I'd like to meet:
Interesting people who live in freedom and not image Conversation and healthy debate with uncensored passionate people People who's beauty stems from the inside out with the last layer pulling a mean focus but not drowning the base People who are the complete opposite of myself yet those whose profiles blend seemlessly with mine creating a strong foundation for lasting friendship
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People who push through their fears...those that live in freedom and not image...my kids for maneuvering through their young lives without the fortune of a stable home...my parents for attempting love at a time when bi-racial marraiges were death...those who dream big regardless of their means to achieve such dreams....those who open there hearts to love...finally those people whose personas aren't wrapped up in material possessions, it's one thing to want another to overstate the value as need....I need health, food, water, the love of my kids, family, and passionate people in my life!!