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LM Ross

Official Page of LM Ross, Author-- ' Is There LIFE, After The Parties, After The Sickness, After The

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On Sale Now!!! ***Get My Book Here!***
Book Quote... "Some special jazz angels can make music… and the sound floats so deep inside ya, you can feel it, deep in ya weary bones… and it gets re-e-e-e-eal personal. It becomes your sound, alone. It UNDERSTANDS your blues, your sadness, your joy, and everything you feel. It knows all about you, everything you are, or wanna be, and’ll never be. When that happens, all you can do is moan. Moan, ‘cause, finally, something or somebody in this crazy world understands you... Don't nothing beat a Long Blue Moan, bwoi! Now, some special people, they can give you that moan, too. They can wrap it up and just give it to ya, like a gift, ‘cause they understands you.”
From MANHOOD The Longest Moan* * * * * * *
"Gazing in the mirror behind the bar, he didn't like the image glimpsing back at him. Drugs and prison, life and its dizzying series of disappointments had aged him in a way that could break any mother's or an old friend's heart. Browny never started out as a handsome boy, though there was once a compelling magnetism to him, especially when he opened his mouth and sang. But then, Life happened, and some men retire those dreams, those wishes, those things which made them special, and revealed their uniqueness. When they do, it begins to show in their aspect. It is then that they get the faces they deserve."
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Author-Poet-Novelist-Complex Carbohydrate. As a novelist, my 2nd work of fiction entitled: "MANHOOD... The Longest Moan" is now ON SALE online, in the chains, and in bookstores Nationwide. Quite simply, it will amaze, astound, amuse, and arouse you. The story will taunt, tease, titillate, teach and terrify, and by the end, its characters will haunt you slowly as they move through the deeper recesses of your soul.
The release of "Manhood: The Longest Moan" by author/poet L.M. Ross marks a much needed return to exceptional literature by an African-American writer in 20 years. This multi-dimensional, emotionally cathartic work easily puts Ross in the same category as James Baldwin, who wrote such classics as The Fire Next Time, Go Tell It On The Mountain, Notes of a Native Son, Giovanni's Room, Sonny's Blues, Another Country and Just Above My Head. In hindsight, reading "Manhood" was very much like reading each of the aforementioned novels in one setting, a testament to the strength of Ross's writing style.
Like Baldwin, Ross has a creative way of exploring complex social and psychological issues of our time (personal and self identity, sexuality, family abuse, drug addiction, sexual deviance, HIV/AIDS) and branding them with his own uniquely urban, funky stamp of revelation.Through the primary characters Tyrone Hunter, Pascal "Face" Depina, David Richmond, Faison "Browny" Brown, Ross takes readers through an incredible, mind stretching journey of family, friendship, betrayal and murder that spans a 20-year period. Ross's "Manhood" is an INCREDIBLE story by a gifted writer whose words express the tightly woven tapestry of humanity that lives in all of us." -Linus Spiller, Book Reviewer, excerpt from Amazon.com.
"Ross is one amazing writer, a poet who can move with ease into the area of storytelling and yet maintain the allure of brush stroke images too often found only in the terse poem form. He writes about the African American experience in New York City as well as any writer today, and brings all the juices and aromas and flavors of the idiosyncratic language of black conversation without missing a beat, and more importantly, without alienating his reader with a foreign language, so well molded is his conversational technique." ~Grady Harp, Reviewer, excerpt from Amazon.com.
"MANHOOD: The Longest Moan is a unique tale of youthful ambition and dreams of stardom, lived on paths littered with discreet sexual secrets and carnal exuberance. I was surprised and captivated by the voice of L.M. Ross. The writing is rhythmic, engaging, pulsating, and steeped in unrelenting, sometimes forbidden, passion. As the story crescendos, readers will almost hear themselves sigh. L.M. Ross' voice has the potential to plant him solidly in the literary arena."~ aNN Brown, The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers

My Interests

"Reading LM Ross recalls two music forms: the atmosphere and narration of the story are definitely from the Blues mold, while the technique Ross embraces in telling his tale is pure Jazz - themes, riffs, solo runs, scat, and the magic of having the ensemble come together in a climactic end." ~ Grady Harp, Amazon top Ten Reviewer

There is a rhythm, a rhythm to the energy in New York City. It clicks, it churns, it hisses and it beeps. It is the rhythm of Life. But like a thief in the night, the City can rob you of your best, most self-assured rhythm.

At night, New York wears a black and blue dress, and she becomes this rough, tough and calculating bitch. For some, she is the color of a bruise that will not heal. And even if you are an experienced dancer, she‘ll snatch your balance and steal away your equilibrium. She’ll blind you with her eyes, and make you believe there are ghosts dancing inside the glare of them. If you’re hungry, she’ll crook her slender finger and corrupt this emptiness in your belly. If you’re lonely, she’ll trick your mind into believing in love. If you’re needy, she’ll open her wide, skyscraping legs, and commence to piss on you.And all she’ll leave behind is a cry... or a moan that wails in the distance, like a singular saxophone.
This is the story of David Richmond.

David was once the best of dancers, until the music in his limbs all but dried up and died. It’s impossible to dance, and even harder to swim when a part inside of you is drowning. Now, he must try to find some meaning in the rhythm, and some new sanctuary in what remains behind.
This is the story of Faison “Browny” Brown.
He used to be a singer, until the downbeat of life rendered him just another crooner of The Blues. But Browny has a plan, a brand new scheme to cash in on his dream ticket, and it’s his last chance to finally get his song’s melody right.
Will The MIGHTY LOVE of Juanita Ruby Mae Brown Be Enough To Stop Him From Stumbling... Or To Catch Him When He Falls? **********************************************This is the story of Bliss Santana.Bliss remembers a golden time in her life and career, when men would fall like beggars at her beauteous feet.

