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*Together as One*

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

“Joy, gentle friends, Joy and fresh days of love Accompany your hearts!” (Shakespeare)
Friendship is harmony, friendship is peace, friendship is bliss. Friendship is harmony. Mutual harmony removes all dark conflicts. Each individual has opinions of his own, but when friendship becomes the connecting link between two persons, all conflicts are removed and they become one.
It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations.
Love, true love, is that which can give the most without asking or demanding anything in return.
Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.
HE who knows Love, becomes Love, and his eyes Behold Love in the heart of everyone, Even the loveless: as the light of the sun Is one with all it touches. He is wise With undivided wisdom, for he lies In Wisdom's arms. His wanderings are done, For he has found the Source whence all things run- The guerdon of the quest, that satisfies.
He who knows Love becomes Love, and he knows All beings are himself, twin-born of Love. Melted in Love's own fire, his spirit flows Into all earthly forms, below, above; He is the breath and glamour of the rose, He is the benediction of the dove.
Twin Flames united and merged into one, Shining so brightly, burning so strong, Leaping so high, lighting the way, Forming a bridge to the stars On a pathway of light.
“As above, so below.” Although this perspective is from the ego, the intention is perfect. All life contains two things – consciousness and heart, the movement of energy that is Light and the substance of life that is Love. Each living consciousness is expressing these aspects of Me perfectly as the Love I Am sings in harmony as the living cosmos, attuned by the breath of the living All in rhythm with the one heart, expanding My awareness of All I Am and the giving of My Love.
The old world has been inculcated in you deeply and powerfully like a record that continues to play as long as you are using your mind. Any time you are focused on the things of the world, no matter what it is and no matter how seemingly important, you are engaging the little mind. Therefore you are once again playing the record – the record of time and limitation and fear and loss and stories woven into lifetimes, lifetimes of isolation and separation from this Love when all around you this Love is waiting.

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My Interests

"Amor vincit omnia"

Since the beginning of time, She has been the Keeper of the Divine Flame. Continually searching for the Other Half, with which, She will be complete. She wanders the Earth with an eternal burning within her Heart, never losing Hope that someday her Twin will found.
Since before the world began, He was seperated from his Twin Flame. Forever since, this has been His quest - searching to the ends of the Earth for his Twin - She who can unlock the Secrets of his Soul.
*Together As One*, they are complete - each One supplying that which the other lacks. Perfect Love - Perfect Harmony. A return to the Universal Power of All. A return to Love and Innocence - a Sacred state of Existence - untouched by the continuum of Time or Space.

Twin Flames
There is a secret fire igniting in my heart dancing in rhythm with stars. And far beyond the horizon another mysterious flame flickers to the same silent music. I know this burning desire has something to do with the way the leaves frolic in poetic sway. It's heat reflects the longing I feel to smuggle vision into the waning world. One day, in heroic Promethean strides, we will unite the fires as seekers of eternal flame, we are One. And yet we remain divided so that life could not for a moment forget the gravitational spiral of pure love. So our hearts will continue to swirl together in the ultimate expression of being. Oh, love, pure love from above, open and set the world free. Unleash the wisdom from ages past so people simply can finally be...
~by Kelly Lee Phipps Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?

Everything we do is either creating chaos or restoring order; the trick is to know which one you are really doing at any given time.

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us "universe," limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons close to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all humanity and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~Albert Einstein

I'd like to meet:

Any person who feels inspired to help others through spiritual meditation, teaching, healing, writing and speaking through unconditional love.

“As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery… we have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.” ~Dalai Lama
"I consider love to be the universal solution to all the problems of the world. For love speaks a language that everyone can understand..." ~Angivel Angivel of Zanarcadia
“Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.” ~Teilhard de Chardin
“Of course, one must love all mankind; all are children of God. One must not emphasize the differences between Nations or between castes and creeds. Cultivate Universal heartfelt Love.” ~Atharva Veda
“Be universal in your love. You will see the universe to be the picture of your own being.” ~Sri Chinmoy


"Musica delenit bestiam feram."


