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The Two-Mile-High Stand Against Sexual Assault

About Me

The FBI categorizes rape as the second most violent crime a person can experience, second only to murder. To put it another way, it.."s the most violent and traumatic crime any victim lives to remember. Every two minutes another American is sexually assaulted. It is the most under-reported of all crimes in the United States. The effects of sexual violence affect all of us.

On April 28, 2007, people everywhere will be participating in the nation.."s boldest, highest-altitude, and most daring effort to put an end to sexual assault. It.."s called Operation Freefall: The Two-Mile High Stand Against Sexual Assaultâ„¢. They.."ll be joining thousands of people at drop zones across the country who will take to the sky and jump, to raise awareness and money for sexual assault.

By raising funds for Speaking Out About Rape, Inc.â„¢ (SOARâ„¢) and local anti-sexual violence organizations across the country Operation Freefallâ„¢ will help:

    Extend efforts to provide prevention, recovery, and prosecution information to tens of millions of people, including your community, each year. Expand SOAR.."s programs to educate lawmakers, police officers, students and the media about sexual assault. Enhance local services for survivors of sexual violence.

I.."ve agreed to raise $600 before March 15, and need your help. Would you consider making a tax-deductible pledge to help me meet my goal? I.."ll be skydiving from at least 10,500 feet. How much will you pledge for each foot jumped?

1/4-cent per foot: $26.40
1/2-cent per foot: $52.80
A penny per foot: $105.60
Two cents per foot: $211.20
A nickel per foot: $528
A dime per foot: $1,056
A quarter per foot: $2,640
A dollar per foot: $10,560

I hope you.."ll share in this incredible adventure by supporting my fundraising efforts.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

Kelly Creech

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Have you ever been
Sexually Assaulted by unknown offender
Sexually Assaulted by a known offender
No Sexual Offense

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