Uncommercial, The ESA institute occasionaly runs and organises festivals and events promoting environmental friendliness catering for the subcultural phenomina, working closely with the Dream House , which provides vegetarian and vegan catering at these events.


The ESA Institute enjoys independent-alternative movies, organising alternative movie events and screenings.


Apparently rots your mind (explains a lot about some of the volunteers mental states if they come after watching too much of it)


Lets start with "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" !


Anyone who dares to attempt to turn things towards a better looking future on earth!

IPAN's Managing Trustee Nigel Otter - A true hero in our eyes

My Blog

Definition of the biodynamic garden

Garden as an orgasm organism Bio means life, and dynamic means movement. Biodynamic garden, the movement of life. Fundamental to biodynamic gardening is the recognition that all life is interconnected...
Posted by ESA Institute on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 05:45:00 PST