All works of love are works of peace. If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~ Mother Teresa~
Each of you will experience intimately vibration and how every shifting nuance of change in your vibration brings the change about in your feelings and your world until, beloved ones, it becomes so obvious that you cannot do anything else but deeply commit to holding pure Love. You are beginning to understand the importance of shifting your focus into the Real of Love and feeling for yourself the expansiveness, the joy, the ecstasy of this celestial oneness and of the union that is your Twin Flame heart. As you let it wash through your being and you feel it – feel the vibration of Real Love – then this is what your heart’s song instantly creates and the old world gives way to the New and your experience is one of ever-present joy.
Every atom instantly is responsive to your will as the Will of Love. Feel each pulse, each explosion of the Moment of Creation as it flows through your whole being, igniting every atom. Each one flares and dances all the way into the atoms in the world. Each atom flares forth its message of freedom and holy communion. Every breath and you can feel how deeply you can be in the stillness between the atoms, and every out-breath you are the energy of Creation itself going forth as Love, igniting every atom in the world and feeling the response with your heart.
In the heart beat, in between, you are stillness again and every heart beat, every breath I Am loving you and you love Me. We breathe this breath of life back and forth together. In the stillness you are the All of God, open and silent. In the outward beat you are the pulse of great orgasmic giving Love.


A Special World A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb.Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last.And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong. - Sheelagh Lennon -


I Think of Mother Teresa’s speech at a Washington prayer breakfast in the winter of 1994, when she boldly spoke against abortion before the pro-abortion president and vice-president of the United States and their spouses. Although she spoke respectfully, she made powerful statements in defense of unborn human lives: “And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?” and “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”
As you stretch your awareness now deep into the world and feel the perspective of the human, name it freedom and from within it, feel the bursting of old limitation, and dearest ones, feel the fluidity and the freedom and the power of Love that is yours to name again and again now.
For some of you the ego mind makes everything you do that is joyful somehow wrong for the spirit and tells you that your service to Me must be solemn and important. Thus it leaves you wondering where the joy in your heart has gone. So there are no hard and fast rules about the resurrection of life within you because each of you must take My Light and allow it to shine into your closet and reveal the shadows that the ego mind has built to keep you separated from joy.If you allow yourself to take joy in the things that bring you fulfillment, in the little things that enhance your life, then you will find this joy continues and begins to overflow from your heart and bring you into your service for Love as a joy-filled expression of the true life I Am in you. Instead of allowing the ego mind to constantly berate you which it does, dearest ones, for so many of you – making you continually wrong, or not enough, not up to the mark – when in truth you are everything that I ever could want because you are the living presence of My heart.
it is the energy of your shift in focus to the truth of the transformation and the energy you are that is bringing into place the New World expression in the symbols of the world and of your body, as it is the reflection of your dedicated heart. I now ask all of you, dearest ones, to lift up your own vibration until it is held in the Real of Love and bathe in this light. Drink this Love and let it feed you as consistently as you feed your body. When it sets you free to be this glorious energy, then you are the transformation itself and you shall be as a living sun to the world.

My Blog

John and Yoko

"Our life together is so precious together." -- from (Just Like) Starting Over, by John LennonDear YokoJohn Lennon Even after all these years I miss you when you're not here I wish you were here m...
Posted by *Together as One* on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:34:00 PST

Twin Flames

The moment your soul was created it possessed male-female, ying-yang polarity and energy. God's love for you made sure that these two complimentary forms of consciousness, the masculine and feminine, ...
Posted by *Together as One* on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:39:00 PST

Two Weeks in Heaven

Two Weeks in Heaven a message from Tasha    Hello friends! Finally making time to sit down and do a little pouring out of my thoughts. It is long overdue, and for this I apologize. Mos...
Posted by *Together as One* on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 09:26:00 PST


Waiting by Eileen Ramage The endless days with no escape Thoughts of you in distant place One picture printed on my mind Eyes closed or open I see your face. Joy and s...
Posted by *Together as One* on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 09:24:00 PST

I Wear You

I Wear You Like skin I wear you Wrapped around magical auras Of blended hue Healing wounds becoming new I wear You Like skin that's sweaty Glistening moist Whose ...
Posted by *Together as One* on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:08:00 PST

True Love

True Love True Love Waits behind the door to heaven Where my angel love is The true love of my heart My desire burns wi...
Posted by *Together as One* on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 03:28:00 PST

Twin Flame Love

Twin Flame Love A love like no other my heart feels the call to you the memory of separation rises deeply carved in my heart for I...
Posted by *Together as One* on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 03:25:00 PST

Indigos and Love

Statistically, the majority of First Wave Indigos are currently "single." Out of the ones that are married or in a relationship, only about 6% are in happy, stable, and supportive partnerships. The ot...
Posted by *Together as One* on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 07:40:00 PST

In The Kindness of Sleep

In The Kindness of Sleep I visited you last night when you were sleeping with a child's abandon.Curled so casual in sheets inlaid by your beauty.I held my hand to your face and touched as gentlyas I ...
Posted by *Together as One* on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 02:11:00 PST


    Longing Longing, when the eyelids open upon the deepest stimulus held by your lipsand the amorous kiss becomes my orbit. I ache and long to have you with meso close our skin would melt ...
Posted by *Together as One* on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 01:24:00 PST