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All about me

About Me

I live in Chesterfield, in the Midlands in the UK, and I write horror and dark fantasy, my first collection came out in 2006 and I'm currently trying to place a novel whilst working on the second one, and I'm also very interested in screenwriting. I also teach creative writing, and write reviews/articles/interviews for various magazines - as long as it's involved with writing in some way, I'll do it :)Details of what I've done or am currently doing can be seen on my website,, and I'm currently Chairperson of the British Fantasy Society.I have four great kids, and am married to horror writer Paul Kane.

My Interests

Reading and movies,catching up with friends when we can and spending time with Paul and the kids, especially when the older ones are home from university and we're all together. Eating out (especially with a big group of friends), the usual stuff, I guess.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in the genre - especially other writers, or people involved in genre film-making in some way.


Queen, U2, Coldplay, Radiohead, Snow Patrol, Keane


Shawshank Redemption, Road to Perdition, Blade Runner, Misery, A Time To Kill, Pulp Fiction, Serenity, Slither, American History X, The Long Good Friday, Die Hard, the Terminator movies, The Thing, The Changeling, Hellraiser,


Lost, Afterlife, Spooks, Heroes, Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, Sea of Souls, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Friends, Frasier, X Files


Bag of Bones, by Stephen King, Weaveworld by Clive Barker, The Magic Cottage by James Herbert, 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill, Every Dead Thing by John Connolly, On Writing by Stephen King, Rune by Christopher Fowler. King and Barker are my favourite authors, I also love the writing of Chris Fowler, Mike Carey, Neil Gaiman, John Connolly, and many, many more...


Stephen King, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Christopher Fowler, James Herbert.