kooder (good music) profile picture

kooder (good music)

Different is all I got ta offer.

About Me

Thank you for stopping by.

Here you will find a few of the tunes I have helped co-write. "Be That Strong", was written by Tim Mensy and Tony Haselden... I'm just lucky enough to have had the pleasure of being around it.

I am producing the Joanna Collins' CD which will be released very soon. With the already mentioned exception of "Be That Strong", I co-wrote each of Joanna's tunes which are posted on *this/my* page or *her/Joanna's* page. I did not write all the tunes on the CD... just 6.

Joanna is my first friend down yonder in the Top Friends' box... click her purdy pikchur, and it will take you directly to her page. These are the final mixes with the exception of "Blue As The Ocean", which needs a slight volume adjustment to a guitar part in a few places, and one other small tweek. The mastered versions will be posted as soon as they are ready.

A number of folks have asked about the lead in "Ain't Been Home" at the break... it is a pedal steel, played by the astounding Mike Sweeney, with a ton and a half of chorus added after the fact... I hope Mike will forgive me. :).

I will add to the blog anytime tunes are added or updated. So if you care to subscribe to the blog - and *please do* - you can stay updated with the latest goings-on... hassle free.

If you wish to hear The Demo Tunes' song, it is now on the MySpace player... it'll be the one with the chattering teeth... "Smoking Gun." I co-wrote The Demo Tunes' song, also.

Soon, I will be posting a tune (or two) with just me playing acoustic guitar and singing... for the masochists among us. There will be a blog warning you about that when it happens. If you listen to that, or those tunes, it is at your own risk. My voice and playing ability do not reflect the views - or abilities - of management.

I am a happily married guy. One of my real-life nicknames is kooder. Since this is, I hope, a "G" rated page, I will not share some of the other names my real life friends call me. I am not Joanna Collins... she is much purdier.

Hope you enjoy the music. Thank you for stopping by, and please feel free to check back often. You are always welcome here.

Thank you kindly,



My Interests


Member Since: 11/28/2007
Band Website: myspace.com/joannacollinsmusic
Band Members:

Joanna Collins: vocals

James Mitchell: electric guitar

Mike Sweeney: steel guitar

Willie Rainsford: keyboards

Bill Cook: bass

Craig Delphia: fiddle

Johnnie Barber: drums


Influences: Snickers candy bars with milk.
Sounds Like: a gentle Georgia breeze, rythmically sweeping through welcoming tall pine trees...

a small baby's laughter, and the sounds which usually follow...

a waterfall...

a poorly managed land-fill...


Yep, that's it... original.

Record Label: Stinky Dawg
Type of Label: None

My Blog

"Different is all I got ta offer." (4-9-08)

Different is all I got ta offer. Hi. A few folks have asked, or commented, about my tag line.  So I thought posting how it came about seemed appropriate, and might save me some typing later. ...
Posted by kooder (good music) on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:58:00 PST

Joanna Collins CD update, 03-10-2008

Hi.  Thanks for stopping by. I should be able to post a new Joanna Collins' tune (un-mastered final mix), and update the three existing Joanna Collins' tunes with their un-mastered final mixes, o...
Posted by kooder (good music) on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:05:00 PST

Joann Collins... Updated mixes posted

All 3 Joanna Collins' tunes have been updated Gracious of you to stop by.  :) All three of the Joanna Collins' tunes in the MySpace player, are now the most current mix (or will be as soon as MyS...
Posted by kooder (good music) on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:16:00 PST

Joanna Collins CD status... then, my 2 cents on a couple things.

Joanna Collins' CD Update Thank you for being adventurous enough to be here.  :) First, the CD update. We have two more mixing sessions scheduled:  this Sunday and Monday, the 20th and ...
Posted by kooder (good music) on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 03:10:00 PST

Joanna Collins' CD

Hello everyone.Some of you may already be aware of Joanna Collins new CD set for release after the first of 2008.  I have added a link to three of the tunes.  These are still unfinished...
Posted by kooder (good music) on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 01:47:00 PST