Member Since: 18/05/2005
Band Website: You're looking at it!
Band Members:
Daniel Land:
vocals, fender jazzmaster, fender telecaster, danelectro 12-string, ebow, weird tunings, sonic landscaping & treatments;
Graeme Meikle:
epiphone les paul, wesley san diego firebrand, vintage acoustic; smoking materials, transport, logistics;
OisÃn Scarlett:
washburn telecaster tour 24, squire telecaster custom; Father Ted impressions; homing pigeon; OisÃn is high in iron and essential Omega 3 yet naturally low in fat and cholesterol.
Marcus Mayes:
drums; unending enthusiasm, nipple stroking, unexpected karaoke dancing;
Andrew Galpin: fender jaguar bass; encyclopaedic music knowledge, car iPod, gig infiltrator; takeaway orienteering;
Jason Magee:
percussion, samples; fashion sense; great hats; general all-round Positive-Vibe-provider.
[email protected]
POSTERS/FLYERS: Tim Gilbert (Timmygeeuk)
Influences: The landscape of Devon, rainy Saturday mornings, driving around Exmoor with my father, the cliffs at St Audries Bay, the paintings of Katy Barrell, the films of Derek Jarman, the novels of Anthony Burgess, the ethos of Bella Union, the paintings of Mark Rothko and Agnes Martin, the novels of Milan Kundera and Edmund White, the theories of Morse Peckham and Gregory Bateson; musicians known and unknown, Scott Walker, Cocteau Twins, Galaxie 500, Daniel Patrick Quinn, Sway, anything involving Neil Halstead, Sonic Boom, or Brian Eno; the Manchester Canal Street scene circa 2001-2002, winter walks on deserted beaches, glamorous one night stands, comfortable silences.
Sounds Like: A magnificent, magical and monolithic slice of shoegaze beauty. Sounds like Slowdive reimagined by Phil Spector.
NME.You can't help but think they're a band the late John Peel would have loved.
ROB DA BANK, BBC RADIO 1.Slowdive were, we can now admit, the best of the post-MBV shoegazers, and if you like the idea of their songs like Morningrise and She Calls being sung by a choirboy, then you'll love this lot.
THE GUARDIAN.One of the most bewitching live bands in Manchester – a warm, comforting musical blanket, they're Spiritualized with added goosebumps, or My Bloody Valentine given a bucolic country-pop makeover... expect their gorgeous shoegaze anthems to quietly sneak up on you and steal your hearts.
CITY LIFE.Bridged by a subtle guitar shimmer, the band takes off again into an outstanding coda that's quite distinct from, but complementary to, the song. This, when done well, is the single greatest trick in music. And at this moment that Daniel Land And The Modern Painters cease to be "promising", "a good up-and-coming band", and join the ranks of the truly great.
MANCHESTER MUSIC.A real sonic architect's touch, they write songs which pile on the guitars and spectural effects, building soundscapes which grow from a plaintive whisper before exploding into euphoric white noise.
MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS.The sort of stripped down, laid back sound employed by bands like Mojave 3 with the gauzey textures of the Cocteau Twins.
BBC 6 MUSIC.Daniel Land & The Modern Painters might seem like an anomaly, but this debut single is like Elbow taken even more widescreen. It channels the Cocteau Twins and their ilk, but more than anything, it sounds like Scarlett Johansson's album, which makes sense since Scarlett sings like a boy and Daniel sings like a girl.
NME.His voice is an androgynous device of no fixed sex that merges with the four-guitar wall of noise only to occasionally soar across the ecclesiastically solemn soundscapes like the spawn of Liz Fraser and Antony Hegarty in space. This is the sort of thing Daniel Land & the Modern Painters make you write. They should feel deeply ashamed.
Record Label: Sonic Cathedral
Type of Label: Indie