:Meditation,Weight training,softball,billiards & "Snooka",cycling,trips to Holland,Brazil,Suriname and The Bahamas,fine food & wine,people with a vivacious appetite for life,spiritual,intellecual conversation,water sports,cooking demos,web design,social issues in this country and around the world. There's nothing like finishing a debate with wine and chocolate BURNING WITH DETERMINATION...NO PAIN! .. "
This profile was tweaked at NubianGraphics.com
As versatile as my selection in music.
TV inhibits free thinking. "We must liberate our minds by any means necessary" Malcom X Is, what is real determined only by what we can see? Morphius
I'm a GEEK so the list is infinite.
Jesus Christ is the most inspirational My Mom who is a real superwoman with a great spirit,My Father- who is watching me from above spending his life in eternal greatness.SIRACH-10:19 "If we have no peace, we have forgotten that we belong to each other"- Mother Teresa "To be neutral in a situation of injustice is to have already chosen sides. It is to support the staus quo."- Desmond Tutu