But then one man, from her past, a man named Face Depina would wither her beauty, and leave her with a scar on her soul that no smile or cosmetic could ever disguise.

Will Claudio Conte be the one who reminds her that, despite everything, she aches and breaks and still possesses the needs of a woman?
This is the story of Kindred.

He wears this strange yet well-loved face of an old and cherished friend. His presence comes as a wonderful gift to David Richmond… only, David isn’t so sure if Kindred is real flesh and blood, or the ghostly signal of some impending insanity.
This is the story of The Moanin’ After…
It is the time after those wild nights and the endless parties, after the sex and the petty fights, the clever chemistry and the Bacardi-drenched dreams, and after life has betrayed them by swiping away those precious souls they thought would be with them forever.

This is the story of ghosts, and of hope; the story of maturation and of finding one’s center amid a city full of chaos.
This is The Moanin’After, and by the time you turn the final page, secrets will be revealed, long ago mysteries will be solved, the dark questions will be answered, and you will never take the sound of a moan for granted again.
The Moanin’After, The New Novel By L.M. Ross, The Author of the Hauntingly Poetic “Manhood The Longest Moan”
Snatch JOY! Cop this book! You can order it …

MANHOOD THE LONGEST MOANIt is a tale of youthful ambition with a musical backdrop.

This is a story of pleasure, pain, and providence; and of four young cats on a mission to be nothing less than Superstars.

Tyrone Hunter is a talented writer, who, as a teen, pens the perfect love song, yet he pines not for riches, but for a Love Supreme.
David Richmond is a wild dancer with a promiscuous fire in his limbs, and he burns from the sparks of his own electricity.

Faison Brown is a singer with the right pipes and the wrong destiny, and yet he still yearns for the kiss of celebrity.
Pascal “Face” Depina is a hustler who uses his outer beauty to hide his inner scars...
He then becomes an actor who emotes the biggest of lies.

Together, in the quick, mean and rhythmic streets of New York City, they seek their fame, fortune and prize.
Some want to know of love's ultimate sigh, and some find the rainbow.
All find unexpected surprises in a story about dreams, lust, the meaning friendship, the test of disease, and the definition of trust.
In a twenty year span, who among them is destined for True Greatness?
In the late 70s, Ty, David, Browny and Face meet as teens at The High School For Performing Arts in New York City.
As a part of a student assignment they form an uneasy musical alliance. They hit it big, but soon disband, and for the next twenty years of their lives come success, drama, struggle and decadence.
This is a story where jealousy reigns, violence erupts, where disease spreads like wildfire, and where only the Deepest Love survives.
Told in the cool, hip, multi-culti rhythms of New York City...

MANHOOD asks the probing question: Do we really change? Or are we the same people we were as children, only with tougher, more resilient skin?

'Manhood... Longest Moan' is a stylish, epic tale about the lives of four intensely talented Black and Brown boys who fight, who are tested and who struggle to become Men.

"Ross delivers a story that is sharp, juicy, wicked, and unapologetically brazen. " - JAMES EARL HARDY, author of the bestselling B-Boy Blues series******************** "Manhood: The Longest Moan pulses with extraordinary rhythm and seethes with unrelenting passion and pain. Mr. Ross has poetically penned the perfect novel!" -LEE HAYES, Bestselling author of Passion Marks & A Deeper Blue
And Now on Sale, The Sequel:


Once at a poetry reading downtown, someone said: "If James Baldwin and Toni Morrison ever had a literary lovechild, his name might be LM Ross." While I love those two souls till death, methinks I actually sound and write like myself.

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My Blog

Excerpt From The Moanin’ After

DAVID     Something happened in that instance, as I was speaking to Baby Doc.  For some reason, I had to pause, and be very still.  I literally had to because This Thing had ...
Posted by LM Ross on Sat, 31 May 2008 02:13:00 PST

Today, Ive Become a Proud, New Parent!

Today, I’ve become a proud parent.  Today, after months of tedium, tenacity, tragedy and triumph, I’ve become a father of a newborn.  I’ve named my son... " The Moanin&rsqu...
Posted by LM Ross on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:10:00 PST

Sharing a Personal Blessing...

..> I am pleased and very Honored to announce that my latest novel, "Manhood The Longest Moan" has just been nominated for the coveted 2007 Lambda Literary Award. *self applause* Wow! I truly was...
Posted by LM Ross on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 08:33:00 PST

Testimonial: Even a Str8, Middle-Aged White Woman Is Impressed By My

Testimonial: Even a Straight, Middle-Aged White Woman IS Impressed By My 'MANHOOD!' The following is word-for-word a testimony I received from a reader regarding my novel.  It truly warmed the c...
Posted by LM Ross on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 06:40:00 PST

Author Info... Sample Chapters

LM Ross is a New York writer and a poet of immense musicality.  His work, which has appeared in over 270 magazines, journals and anthologies echoes the best of lyric writ...
Posted by LM Ross on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

Prologue: Manhood... The Longest Moan.

PROLOGUE NEW YORK CITY, OCTOBER 1976, 9:37 P.M.              As he bolted down the city block, the male teen's brain screamed, Fuck you, fuck ...
Posted by LM Ross on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 03:54:00 PST