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April Macie

Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

About Me

Do you remember the girl in your highschool who had a horrible rumor spread about her? It might have involved a football team, a dog and some peanut butter or processed meat. Well, that girl in Easton, Pennsylvania was April Macie. So, where did she turn for comfort? Not to her family... cause' they're all crazy. Crazy or drunk... oh yeah, or slightly retarded. So, where do you go when you're an outcast in school and your family tree is rotten? While some might sit rocking in the fetal position... slowly humming Copa CopaCabbana, others might turn to the lord and April turned to promiscuity. Promiscuity and then comedy. With her irreverent brand of overtly sexual humor she attempts to break down double-standards and lend her voice to sexually dissatisfied women everywhere. April would like to add that she doesn't really know what irreverent means, but she's heard a lot of other comics use it and thought it sounded kinda' cool. "Her comedy is searingly honest," said this guy she knows from working at Hooter's who came to see her show one time. Although she has only been doing comedy for a short period of time, she has been using comedy as a defense her entire life. She loves to perform and her favorite role to play is victim. For April, comedy isn't a career, comedy isn't even a choice. Comedy is a calling!! She totally stole that quote from Bernie Mac... but it's soooo great and she truly believes it is her calling. April also loves to talk about herself in the third person and thinks "bios" are retarded. mspmb enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" src="http://widget-06.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="site=widget-

My Interests

Stand-up comedy, recreational drug use, banjos, interior design, love, friends, reading, chocolate, growth, writing, cold showers on a hot day, making my family laugh - hell, making anyone laugh, watching my loved ones grow as people, believing in your dreams, hard work, kind empathetic people, old photos of loved ones, fond memories that make me smile, dogs, writing a great joke, interesting word choices, new notebooks, coffee and great conversation, road trips - I prefer being a co-captain, bold colors, grilling, witty e-mail banter, kissing, christmas ornaments, handwritten letters on beautiful stationary, Vargas girls, pretty dresses, high thread count sheets and cozy blankets, anything handmade, bursts of creative energy in the middle of the night, seeing something in a new way, big hair, travel, a sense of completion, jasmine (the flower and the rice), old people holding hands, shakin' my money maker, campfires/gathering sticks/roasting marshmellows, fall leaves, soft fabrics, investigating crimes (of the heart... i.e. cheating)ME IN GUANTANAMO BAY... "WHERE MY DETAINEES AT?"

I'd like to meet:

People who don't suck. People who can help me or send me charitable donations (will accept money or anything from Oprah's Angel Network). People who know Ed McMahon and can arrange a little visit from the prize wagon. People who giggle when they hear "prize wagon." People who are kind, people who can laugh at themselves, people who get sarcasm, people who are smart, people who can teach me things, people who are into taxodermy so I can ask them, "what the fuck?" Oh, and cute boys with big weiners... sarcasm... back to the people who get sarcasm. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


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The Shawshank Redemption (I loves me some prison violence), Dirty Dancing (I love a man who can dance his way out of a pickle), Rocky (I threw that one in for the fellas), anything with Richard Gere or full frontal (I love a gratuitous penie shot... there should be more. Little Miss Sunshine, The Goodbye Girl, Kramer vs. Kramer, Steel Magnolias, Flashdance (don't judge me and my poor taste)

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The Sopranos (I hear it's coming back in 2046... that is unless global warming melts more glaciers and we're all dead. Keep your fingers crossed! I think we all miss Tony and his hijinks...is that how you spell hijinks, probably not (thank god I was given a big rack to make up for my lack of smarts), Curb Your Enthusiasm (although I feel it jumped the shark this season... forgive me for saying "jump the shark," I want to hit me.), Extras (I thought it would be better), Oprah (nuff said)


I ain't a much for that-there book learnin'. I'm really vapid-I just page through fashion magazines to further my self-loathing. READING? WHO NEEDS GROWTH? But if I were to recommend a book or two they would be: The Magic of Believing, The Pursuit of Happiness, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The Beauty Myth and Promiscuities by Naomi Wolf (ladies, get ready to get angry - but don't just get angry, do something), The Bernie Mac Story, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, Naked, anything in the self-help section that will allow me to procrastinate, The Comedy Writer, Running With Scissors... let me know when you finish these and then I'll give ya' a few more.
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My Blog

Dear Douche-bag McGee

The other night after a show some guy came up to me andsaid, "ahh, you were really funny. But why do you do stand up, you're such a pretty girl?" Dear Douche-bag McGee,WHY AM I A COMIC? Let's see... A...
Posted by April Macie on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 04:12:00 PST