About Me
A toast to true human connectivity in the dusk of the Age of Material and Task! I decided to combine personal and "band" (musician) pages into one, for they are not separate in me, so why should they be separate here? My main interests are in the creation and sharing of music, and supporting movement towards better human futures through nurturing community process in myself and others. I don't do TV or watch many movies, tho I greatly enjoy good ones when I take the time to seek them. Favorite books in no particular order: The Continuum Concept, The Absence of the Sacred, the Spell of the Sensuous, The Making of a Counterculture, Permaculture Designers Manual, and good Sci Fi novels for desert.Meaning is a liquid; words are the containers we share meaning in, but be careful, for meaning takes the shape of the container, and may loose its own...Details about the music on this page and links in italics below..."Technojammin" is a live excerpt from my band Mind(x) with special guest Melvin Seals on Hammond organ. Mind(x) is big, sloppy jamband fun, always entertaining, usually irreverent, and never politically correct. Check us out at www.slapahorecords.com. "Headless" and "Witness" are from a series of compositions I created on commission for the Pamela Trokanski Dance Workshop in Davis CA, and include udu drums, frame drums, shakuhachi, didgeridoo, and other percussion instruments, which are among the (too) many instruments I try to keep up with. I always enjoy working as a composer or performer with dancers and choreographers! "Running Back" is the only recorded song by the band "Rosegarden" (experimental folk) short enough fit on a myspace page - Rosegarden dissolved about 10 years ago, but I hope to get the music up where it can find ears to please wherever in the world... I am also in !Akimbo ( www.myspace.com/akimbo176 ), a pop band with world beat influences, and dud ( www.dudland.com ), an experimental pure multimedia improv group that is in a cocoon right now, morphing into something else. Oh, and depending on what mood I'm in when you ask me, I may or may not be a guitar player...For now, you can see me play with the X Trio, an acoustic version of Mind(x) with me as a drummer on percussion, + didgeridoo, every Thursday 5PM to 7:30PM at the Torch Club at 15th street btw I and J in Sacramento.