Always on the road to rediscovering me. I have many interests. I love the richness and passion of my culture and for that matter other cultures. There is so much history out there other than just American history that is not being taught in our schools. Music - motivates me, inspires me. Art - there is beauty in everything. Books - to me reading is like breathing, I am an avid reader, whether it is a book to get lost in, motivate me, guide me, inspire me, make me cry, laugh or act upon..A great book can always take me. Cooking - Please believe,It's a serious throwdown. Comedy - I love Paul Mooney...that should tell you where my mind is Richard in peace. I have finally managed to see all the old routines and your shit is priceless. Here are just a few of my favorite case you really wanna get on my good side. Last minute get togethers, walks in the park, decorating, movies, getting a cup of coffee, walking in the rain, roller skating, ice skating, late night trips to the store, spoken word, Im a fan of smiles and tickles and all the things that remind me that sometimes we just have to leap!
People who think outside the box, creative, artistic, passionate. I have reconnected with friends on myspace, keep in touch with family on myspace and of course have met some truly amazing, beautiful people on myspace.
Music is the soundtrack to my life. I love all types of music.
For those who know me "Carlito's Way" has a special place in my heart.
Well of course I watch it...
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
Books, Inspire me, Guide me, Strengthen me, Give me an escape, Motivate me, Teach me, Unwind me and take me to so many different places in my mind. Reading is like breathing to me. Cant live without it.
My Dad is my Hero. He wasnt your average man. Whether he was or wasnt there. He impacted my life. And has a great deal to do with the woman you are reading about today. He pursued his happiness with a passion that I can understand. Cuba to MIA to CA... You did it your way Its my turn. Im going to show you that you can do it your way and it's still ok to bask in love. Salute'