Ah, 2 years on myspace and it’s probably time to update the ‘About Me’ section…
I record my songs in the kitchen, studios belonging to friends, and anywhere else that seems quiet enough.
When it is hot, my computer crashes in a pitiful sweltering heap of feedback and error messages. In emergencies such as this, an ingenious cooling system is at hand. A pile of CDs props up the laptop on either side, with a nice chilly bag of frozen peas nestling underneath. That cools things down a treat.
When it is cold, the computer is fine, but my toes turn white.
I spend most of my recording time trying to deal with the hum of the fridge and the rumble of the boiler. Right now I’m mixing my debut EP, "Crossing the Bridge", with Eldad Guetta.
Since we’ve re-recorded a lot of the vocals, the fridge and boiler have had to settle for a lesser role in the overall sound. They’re still there in the background though, if you listen closely enough…
Hello friends, old and new.
ps Would you like me to send you heartfelt and touching missives every time there's a gig, or a new song, or other exciting news? Here's your chance (ignore the threatening message from your computer - I assure you I'm not a phisher):
Here's the video I've just made for 'Something in the Wine'. I had about 3 days to get it ready for a feature on the website of German magazine 'Stern'. Hence the look of abject panic in my eyes...
One Little Indian released the very lovely AntiAtlas album 'Between Voices' on the 30th July 2007 featuring my song 'Broken Doll'. If you'd like a preview you can hear the song at www.myspace.com/antiatlas...
And once you've decided you love the track more than you ever thought possible, you will be delighted to learn that you can buy it at Amazon - Between Voices on Amazon - or at iTunes:
There's been some smashing reviews for the album, which is very nice indeed:
- "'Between Voices' is superb: a lovely, meandering, wide-eyed work of wonder in which singers from every corner of the planet endow electronica with grandiosity." Observer Music Mag
- "Pop CD of the Week: A fuzzy, luscious, ambient haze - an album that will calm you down and lift your spirits." The Sunday Times Culture
- "Broken Doll featuring Helen Lawson is the kind of track you'd get if you crossed Bjork with Mum. The track is beautifully haunting with Lawson's delicate vocals allowing the music to be the focus." Entertainment Focus UK