James Cheetham profile picture

James Cheetham


About Me

James is a writer from Canada who's first book Fade To Pale was published through Wild Child Publishing out of Culver City, California. His short story The Beekeeper is featured in the Anthology called Weirdly: A Collection of Strange Stories, and his second novel, Seasons of the Brittle Harvest is the first book in a series dedicated to the zombie genre. Volume one is called Prairie Frost should be on bookshelves by February 2008.James lives in the quiet outskirts of Winnipeg, Manitoba near Bird's Hill Park with his wife Tanya and daughter Stephanie. They share their lives with two Golden Retrievers, Cleo,and Petra, and three very unstable cats, Vegas, Monty and Orion...

My Interests

Reading * Writing * Learning * Understanding * Music * Art * Politics (American not Canadian-- I want to stay awake) * Fame * Destruction * The demise of Society (coming soon to a venue near you...yes you) * Movies * Documentaries * The mind and its Malfunctions * History * Death * Misery * Comedy * Sanity and insanity * Silence...

I'd like to meet:

Alice or Anderson Cooper * Stephen or Larry King * Hunter S Thompson (RIP) * Jim Morrison (RIP) * John McCain * Henry Rollins * Bill Maher * Kurt Vonnegut (RIP). I met Slash from Guns and Roses a year ago in Vegas. He was a total asshole. "Hey Slash nice wetsuit! Those dolphins will never be the same man!" (Self- centered egomaniac...) ..

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Kings of Leon * Gilby Clarke * Afghan Whigs * Mazzy Starr * Jim White * G n R (FU-Slash...lol) * Cowboy Junkies * Blues 30's 40's 50's 60's 70's, Canned Heat * Lou Reed * Velvet Underground * Bowie * The Doors * Stones * Zeppelin * Floyd * Sabbath * Priest * Killer Dwarfs * Pushing Daisies * Hall and Oates * Alice Cooper * Blind Melon * Massive Attack * Apex Twins * Thievery Corp * Cat Power * White Zombie * Subways * Taj Mahal * In This Moment *


Requiem For a Dream * Apocalypse Now * Spun * City of Angels * American Beauty * The Doors * Fubar * American Movie * Fahrenheit 9/11 * Bowling For Columbine * An Inconvenient Truth * The End of Suburbia * The Shining * Dawn of The Dead (The Original) * The Breakfast Club * The Howling * Strange Days * The Devil's Rejects * Blow * Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas * Poltergeist * The Exorcist * Jacob's Ladder * Alfie * Closer * Before Sunset * Before Sunrise * Rock Star * Almost Famous * The Assassination of Richard Nixon * Layout made by..


CNN, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Simpsons, Little Britain, The Office, The Hour,


So damn many... Myspace Images


Are you reading this? Ahhh.....you'll do.....

My Blog

Zombie T-shirt Contest(win a fricking shirt)

I've decided to hold a contest to give a Zombie T-shirt away(likely a Medium size but it's free so shut up).Only 100 being printed.All you have to do is:Find the cover photo of my first book Fade To P...
Posted by James Cheetham on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 08:56:00 PST

Interview with SNM Magaazine

Just wanted to post a link to my interview with the fine folks at SNM Horror Magazine.http://www.freewebs.com/snmhorrormag/crystalsreview s.htmThanks y'all... ...
Posted by James Cheetham on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 12:21:00 PST


Only 100 printed! See my profile picture to view them.Available July 16th and then poof, they're gone again.$24.99 Canadian plus S/H...A collector's item for the horror fan in the family. How can you ...
Posted by James Cheetham on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 03:17:00 PST

Zombie T-shirts available soon!

Hi Everybody,I've been busy these days and I guess it's time to tell you why.While we work on getting Prairie Frost into print, I've ventured down some other avenues and am pleased to announce Cheetha...
Posted by James Cheetham on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 05:32:00 PST

Congrats to Perfect Dark Amazon

Perfect Dark Amazon! You have won a signed copy of my book and I will be contacting you immediately.To everybody else who entered, thank you very much for taking the time to do so, I really appreciate...
Posted by James Cheetham on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 08:03:00 PST

BOOK GIVEAWAY!!!!(Its about time)

I'm bored,you know what that means right?I have a signed copy of Weirdly to give away. All you have to do is leave a comment below this blog and you may be that lucky stiff. The draw will be made Sund...
Posted by James Cheetham on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:12:00 PST

The Infection and The Walking Dead...How it Spreads

Well, Prairie Frost isn't even out yet but the zombies who inhabit the story are already spreading across the world. Thanks to a couple of fans in the United Kingdom (Stacey & Mike) a group based ...
Posted by James Cheetham on Sat, 17 May 2008 05:53:00 PST

Have to Boast!

I made the best Horror site on the internet today!I suppose it's kind of like sleeping with the boss to work your way up.I zombified Feo Amante, the man whom most of you should know (if you're as cool...
Posted by James Cheetham on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:02:00 PST

Getting the word out!

Hi friends!Long time no see!Not a lot is new. Wendy is still working with the Seasons of The Brittle Harvest series while I write Prairie Flood, the second installment in the series and Chok...
Posted by James Cheetham on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:57:00 PST

And The Winner Is!

SHONDRA FROM CALIFORNIA!Thank you so much for entering the contest Shondra. I hope you enjoy your copy of Fade To Pale.Thanks to all the other people who took the time to enter. I wish I could give bo...
Posted by James Cheetham on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 06:08:00 PST