Member Since: 3/4/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Chris Brinklow
Influences: Barenaked Ladies,
Simon Webbe,
Kim Fontaine
Jay Semko
View Chris Brinklow's EPK
Sounds Like: Barenaked Ladies - Ed Roberts
"Chris Brinklow has great vocals and "I like you, but not that way" is the song that EVERYONE, myself included, seems to love."
Ricky Smith
"Chris Brinklow offers the fun sounds similar to older Barenaked Ladies albums with the energy of Moxy Fruvous... one hell of a talent"
Kenni Kaye
"Lovely harmonies... nice lyrical work"
Dennis McCurdy. Lead singer of Dennis McCurdy and the Lonesome No More Band
" "Here to stay" is a super song!!... you have such a way about your music... guess thats what I heard the first time I hit "add as a friend"... Thanks for puttin it out there.. Those of us in LOVE just get it!!"
Annie from Minnesota
"You sound like Chris Brinklow. A little Jack Johnson with a little BNL, and a dash of a mish mash of others like them. As for what I think of the music? I enjoy very much."
Tammara Phillips
"I hope Chris take this all the way ... I've been watching his career and watching it develope ... He handles the stage really well ... I look up to him right now as one of my peers"
Clay Schurman
"Chris writes from the heart and I think that is the main reason his songs are so well liked. He writes from experience. Whether that involves some bitch who broke his heart, true love. or some one night stand from 7 yrs ago, Chris has found the instrument to tell his story. To describe his music, I'd say Jack Johnson, the Barenaked Ladies, a softer Great Big Sea, and a dash of 80s all tossed into a big stir fry. What you get is a recipe for success!!! We're all proud of ya buddy."
Nigel Maxwell - 980/ 650 News Talk Radio
"Chris has a unique talent for entertainment and he sounds like no other person i've heard. He's great!"
Jen Edge
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None