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Troubled Spirit

Troubled Spirit: Aren't We All?

About Me

Troubled Spirit is a vehichle for the song writing styles of Jim Ittenbach (Jim I). Although it can take on many forms, including a performing band that frequents the clubs in the Baltimore and Washington DC area. Troubled Spirit started off as a metal band from the DC area in the early 1990’s. They evolved into a classic/modern rock band a few years later. Their live shows are known for high energy and interaction with the audience. They are one of the few bands that can cover Jethro Tull properly, thanks to a high level of musicianship from every member and Jim I’s flute playing (when he’s not fingering his strat).
Expect to see many new tunes to appear this year, as Jim I has gathered his friends (all of whom are Troubled Spirits in their own right) and returned to the studio. Jim I has developed into a keen engineer and producer, as well as being an accomplished musician. Though never desiring to be a classical musician Jim I also studied at Baltimore’s prestigious Peabody Conservatory of Music to hone his skills. In a lot of ways the bigger influence was from the musicians he admired the most, including Ian Anderson and Martin Barre of Jethro Tull (to name but a few)!The DISA-Peering Act (Put together for a USO show):
Tim Coderre - Guitar, Vocals (DISA-Peering Act)(2007)
Ken Sandler - Drums (DISA-Peering Act)(2007)
Darryl Freeman - Drums, Vocals (DISA-Peering Act)(2007)
Steve Heissner - Bass, Vocals (DISA-Peering Act)(2007)
Jim Ittebach - Flute, Guitar, Vocals (DISA-Peering Act)(2007)Other Troubled Spirits:
Mark Mathews - Bass, Vocals (1990-1993, 2004)
Jimmy Buter - Guitar, Vocals (1990-2004)
Chris Grothe - Guitar (1990-1992)
Kevin Buter - Guitar, Vocals (1990-1992)
Bruce Gardinier _ Keys, Vocals (1991-1992)
Ray Bugnosen - Keys, Vocals (1993-1995)
Paul Lackey - Vocals (1995-1996)
Bob Jones - Bass (1994-1996)
Jeff Huston - Bass (1996-1997)
Rick Linares - Bass (1997-2004)
Kenny Seitz - Guitar, Vocals (2005-2006)
Russel Jones - Guitar, Vocals (2006-2007)
David Kerr - Harmonica (Guest Artist - 2005-present)
Ray Tilkens - Guitar (Guest Artist - 1999-present)
If you want to hear Troubled Spirit on the Internet Radio, check this out:

My Interests


Member Since: 6/24/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Troubled Spirit is:
Jim Ittenbach - Flute, Guitar, Vocals
Darryl Freeman - Drums, Vocals
Steve Heissner - Bass, Vocals
Rob Wise - Guitar, Vocals
John Schmidt - Guitar, Vocals
Influences: Jethro Tull
Black Sabbath
The Rolling Stones
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Velvet Revolver
Sounds Like: ... Many different bands.
One obvious band is Jethro Tull because of the flute. Jim I makes the most of this attribute and uses it to interact very directly with the audience.
Darryl's drumming gives a definite influence to the styling. He is a power drummer in the vein of Bohnam.
John's vocals add a definite 60's and 70's straight ahead rock and roll flavor.
Steve's powerfull bass playing is a bit more modern, but blends in nicely with the other styles present.
Russell's classy guitar playing and strong vocals allow for coverage on a wide range of styles.
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Camaraderie in music

It is too bad that the competetive nature of the music business creates an environment that causes us to forget why we started playing in bands. This is all too common and has been as long as I have b...
Posted by Troubled Spirit on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:59:00 PST