smiles, art, hand made crafts, the colors, nature, contempary art, gardens, self improvment, music, reading, nite riding, caribbean food, ancient and progressive methods of education, healing arts, natural remedies, acupuncture, massaging,poetry, ryhthms, beaches, raindrops, body, buddhist psychology, instruments, films as art, unity of africa, justice, peace, spirituality,thinking about making clothes, dancing, sometimes collecting vinyl, capoeira angola as a practice, brazil as a romantic concept, scarabs as transformers, trees out west, yoruban culture, critical race theories, feminism, naturopathic, communication, traveling,spoken word,performances, meditation, nag champa, community, happiness, kissing, motivation, indian cuisine, ethiopian food and wine, raw foods, my friends, family, my improving psyche, my diminishing ego, myspacing blogging...
The Healers - Ayi Kwei Armah, Opening to Spirit : Contacting the Healing Power of the Chakras and Honouring African Spirituality: By Caroline Shola Arewa, Egyptian Yoga Vol. 1:: The Philosophy of Enlightenment: by Muata Ashby,(the famished road and songs of enchantment) by ben okri, childhood end by Arthur C. Clarke, (parable of the sower, parable of the talents) by Octavia butler, (100 years of solitude and love in the time of cholera) by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, wild seed by octavia butler,wizard of the crow by ngugi wa thiongo, The places that scare you by Pema Chondon, Lions Blood by Steven Barnes CURRENTY READING: Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of Indignation, teachers as cultural workers, Why Foucault? New dimensions in Educational Research.
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