Claudio Vaira affina la propria esperienza compositiva nei Conservatori di Firenze e Milano, dedicandosi contemporaneamente alla direzione corale ed alla ricerca informatico-digitale. Ha scritto più di 100 lavori per vari organici, la maggior parte dei quali commissionati da interpreti di chiara fama, ed eseguiti in sale prestigiose.
"La mia musica accoglie tutti gli elementi del canto e del silenzio, come gratitudine all'esistenza ed all'universo."
Claudio Vaira refines his experience in composition at the Conservatories of Florence and Milan, dedicating in the same time, to the choral direction and computer-audio digital research. He has written more than 100 works for various organics, most of them commissioned by famous interpreters , and performed in prestigious venues.
"My music incorporates all the elements of songs and silence, thanks to the existence and the universe."
Next projects:
"Gesualdo-bells", for piano 4 hands
dedicated to Ilio and Caterina Barontini
"6 chinese haiku", for soprano and cello
dedicated to Maya Sapone and Evva Mizerska
"Do you like the spring-water?", for cello and piano
dedicated to Evva Mizerska
"5 personaggi in cerca d'autore", for 2 guitars
dedicated to Simona Costantino and Roberto Masini
"Leaving_girl_leaf", for solo cello
dedicated to Evva Mizerska
"5 preludi e fughe" , for organ
dedicated to Giulia Biagetti
"Nefertiti tace", for organ
dedicated to Giorgio Revelli
"Ω RI ro", for solo tape
dedicated to Rita Giannotti
"Dimensioni del silenzio", for percussion and tape
dedicated to Jonathan Faralli
"Revisiting church square", for actor and tape
dedicated to David Howard
"La piccola fiammiferaia", children's opera
dedicated to all children in the world
Myspace Layouts at / Sea shell island
If you want to insert in your Concerts a simple/intermediate level music by Claudio Vaira please click on this link:
*Free scores by Claudio Vaira*
(You will find: Ninna Nanna, for oboe, glockenspiel, strings; In un cielo, for solo guitar; In Paradisum, for boy's voice, 3-5 tenors, oboe, 3 violins, cello; 4 Meditazioni for Organ; I Soldati piangono di notte, for SATB Choir; Padre nostro, for boys' voices and organ; 15 Ballatae, for piano beginners)
the most important works of the Maestro are available on request;
for further informations please contact: [email protected]
A free consultation of most works of the Maestro can be made at the Library of the Institute of High Culture P.Mascagni-Livorno/Italy.
please contact: [email protected]
Claudio Vaira - 18 piccoli haiku , for soprano, percussions and live electronics.
The following videos resume the performance of Rita Giannotti upon the music of Claudio Vaira..
Francesca Della Monica , soprano
Jonathan Faralli, percussions
Claudio Vaira, Tommaso Dini , live electronics