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"ALLAH IS BEAUTY AND HE LOVES BEAUTY, THAT'S WHY HE CREATED BEAUTY" (that is One of his Obvious but 'hidden' Attributes!)-
May G'd's peace be with you - "Come and spend three minutes with me, that's how long the song will last." -Welcome to Imam Wali's page and if you have any questions about Al-Islam, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer. (If I don't know, I'll ask Imam Qasim Ahmed and if he doesn't know he'll ask Imam W. D. Mohammed). However, I taught Religion in Prison for a number of years and do believe that the Religion of Abraham is what it is. - ONE G'D - whose proper name is Allah. Nevertheless, ALL of the People of Abraham believe that G'd has many names (attributes)and all agree with the Opening line of Genesis, "In the beginning G'd (alone) created the Heavens and the Earth". -
Prophet Abraham had two wives Sarah and Hagar (see Genesis 16:3)and two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Muhammad the Prophet descended from Hagar and Ishmael; and Jesus descended from Sarah and Isaac. Same Ancestor (Abraham) same G'd. Prayers and peace be upon them all and upon you.
From which Mother did You descend "Hagar or Sarah"?-Imam Wali ibn Cannon-----p.s. Just for the record: Yes, I have made the Hajj and touched the Stone. I spent a year in Moroccoo, visited Egypt and Europe, Mexico, Canada and most of the Major cites in United States.