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"INtrospection" the novel... FINALLY, AN INTELLEGENT, MASCULINE, URBAN CLASSIC FROM THE MAN WHO IS JUMPSTARTING IT ALL TraVon Williams! "INtrospection" the Greenville, South Carolina-born author writes a riveting and compelling new tale of the life of Terrell James , a 30 year-old biomedical engineer, who disparately seeks love after experiencing the darkest time of his life. He reflects all the way back, even to his childhood, to get more understanding about the battle he faces, particularly from urban men. Terrell allows an enticing old flame to imprison him and his abilty to see the truth of the matter. With insane courage and an iron will, Terrell, the street-smart intellectual finally gets a chance to examine his decisions and fix all the wrongs made in his life. However, the dating scene that he returns to, has changed, and the stakes of survival are higher now than they have ever been. Nevertheless, Terrell is hell bent to do anything he feels he must to gain the love the world failed to give him. "IN"trospection is another urban classic as TraVon, the self-proclaimed Urban Griot can write them! With "IN"trospection, TraVon continues to give us cutting edge scriptures of depth, balance, intelligence, and morality, while solidifying himself as a contemporary urban novelist.