Mood "SylHustleHill" Suite profile picture

Mood "SylHustleHill" Suite

Be. Quiet. Still. Quick. Kind. Loved. Kissed. Driven. Missed. Connected. Passionate. Happy. Hungry.

About Me

22 years ago today, my youngest daughter Silver was born. Sterling adored her new baby doll. *sigh* I love my little family. No matter where we are near or far... this is home.
THE 2007 WOMEN STANDING TALL CALENDARS ARE HERE! OUR WEBSITE IS BEING UPDATED FROM THE 2006 CALENDARS - BUT THE PREVIEWS OF 2007 ARE ON THE SITE AND THE CALENDARS ARE READY TO SHIP - SOME OF OUR CHARITIES ARE THE LIFE LONG AIDS ALLIANCE, THE JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE FOUNDATION (funding music education programs in schools) AND THE STAY STRONG FOUNDATION (supports, educates and inspires youth)... click the pic and SHARE THE LIGHT! I have so many sides, sometimes it's hard to pick which one I want to slip into and wear from day to day. I'm a writer so I live in my head. To some this is a sin. But then where would the world be without writers like We. I love to write about life, adventure, thrillers, love, heartbreak and happily ever afters... but in real life lasting romantic relationships tend to slip me. I know it's because I'm quirky. I love basking in the glow of this beautiful struggle/hustle with my comrades & peers on a mission in this business... That said; I have a heart of gold. I am compassionate and kind and I have a hideously loud laugh. I am your "best" friend (it's ok to have more than one), yet mistaking my kindness for weakness will leave your karma in a temporary blue funk... I think I might have Katherine Hepburn Syndrome... And I am ok with that, because My true circle of friends don't judge me... and we don't judge we... we just let us.. "Be". And that's really all I want right now is to just..... Be. Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

Reading, Writing, Researching, Learning, Growing, Loving, Sharing in Silence.Check out this MySpace MP3 Player !

I'd like to meet:

If you're here you probably know me. If you're new then... This is a "vibe" space where eye and We can just "Be". Sometimes I just check in to listen to the music on my page because it creates a mood and ambient in my head that I can write thru and to. So come on in and chill, listen, read, write, laugh, vibe - Co-Exist like self contained planets revolving and evolving in this little lounge space. Just so you know... sometimes though - and I know I'm not alone ... I just want to hang up a sign that reads "Silence is Golden - But Keep your Mind Open". Thank you in advance for feeling me on that. Keep it Light - But don't Keep the Light - Share it with Others and make it a brighter day. Peace, Love and Laughter. ~S~




If it's on HBO or Showtime... I'm watching it. I also like the National Geographic Channel as well as whatever is sharp, clever, witty and world wise... but then occasionally I will get sucked into AI or ANTM and PB (two words... Wentworth... ok that's one but whatever)


aside from my dear brothers who served as strong healthy male figures in my daughters lives sans their biological fathers... my mother, sisters and family.... anyone born with a dream a goal ... passionate and driven... that won't get off their mission until their last breath. the harder the struggle the more respect... the more scars and battle wounds the better... builds character and endurance... from single dads and moms to movie stars and guys that work on cars... butchers bakers and candlestick makers... readers, riders, writers and indie rockers... are u my hero?

My Blog

It's a Wrap! So I'm gonna Fly Away with Lenny.... sorta

This morning 5:30 we finally wrapped on the movie Deray's doing... I was driving home from dropping him off and I could hardly hold my eyes open... anyone whose ever done it knows that the only ...
Posted by Mood Suite on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:11:00 PST

Favorite Scene... from Love, Actually

Posted by Mood Suite on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:48:00 PST

Soon. Some Day... One of These Days... Soon

Faith Evans Videos | Music Video | Nashville Relocation...
Posted by Mood Suite on Sun, 20 May 2007 06:30:00 PST

The Story...

    Music Video Codes By Music All of these lines across my face Tell you the story of who I amSo many stories of where I've beenAnd how I got to where...
Posted by Mood Suite on Thu, 03 May 2007 03:41:00 PST

Richard Jeni

this hurt my heart i'm sad but still i'm confused but oh well... Syl...
Posted by Mood Suite on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:53:00 PST

Derek's Thoughts On It...I needed this reminder today

Sometimes self doubt or some strange feeling creeps up on me usually around 3am... and it happens to all of us sometimes especially when there is so much going on in the world... you question you...
Posted by Mood Suite on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 04:05:00 PST

Do Not Lie to Yourself - It Rained During Princes Performance of Purple Reign..

If you are a girl or a guy.. ..don't lie and say you didn't get choked up or at least misty... i ain't got to lie... i shed a tear or two... when the entire stadium sang the wooooo ooooooh oooooo...
Posted by Mood Suite on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 10:26:00 PST

Shore Sands Script...

going to the sands of Santa Monica or maybe Venice to kiss the shore with my spent soul and to polish and pepper this new script with notes so i'll hit when i get back i have a feeling i'll have some ...
Posted by Mood Suite on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 09:25:00 PST

Practice Freedom

you have wings don't be afraid to flex them you have a voice don't be afraid to be heard you dream i know u do don't be afraid.... don't be afraid.... you know what to do ~S~...
Posted by Mood Suite on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 02:42:00 PST

Silvery, Slick Little Shadow... (girl this is this the one? - thank u tho' you're sweet)

Sitting on a chair In the dark Strumming Humming Plucking his guitar He thinks Im sleeping   I watch as he Quietly Glides his pen Over a napkin Spilling lyrics By the glow of the moon   I se...
Posted by Mood Suite on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 05:00:00 PST